LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread 🏳️‍🌈

I like the idea of bi personally. I also think Pharah’s a good candidate.


All of them. Accept the facts Blizzard and just do it.

Ok, I’m joking. Maybe. I don’t know, I’m just desperate for validation.


How is winston gay??

Chu said Winston is gay.

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Truly, the icon we need.

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We should be getting a new hero soon.

Ana’s reveal was July 12, Doomfist July 6, and Wrecking Ball June 28.

# Hero Reveal Date Release Date
22 Ana 12 July 2016 19 July 2016
23 Sombra 4 November 2016 15 November 2016
24 Orisa 2 March 2017 21 March 2017
25 Doomfist 6 July 2017 27 July 2017
26 Moira 3 November 2017 16 November 2017
27 Brigitte 28 February 2018 20 March 2018
28 Wrecking Ball 28 June 2018 24 July 2018
29 Ashe 2 November 2018 13 November 2018
30 Baptiste 25 February 2019 19 March 2019

Starting at 33:50 and finishing at 34:40, Jeff said : “It’s gonna be a very different summer. […] I know what our player like to do, is they like to look back to the calendar and say “This is when it always happens, and this is when I expect things” and there is gonna be some mix-up in this summer […] Those dates are gonna be different”

He may talk about Summer Games only, but, who knows! I’m not looking at the calendar because of what he said about the dates, I don’t want to keep my hopes up for a teaser this week on the next one (but I’d love if we get some very soon :heart:)


Ahh I hope so! If the new Summer games would be released earlier, I would be happy.


Summer Games SUCKS. Who the heck wants it back???


now youtubers are talking about obviously fake leaks. i mention it because one of the leaks makes widowtracer a thing after killing tracer’s gf and reaper being gay. and mccree being one of 3 clones of soldier 76…oh, and recycled the “evil mercy” fan theory for a new character.

I saw that rumor when it was first posted on 4chan. I don’t think these youtubers believe the ‘’ leaks ‘’ either but need something to talk about and make a video out of LOL.

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especially now that they’re getting their role queue…that’s like…70% of all their videos.

I’m so confused about this one in particular.

Like. What.

“metal gear reference” according to the leak. probably because theyre both based on clint eastwood…

Ah. Yeah. That leak is completely fake. Especially the widowtracer thing with the killing of Emily. Like, please.

killing emily will just make people angry. especially if its just to make widowtracer a thing. that would definitely be too much to confirm a ship. the leak is obviously fake, but it’s talking about things nobody in their right mind should support.

That leak is really obviously meant to drum up homophobes coming out of the woodwork to go “oh so EVERYONE’S gay now huh”


Pretty much. Also, as everybody keeps saying, “no ships between playable characters” so yeah.

Also, I can’t possibly imagine how Emily being dead would make Tracer immediately go to her arch nemesis for romantic purposes. Whoever is coming up with these, please consume media other than poorly written cheap YA novels.

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or it’s someone still mad they made emily a thing and ruined their tracer/widowmaker ship.

with the gency thing going on, “no ships between playable characters” seems to be a fading idea in the first place. but this would definitely not be how it should be done.

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