LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread 🏳️‍🌈

the annoying thing is it’s going to rile them up anyway. -any- gay character riles them up. the idea is “dont force it” but that’s on their own judgement if its forced in the first place. theyre never going to accept a gay character and always excuse it as unnatural.


I hope gency remains a background hint or whatever and that’s it. I wouldn’t mind it honestly, they have enough material to do what they like in fanon now. Stuff between playable characters could easily be handled that way (though no doubt that straight pairings will get more obvious hints always).

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all we can do is hope they dont do something that makes people act like they did when ashe first came out. they were way too happy to go after gay ships.

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Still having war flashbacks to that.

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Yeah, it was ridiculous. For so many reasons. I’m glad Chu shut that down. It does make you wonder what their relationship was if they werent lovers or exes, though. And if it wasnt love from either party, what could Mccree mean by “type” when he talks to Ashe. Partners?

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Considering they were both teenagers at the time, it’s really difficult to tell. And I also don’t really think it’s too important, again, mostly because they were teens and knew each other for 2-3 years max. They’re both changed people now, McCree especially. Whatever confused teen thoughts they might’ve had, it’s long gone and hardly relevant.

I find it more interesting to explore the dynamics of two teens who basically ran away from home and were in desperate search of some substitute for family and Deadlock was that family for them. It’s honestly such a rarely explored topic, especially between men and women, of families falling apart and the difficulties that come with families where people aren’t actually related.

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also an interesting age difference as well between them.

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Yep. It may not seem like much, but at the time, it’s definitely substantial. Especially considering Ashe came with money and power. I can imagine younger, more impressionable teen McCree being intrigued by that and deciding to go into serious crime (because as much as McCree “introduced” Ashe to crime by being a local ruffian, Ashe clearly says that McCree “would’ve still been on that farm” if not for her ambition. So obviously, it was her who made the push to serious criminal activity that altered the course of McCree’s life. Really wish we knew more about McCree’s past, like, imagine if we learned more about McCree in the McCree animated short. /still bitter)

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I’m with you there. all that short did was stress people out with “fan backlash”

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I’m not sure I’m even excited for the next hero… or anything related to Overwatch. Just anxious, really.


Oh same actually. I’m just whatever when the new updates come. I believe I’m going to have that kind of feeling for a while as the series doesn’t deviate too much.

I’ve actually been playing FFXIV and I’m having a lot of fun with the new expansion.


I just hope the new hero is Mauga and that’s about it. Other than that, I haven’t been playing much. Last season I finally got to diamond and got placed in diamond this season, but both my duo and I are already too lazy to continue so decay will get us.

Instead, I’ve mostly been playing Monster Hunter World and Minecraft. Yeah. My SO never played Minecraft and we wanted something chill because they’ve been having some anxiety episodes so now we’re basically playing Minecraft all day.

In a nutshell:

  • Summer Games is coming next, and it will include a mini challenge thing for each week, and if you do them, you will get an epic skin (which is different for each week of the event if I understood correctly? Idk, we’ll see)
  • Hero 31 is confirmed to be male, Jeff explicitly says HE. HE will be here later than usual but still soonish, and the only explanation for why he is coming later is because ‘’ the extra time we put into developing him will make him that much better ‘’ or something like that.
  • Something about improving subtitles
  • Something about improving cheat detection
  • Also mentions more developers updates to come soon, which might just means Summer Games nonsense update

They are not going to release a new hero during the event, so it’ll probably be a month until we see the new hero. Literally ZZZZZZzzzZzzzzzzz’ing over here Blizzard. Nobody cares about your cruddy dumb dumb event that’s going to be nothing new or fun, with meh waifu skins and awkward male skins.

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the weekly challenge might finally get me back into it…hard to say. Im tired of being yelled at for my hero choices. and Ive gotten so used to warframe controls it would be like starting overwatch all over again, lol.

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I wish they would fix the sensitivity glitch though.

The only thing that might salvage this butthurt if they pair the hero release with an animated short. They’ve always released an animated short in August, which seems to be when the new hero gets released as well.


Summer Games teaser TODAY or I’m going to throw this game into the trash… and untrash it when hero 31 is released…


I know it’s not going to happen, but… I’d really like to see a summer skin for Pharah. I really want a skin for her where she isn’t stuck in her suit! PLEASE! :sob: I know it won’t happen… she got a spacesuit AND an epic last event, but I can dream…

On the LGBT Topic though:
I’d love confirmation that Pharah is gay. I just can’t picture her with a man and take it seriously. But I can easily see her with a woman!

But also honestly at this point I want story for her, even if they make her straight, I just want to see her :sob:

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