LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

He does thooough :joy:

But I love Rein. I just wish I could play him without dying 12 times. Im a bottom 500 Reinhardt btw


I have zero chill with Rein. Iā€™ve had some success in inhouses by telling my healers to go Moira and Ana and follow me to the ends of the earth while I hammer everything to death. But thatā€™s not really sustainable in solo queue. :stuck_out_tongue:

I had a four round Hanamura match once where I blocked 2k damage as him. (We won and I got 50-odd elims and basically always had ult. It ruled.)


I guess itā€™s just tea now

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Well I want Symmetra to love women and perhaps even be transgender too

Symmetra is such an icon and so many of us who play Symmetra are lgbtq. She appeals to so many aesthetics in the community!

And also playing Symmetra is relatable to the lgbt experience lol.


Itā€™s so interesting to me that Sym ended up being the Britney/Madonna/what have you of Overwatch lmaoā€¦ legend


This! I would love for Moira to be confirmed bisexual, not only is it thematically appropriate, sheā€™s my favourite hero and as a bi woman itā€™d be like Christmas! I mean, if itā€™s another identity or another hero thatā€™s cool too, itā€™s just my personal preference :slight_smile:


gay male here, my opinions on the lgbqwerty issue:

  • us non straight people make up at most 5% of the world population, having tracer as a representation and her being the poster girl is more than enough, for now, maybe when we get to 40 heroes we could ask for another one
  • videogames are made for straight males, whether you like it or not, this is a business and this businessā€™ objective group is straight males and games are expected to cater to them, the fact that the devs confirmed tracer as lesbian was way very considerate and nice of them, you shouldnt pressure them on making another character be gay

and the most important

  • the promise that another hero was lgbqwerty was made by no other than M. C., are we REALLY expecting ANYTHING REMOTELY SATISFACTORY from M. C.? seriously? that guyā€™s work as a ā€œwriterā€ is questionable AT BEST, to me, being promised that another hero is gay by M. C. means absolutely nothing

I think itā€™s important to hold him, as a representative of Blizzard companyā€“and he is one, especially as the lead writerā€“, accountable for these repeated statements.


I donā€™t have a problem with LGBT heroes in a FPS hero shooter. I DO have a problem with them retroactively pulling the rug from under our feet and going ā€œSURPRISE, McCREE IS GAY!ā€ or something. It ruined Dumbledore when JK Rowling did that after so many years, and it would ruin any current heroes

Itā€™s less of a sin to do it near a gameā€™s launch, but after thereā€™s been multiple years for us to get to know these heroes, Iā€™d MUCH rather them make a new hero LGBT than a current one


Yaā€™ll whine for a megathread, OP gives you one, and you still come to get it closed

And when you get it closed, youā€™ll complain when another thread takes itā€™s place


Whatā€™s with all the people in here complaining? This is supposed to stop the spam, and donā€™t you have a ā€œNerf Brigitteā€ thread to stalk?

Let people who want this thread have it.

Anyways, Iā€™d like another main healer. Itā€™d be cool if he was a bi guy, since thereā€™s already such a lack of men in the support role. Itā€™d be cool if he looked kinda similar to who Mercy was supposed to be at first.


Itā€™s homophobic that protomercy didnā€™t get in the game over live mercy

And Iā€™m not evenā€¦ a gay man


I wouldnt even bother, I find him to be the most incompetent person in the overwatch team (and considering someone tried to make anaā€™s only sustain to be cut to 50 thats saying A L O T) but hes there for whatever reason
this is why I dont get worked up and I believe no one should either, his promise, like his work on the lore of the game in general, is insignificant and should be treated as such

Too true.

I need protomercy in my life.


Thatā€™s the scroll bar


I mean, i did say itā€™s what happens beforeā€¦

Tbh, Iā€™ve literally been muted for 3 days for pointing out someone was being homophobic when ranting about ā€˜the gay agendaā€™ and they didnā€™t noticeably get any repercussions; the post was closed, but not removed, etc.


Symmetra is one of the best characters in Overwatch I can confirm this.


In all seriousness, Iā€™m not sure why that is (and I feel left out because I only have an hour on Sym lol). Is there like a Reason? I mean I mostly play hitscan because aiming is fun and I like grinding mechanics.

I think itā€™s just the savagery, honestly. If Moira had been a launch hero itā€™d probably have been her, too (and I mean she kind of is as well)


Itā€™s theā€¦ermā€¦attitude (I think if i used the word to describe it, Iā€™d be banned lmao) which many of us like. I adore her character in that regard; her emotes and voice lines for the most part really show it off; like an idgaf/Iā€™m better than you vibe. Quite, is the term primadonna I think?