LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

Male solidarity :raising_hand_man:


Saw a tweet about this earlier with someone going off that is ā€œmens day everydayā€ the perfect reply to that was ā€œthe people that disrespect you and make you feel unappreciated are not men. they are boys :clap:t2:ā€

Thatā€™s just gonna make boys think itā€™s okay to be awful since theyā€™re not men yet, though.

It would be nice to put down pettiness and sociopolitical agenda, and just celebrate all the great boys and men of the world.

Iā€™m just really grateful for my father, my brother, my dude friends, the good guys Iā€™ve met on the internet (including some of you heehee), and all the dudes who have fought for a positive change in the world. Iā€™m also super happy for being a man myself.


Also the Overwatch dudes are pretty great too. Iā€™m enjoying thinking about Lucio lore recently.

Next post will be post 10k. Have at it, make it BIG!

Happy 10k!! :rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::rainbow_flag::two_women_holding_hands::two_men_holding_hands: weā€™re pretty beefy now, huh?

I wish i could post images but i canā€™t so i canā€™t be specialā€¦
Also happy international menā€™s day to everyone except the ones in general discussion complaining about pink mercy or whatever. I love men, so letā€™s throw whatever that is out the window


We are keeping the entire lore forum alive.


Now the thread is showing 10614 posts for me lol i think we broke it


Maybe itā€™s a curse that falls upon the one who makes the 10k post because everything looks dandy for me. Maybe the extra 614 posts are the ones that have been removed from the thread and are now coming back to haunt us!

Iā€™m shook that that many posts have been removed but i guess thatā€™s just par for the course, hahaha

Yeah itā€™s sad but that wonā€™t stop us being AWESOME. I donā€™t even know what Iā€™m talking about right now, I just ate a bunch of chocolate and my veins are full of sugar.

Oh, I played Overwatch with a friend yesterday, and I have to say, this game is a lot more fun when you have someone to play with lol.


See, this is because we either get this or we get nothing. Weā€™re used to not getting anything at all, so when we get something, we do our best to find the tiniest bits of quality in it because thatā€™s all weā€™re going to have.

But as time moves on and we have more safety in society, we criticise this low effort inclusion more and more. Then we get hit with the hot take of ā€œWow youā€™re so ungrateful and greedyā€ so thereā€™s also that.

We all agree that Cortez was rushed and not exactly a well made gay character (especially the focus on a dead husband). But a lot of people criticising him arenā€™t looking at the context and are applying double standards specifically to LGBT characters. Itā€™s a final game in the trilogy and has to develop an entire new character, start the romance and resolve the romance before the end, with no way to ever continue it and without prior connections from earlier games. It couldā€™ve been done better, but it also isnā€™t exactly a great position to be in and requires some rushing by the virtue of the game not being 50 years long and focusing on the biggest galactic conflict that ever happened. None of the new character romances were given some amazing treatment, seeing as thereā€™s limited time and space to actually do it properly.

This is Biowareā€™s fault for not being inclusive since the start and their way to salvage the situation which I am thankful for, even if itā€™s not 10/10. When youā€™re used to having nothing, you tend to appreciate the small gifts and we often feel reluctant to even give criticism because criticism can often make the devs and the publishers never try again. We can criticise now and we do, but never from the standpoint of ā€œit was shoehorned in and shoved in your faceā€ because thatā€™s just in poor taste. It doesnā€™t actually criticise the handling of a gay character (which would have merit), it criticises the visibility and mere existence of the gay character which we naturally view a little bit differently.

Wanted to get back to this just to explain our position a bit further because people just approach our situation as if the LGBT community has been treated the same way as the majority, when in reality, the things we deal with and our reactions are all a result of the fact that weā€™re a minority being pushed to the sidelines and given scraps.


never romanced cortez. never cared for him honestly. i just stuck with kaiden or tali.

This is a very well-written post that really encapsulates everything I wanted to say regarding the post. But sadly, as usual, I think thisā€™ll fall to deaf ears.


Yeah, I didnā€™t get the chance either and I prefer having a romance over several games. I had 2 fem Sheps and 2 male Sheps and since I love aliens, I just romanced aliens. Thereā€™s no gay alien romance option for male Shep which is a huge shame so mine romanced Tali and Liara. My fem Sheps romanced Garrus and Thane.

I wish there were some meaningful LGBT options that you could pursue from the start. I canā€™t get into it in the final game, it feels like a waste to me. And somehow depressing. The worst is that gay romances were intended from the start, they even had all line recorded for a gay romance with Kaidan and Ashley, but it was scrapped at the end.


I heard thane started out with a bi option like jaal, but they cut it. and it was unfortunate about garrusā€¦

Oh wow, I didnā€™t know that about Thane. He wouldā€™ve been a great bi option, but maybe without the uh, whole dying thing.

And yep, Garrus is my all time fave and I have no idea why couldnā€™t they have made him a bi option at least. Heā€™s with you since the beginning, you can start in ME2, there are no unfortunate implications with dying and heā€™s insanely popular. Bioware why.


Bioware really has the tendency to record lines and never go through with them. Even DA has gone through the same issues, especially DA:I where Solas and Cullen both have gay romance lines.

But then again even Dorian has female-specific (romance?) lines datamined so I feel like they just make the voice actors record absolutely everything if they at some point decide to do something with them.


or at least grunt or wrexā€¦then again, considering krogan lore, i suppose those two not being an option makes sense. dying race and all with the genophage.

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I romanced Kaiden twice - once with my main girl and once as mshep. (I didnā€™t like mshepā€™s va so I donā€™t consider him as my main playthru) I do appreciate that they change quite a bit with the romance for fshep and mshep but still keep it feeling equal. Fshep feels more like a story of friendship betrayal and reconciliation while mshep feels more like a slowburn friends-lovers.

I wish Garrus or Thane were romance options for the menā€¦ but no. Guys only get girl aliens. :U