LGBT Profile Icon

Eh, they should’ve known better than to even open up about the private lives of their characters lmao they opened pandora’s box by definitively labeling character’s sexuality, whereas the fanbase would’ve just shipped the characters together in whatever combinations and called it a day. Cringy fanfics would be written, disturbing art would be made, and a couple cosplays would be burned into our retinas.

Just learn for the future Blizzard: You don’t need to do this yourselves lmao let the internet work for you and keep your hands clean of it.

But its too late for that now, so just give the <5% their icon lmao

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It’s rather the minority that constantly is against any lgbt representation.


Ya not really. This is why your ideological community gets so much headwind.
The silent MAJORITY is against such things even if it represents them.

Your opinion is not the opinion of the majority.

The majority supports lgbt rights and lgbt representation.

Look at any statistics.


If this was true, every country with a democratic system would’ve resolved the issue by now lmao

But thats not really the point of my post.

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Arisora I really admire your perseverance and patience. I couldn’t bear to be creating this constructive thread that many times you did and receive this massive homofobic response.
Don’t give up mate, even with all those cavedweller you are amazing, for real.
Just getting inside the thread and reading the first 5-10 replies I would like to lost myself insulting hehe.
Thx :rainbow_flag:


Sorry im lgbt but it just sounds like entitlement.



In fairness, I’m not the one claiming that …

…because someone asked for an icon in a video game. Fragility indeed.


God forbid a minority gets a surgery needed for mental health reasons.
There’s a reason the transgender suicide rate is so high, and part of it is because of how difficult it is to transition.

The government isn’t “pushing transgenderism” to anyone.


“Flagged by the community and temporarily hidden”

Sorry folks if you’re not an OWL player or streamer, blizzard does not care about you.

We know that LGBT exist
Women exist too
Humans exist
Asians, Africans, Caucasians
They exist
We know this
Why does a certain group feel this pathological need to point that fact out every single opportunity they get ? And if there isn’t an opportunity, they force one.

It’s time to stop.

We have been over this 20 years ago. For a while we didn’t need labels. We didn’t need to point out our race or orientation. It was irrelevant. True equality was about to happen - and now this. Everything is about gender and race. 1 step forward 2 step back. GG

I mean, I don’t care if they add that flag or not, and neither should you.

Trenne Form von Inhalt.


I swear everytime someone brings up wanting a rainbow icon, certain people all emerge from their caves to scream “muh politics.”

Fact of the matter is, yes it would be just a rainbow icon and to different people rainbows mean different things. Will be used as the LGBT pride flag by people? Yes. Will it be used as someone with nostalgia for Lisa Frank or something? Yes. Will it be used by someone just because they think rainbows are pretty as hell? Also yes.

Why there’s such heavy opposition to OP for wanting it just because it’d mean LGBT pride for them and whoever else wants to think of it that way is honestly kind of ridiculous at this point.

TL:DR it’s a rainbow flag. Get over it and it isn’t harming anyone for it to be implemented ESPECIALLY when they have an icon that would fit perfectly well in the game already.

Edit to answer OP cause I cannot for the life of me remember if I answered or not: I support adding a rainbow icon. If I already said this nothing wrong with showing support more than once. c:


This is a solid yes to all three for me.

Furthermore as somebody stated earlier they wouldn’t even need to design a new icon, the OWL pride image would at least to me be pretty much perfect for the icon in game.


Oh I absolutely agree with it being the perfect one. No need to make a new icon at all.


yeah just drop the OW league stuff written below it and boom done.

(edit) The poster who brought it up was [Dysvalence]


ramadan is a religions ceremony, same reason why we got chinese lunar sprays, gender/sexuality is something that it’s in you, born with it, a lack LGBT representation in a virtual video game projected on your monitor doesn’t mean the LGBT community is neglected or just doesn’t exist, though overwatch has enough LGBT representations in game (soldier and tracer), why do you need a rainbow icon to feel proud? you can feel proud by just being who you are and not letting an icon/spray/skin or whatever define you.

it’s almost the same sense as adding icons for asians, men, women, black, white, tall people, short people etc so they feel proud.


Ok, then let’s put in icons for every race and gender as well so they can “get their rights back” from all of us on this video game.

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You are welcome to ask :tipping_hand_man:t2:

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LOL over 100 posts got removed.

Thank you mods :heart: