LGBT+ Profile Icon needed

I really don’t see why not.


I don’t think Blizzard gets to make an LGBT+ icon – it’s the community fandom that does it. Once certain heroes becomes iconic symbols of the LGBT+ community of Overwatch, then Blizzard might go in and make a hero gay or lesbian in the lore (which, btw, is the reason why I think making S76 gay feels weird – it feels unearned in the story revealing he’s gay, and unsupported by the LGBT+ community at the time).

Looking at the Overwatch hero preference of some LGBT players in the game, it’s probably Symmetra and Mercy. And if some artistic members of the LGBT community would make fan art and fan fiction that would promote them being lesbian, and if it’s accepted by the greater community into iconic/meme status, then maybe Blizzard would add them to its growing LGBT+ roster.

Uh oh, don’t you know you can’t post anything LGBT+ related on the OW forums? Look now, you’ve upset the straight people


Maybe for Tracer and soldier?
+Talking about “no reasons” while they made two sprays for Ramadan :man_facepalming:t2:

Oh look people we have a straight victim, what a poor thing must be very hard for you to live with your straight sexuality in a world that doesn’t expect you and people who could harm you and be justified just by how they feel about your sexuality, I support you.

+The rainbow is for diversity it’s for all sexualities.


I think this is a reasonable ask and I’m straight af.

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What’s with this need to be represented everywhere?

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Like, these icons are literally pngs. I’ll whip one up for free if they need the extra labor. It takes no effort. Just a bunch of snowflake conservatives stopping it.


Why no straight icon?


Why exactly? Have straight people gone through years, decades, centuries of hatred and discrimination because of who they are? Sit down. :nail_care:


Just a reminder. Overdoing things has negative effects. Regardless of how good the intention is.

You can be whatever you are in real life and be proud of it. This is a gaming community. Keep it away from here. I don’t bring my country flag or brag about my religion everywhere i go. You also don’t need an LGBT flag everywhere you go. Unless you intentionally want to make people be annoyed by you.

Friendly reminder that there is 0 cosmetic representation of LGBTQ+ in the game. This isn’t “overding,” we’re just starting.


And there is not representation of islam, christianity or judaism either. considering the fact that billions of people out there have these religion, it’s definitely more justified for them to have representation in the game than LGBT.

Yet we don’t see or want them here. Because a gaming community doesn’t need a constant reminder of religion/sexual preference or gender.

What you’re doing will hurt your cause more than helping it.

If you really need to represent yourself, wear an LGBT shirt while you’re out shopping. Stop asking it in a gaming world where it’s all about entertainment and not about representing what you believe is right or wrong.


Kind of like how we have a Black History month, but no other History months.

It’s not, dont you know what LGBT pride stands for? Pacifist said it.

It won’t. Guess how women’s right to vote began. Guess how annoyed those people were.

Being LGBT can not be wrong because it is natural. Thus nobody can believe that it is wrong.

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Oh just shut up for the love of the gods, enough is enough… its getting boring

Well, 2 LGBT heroes, one being the postergirl of OW, is not enought for the LGBT community…



Nobody here represents the whole lgbt community.

Stop generalizing.

There is no lgbt representation in game.

That’s Story content.

Stop violating the CoC

To tell how, oh please do tell, did i hurt your feelings by saying its getting boring seeing this tripe all the time

The story is part of the game, and even if it wasn’t, both LGBT characters are playable heroes, again, one being the postergirl.


You are not even close to being worth my time.
I saw what you wrote in the BLM threads.

Yep, definitely not worth.

And? Where does somebody know in game that those heroes are LGBT? And even if… because of that, a rainbow profile icon is to much to ask for? Interesting…