LGBT+ Profile Icon needed

It’s just a part of me. But that has nothing to do with the game to me so I wouldn’t ever want a straightness icon. I don’t want to be represented in this game, I don’t want to play a copy of my real life self in the game

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I think many people do not understand what pride stands for, tbh.
In the LGBT context.

Oh allot of us do, allot of us dont care, thats the thing the LGBTI community is not getting, WE DONT CARE about your sexual orientation.

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Tracer talks about Emily in Kingsrow and Vicent has a spray…

Maybe, maybe not… But I know it won’t be enought, just like Tracer and Soldier…

you people are hopeless.

You think you represent LGBT, but in reality, you’re just ruining their name everywhere you go.

just like those feminists that instead of fighting for equal rights, made everyone hate feminists due to their extreme sexist behaviors and considering men inferior to women.

I’m done discussing with you.



I don’t know, the way you’re going off seems like you care just a little. I mean when there is stuff I don’t care about I you know just don’t interact with it at all.

sorry, showing my support for those of US THAT ARE SICK OF SEEING THIS CRAP. mmmm guess my white privilege is showing through.

Worth mentioning too that they deliberately show Emily’s pic on the dashboard when Tracer is flying the team’s ship in Zero Hour cinematic

Just like how they linger for a second on McCree and Ashe together in a pic on her motorcycle’s speedometer

Obviously, you don’t know it.

Using a rainbow icon does not reveal my sexuality.

I never talked with you.

Bye bye.

I agree with you,
But what did you mean by “no China isnt an excuse”?

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I mean seriously there isn’t anywhere as many threads about this as you all seem to think, it’s not hard to avoid them. you literally just don’t click on them at all.

Like a rainbow icon isn’t pushing anything too damn far. it’s not being forced on you, and you will probably rarely see the icon in game more than a handful of times. You are literally pitching fits over something insanely minor because waaah LGBT being forced on us.

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Wish I’m amazed there such a discussion about this, there literally no reason not to have one

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people like to use the game being possibly censored in China or other countries as a means to try and say it shouldn’t happen. It’s a flimsy excuse, then again most of the ones against the icon are.


Dude how about just… Don’t look at it.


Nope got to come into the thread and explicitly explain just how much they don’t care.

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Why would they need to cencore a rainbow icon?

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Like it’s China, and China is pretty fond of censoring stupid things, but I agree they really shouldn’t need to censor it at all if it was made.

I guess it’s just China lol

since when was the rainbow icon even mentioned, mmm but on that note, we cant even have a rainbow without the LGBTI community laying claim to it as representation.

But what they just cencored it on China’s servers?