LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread 🏳️‍🌈

I’ve loved Orisa’s puppy emote ever since and she really needs a skin to go with it.

Would Dogrisa look too creepy? What if she had a big St Bernard face?

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:skull::skull: lmao

It might looks good actually? Depending on the design. But I am suspicious. Don’t test it Blizzard, first show us the concept art and let us decide.


rat king junkrat got -kinda- leaked in promo art and its the stuff of nightmares. like that nutcracker movie a few years ago nobody talks about.

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I guess they really wanted a winter skin for Junkrat since Beachrat is kinda summer-y. But ehh I prefer the skins to go to someone else that needs it.

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well, it’s not like the rat king wouldnt be a given.

the new zarya skin has a fluffy little bear tail…

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I think I live on twitter during event lead up just refereshing! I never get the post notifications

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I’m doing the same thing really lol. I’m checking my phone to see any new notifications.

Id be on there every hour anyway to see if theres anyone I can disgree with, to pass the time. After 1 day of the event starting I’m usually over the event though :joy:

Edit: since we had Reindeer Road I kind of want a Unicorn orisa just so I can fly the flag in my own way :joy: are unicorns christmassy though? :thinking:

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Lucio ahhh


I love that Lucio skin (the foxtails are really creative) but whats with the furrybait lol :eyes:


Okay that’s hot. I love that skin.

Also it seems to be that animals are a theme for this year.

Maybe everyone is a furry this year.

I’m not mad at the animal motif. It’s kind of fun (the teenage me who obsessed over Maximum Ride would be LIVING).

For some reason the Lucio skin reminded me of that voiceline where Lucio wanted to use Genji’s lights and they have the same green color and cyber aesthetic. And grey fox and arctic fox.

I can’t wait for more Lucio x Genji after this skin.

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ok, new favorite lucio skin…

OMG, I want this one so badly! I hope I get it in a loot box cause I don’t have the credits for it. :sob:


I wonder if Lucio’s weapon might have different music.

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