LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

Okay, Iā€™m a bit late, but why is everyone a furry


Because of Lion King, Beauty and the Beast and andā€¦ well, you know cartoons and Disney and junk.

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I was cursed when I first typed in this username on the early days of the web at the tender age of 7.

I didnā€™t seek out this life. This life came to me.

(no but seriously I have had a lil red cat as an icon since I was 7 and I just rolled with it for decades)


I used to be in LOVE with Kovu. Watched the Lion King 2 on DVD before going to school. He is the reason I turned out like I did.

But goodness do I find him annoying now. Now itā€™s all about Hercules and Shang. And Beastā€¦ duh.

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Eyy, donā€™t worry, friend, I used to be a furry, I had a fursona, I even had one of those wolf tails I clipped to my jeans. Weā€™re cool, bro, I understand.

I only barely decided to take the lil red cat I drew as my icon and make it a 'sona this year :rofl:

I had one animal/furry oc, but a lot of ā€˜monsterā€™ ocs so I mean. It was inevitable

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I actually kind of like anthro tigers if I had to pick. Or werewolves?

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Speaking of wolves. Wellā€¦ dreadwolves.


excited, but irritated they hint at something over 3 years away according to rumors.

considering one of the possible leaked skins is a ratking skin for junkrat maybe


the thing is nightmare inducing. i stand by that.


If we follow the hallowee pattern theres a good chance torb, tracer or could be the ones getting epics this time around

This bugs me so much. I feel like anything we do is labeled ā€œidentity politicsā€ just bc weā€™re not straight.

Never did anything remotely more political than any of my straight friends in my life. Excuse myself when politics are brought up in conversation. Never even went to a pride parade. But People still label me as part of identity politicsā€¦ itā€™s not political.

Michael chu has already said thereā€™s a gay character besides tracer. When we get curious itā€™s suddenly us wanting special rightsā€¦ so annoying.


eh i think its just the art, alot of junkratā€™s art looks more creepy then his in-game model (compare his face in wasted land to his in-game model) or heck compare his face in wasted land to his face in going legit. junkratā€™s art feels a bit inconsistent across his appearances.

The problem with these forums is just overall lack of education and the masculin gamer culture.

Most people come here to complain, so while they are here, they are already full of negative energy and are generally looking for an argument. An argument they have already decided theyve won without being open to any sort of persuasion.

A lot of the community is restless like you said, because we have been told there will be more LGBT representation, had that not been said the thread probably wouldnt even be allowed to exist.

People dont get that to us, straight is the default orientation of characters in popular media and we look to things like overwatch (having already played the safe pretty lesbian card) to see if they are going to deal us in with a little bit more of the popular inclusion that Blizzard is well known for.

Unfortunately the pace (or lack of any) of storytelling means that while we have a huge cast we are not any closer since two christmasā€™ ago to figuring out if any other existing characters are l,g,b or t.

People really only make it about politics because its the quickest way to ā€œthread closedvilleā€ when really all its about is identity and inclusion.


I canā€™t wait for the next skin reveal tomorrow. I wonder who the next character isā€¦

I can feel it in my bones that Tracer will get an epic today.

someone in the general forums is getting upset over people calling the new skins ā€œfurrysā€

Iā€™ll be okay if she gets another legendary, itā€™s been a while. I feel like Tracer has the illusion of having more skins because her summer skins are duplicates with color swaps.

Controversial opinion- Tracer is the cover girl and should have more skins anyway in game shes only had 1 skin in over a year and a half :sweat_smile:

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