LGBT Profile Icon

It’s an icon of a rainbow.

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If they’re playing an online multiplayer game then isn’t being a gamer the way they identify?

It is.

And now please stop with that, thanks.


What?? Surely you can’t be serious lol you can play a multiplayer game and not be a gamer first and foremost

You can also be a part of more than one group too

Yes, when we’re talking about game balance and whatnot, I see where you’re coming from. But when we’re speaking about people being super triggered over a simple rainbow icon then it’s not cool. It may be an opinion, but it’s also hateful.


I think I, as an actual gay person, have a right to speak on it and say how it makes me uncomfortable that someone that is not LGBT is playing the savior role.
I also have a right to say that it’s not needed and yet every single one of my posts has been removed for trolling. Y’all don’t like my standpoint? Cool. But don’t you dare silence someone actually gay for talking about how they feel about an LGBT flag in the game and then turn around and preach inclusivity and representation. That’s hypocrisy.


And there they go again. I’m done. Flag me idc anymore I cannot be bothered to deal with you hypocrits. I’m out.


I say keep the icons OWL/OW related.

That being said, since Tracer and Soldier’s sexuality are now lore, I don’t see why icons for them couldn’t be added to the game.

I mean, Tracer is the mascot for OWL and they had an OWL icon with a rainbow on their Twitter page recently for PRIDE month. Why not add that or a modified version of that to the game? Maybe remove the “Overwatch League” words from it and just let it be Tracer and rainbow bars… and make one for Soldier, too.

That makes the most sense to me. Most of the profile icons in the game can be explained due to OWL, Heroes, Maps, Blizzard IPs, etc. Most represent OWL or things from OW, but none are really so divisive in the sense of “give this to me to represent… me… or what I represent.”

Pink Mercy stuff, understandably, is an exception to the rule.


Atheism is not a worldview. It’s definition for bunch of worldviews that oppose theism. Your take is irrelevant, because I’d argue that Overwatch represents future without even mentioning any religion. except shamballi, which is fictional, and brief mention of s76 catholic views/ramadan spray, which you can’t notice if you won’t look for it. But OW definitely have bunch of references to different religions, like, whole mercy/zenyatta character and winter wonderland (aka christmas, i mean, they literally gift 5 lootboxes on december 25), symmetra devi skin and other.

Why would anyone care about players sexuality? This isn’t a dating app. That’s a game. It has its own problems, and lack of LGBT icon is not one of them.


How does using a rainbow icon reveal my sexuality?

This is exactly what Dysvalence and myself were talking about also. The OWL pride icon would be perfect for in the actual game.


You don’t have to be gay to support lgbtq+. I’m questioning your integrity… you can be an ally and support. Also, it’s just a rainbow dude lol I didn’t flag you, btw.