LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread 🏳️‍🌈

I actually liked the Halloween epic skins this year. Undead McCree, Pumpkin Mei, and Spider Widow were really neat. The summer epic skins not so much since it’s just simple color swaps.


Holy sh** best skin ever!!!

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Anyway, so apparently we’re a cabal

What’s our first shady order of business?

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Riots in front of the Blizzard HQ until all heroes are gay, naturally.

man could you imagine if I could apply for that writing internship? The takeover is SO real


really? according to who?

I’m not gonna link to it because it’s a mess but today’s thread of the day was Yet Another Stop Talking About LGBT Thread in General, wherein someone unironically called this thread a cabal


sounds typical. i hope the mods are watching. this really is getting out of hand. clearly nobody even reads this thread before complaining.

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i found it. and i have to say, it was a funny read. though, if anyone here deserves second in command after darth, it would be senzo.

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Just been reading that we’re a clique and we are internally homophobic, its crazy how even those that are gay- still seemingly campaign that we are FORCING the devs to add more LGBT characters and as gay people even they are against our behavior😅

I mean what? What part of this thread are they even reading? The only thing I recall that could even count as internal homophobia is us all being anti-shimadacest :thinking: and that is completely justified.


People wanting no LGBT characters is somehow less homophobic than wanting more? :thinking: What kind of logic is that?


This is exactly what I dont get. “Being part of LGBT doesnt change how much i want to kill tracer” good. Then they shouldnt mind if other characters are LGBT too.

What I cant fathom is how on one hand they say it doesnt effect the gameplay and doesnt need to be in the game- yet we have tracer who is a lesbian and outside of a spray it doesnt interfere with anything nor is it a “shoving our lifestyle down their throats” I dont see where the harm would be if there was more if it was to handled in the exact same way.

I saw a post from a guy claiming to be gay and refering to it being his “choice” and even he doesnt want gay characters in the game becauas they dont belong in it. Last time I checked it wasnt a choice and futher more it comes across as appealing to the stupid macho gamer culture of “I’m not like other gays” which is thr very definition of internal homophobia as far as I am concerned.


Someone who claims to be gay and then goes on to say it’s a choice is probably just a straight person trolling. :confused:

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Yeah, either that or very young and using a poor choice of wording. Ive only recently got out of the habit of saying “sexual preference” because it really isnt about prefering anything its about being wired very specifically to enjoy either or any gender.

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If you don’t care about something, you do not oppose it, you are indifferent towards it, as in, I wouldn’t care either way. If you oppose it, you do care.


This is my problem with the whole thing. Why do they care? Is it some sort of threat to their masculinity if their main happends to enjoy the company of another man? Because lets face it thats all it is. M/M is what they dont want to see.


I would say a lot of it comes down to low self-esteem. And this is funny to me because LGBT people and minorities, who’d like to see themselves in media, are always accused of having low self-esteem and that you should find that self-esteem somewhere else, in real life. But you know, all this cry about the subject of representation makes these people go haywire at times, and that itself can be traced back to their own low self-esteem.

Relevant pic. :laughing:


Hahah! That definitly sums it up!

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Speaking of low self-esteem, I can’t watch some disney movies because I’m so jealous for the female characters that get all these amazing kind gentlemanly hunks and princes. Like I CANNOT for the life of me watch Beauty and the Beast. I just cannot! The feeling of envy and jealousy is too strong!

Being jealous of fictional characters, eep. Yea. That’s me.