LGBT in Overwatch Mega(y)thread šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ

New map on PTR soon plz. Also more balance changes. And lore.

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I changed my mind. heā€™s actually a prick.

I thought I read somewhere that there was one going to happen on OW Twitter?

Negasonic Teenage Warhead, kinda

They did! They didnā€™t say how soon butā€¦ we should get one soon since the event just ended yesterday.

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I consider myself a very patient person but even I know Overwatch is just making me feel sad. I personally wanted more content for Hanzo but I can give it till Lunar New Years.

The LGBT thing is unfortunately out of our hands (that we have to settle for scraps of representation apparently) but letā€™s hope that itā€™s a good one.

Edit: I didnā€™t want to triple post but Jeff recently commented on the PTR details.


Welcome to playing Moira, where the second you refill your meter with RMB youā€™re DPSing


No time line for Echo, no description of what she does or where she came from. Just more vague BS. Dear lord that was annoying.


You know what ā€œGay thingā€ I want in this game almost as much as actual gay people? Open and honest conversations and speaking your mind plainly. I notice this a lot with gay people; being out and in touch with yourself results in being able to speak frankly with other people. Not being tied to societal norms lets people feel like speaking freely.

I guess what Iā€™m saying is I just want these characters to talk to each other. And be gay. Bit also talk to each other.



I want more interactions between characters, but canon interactions. Sure, the in-game voice lines are fine, but we know theyā€™re not canon in the sense that they havenā€™t happened yet and Iā€™m thirsty for all these characters to meet and interact in comics or shorts.

You mentioned Echo above and itā€™s a textbook example of how lore is just not moving anywhere. On top of all the unexplored characters and stories, we get a new one, that raises more questions than it provides answers. And on top of that itā€™s also asking the viewer to feel emotions over a ā€œreunionā€ between two characters whose relationships and backstory we donā€™t know.

Bless the voice actors on their work in Reunion, but at the end of the day, why should I feel anything over McCree reuniting with Echo? Who is Echo, to him or to Overwatch? What is their backstory? How close were they and in which way? There is literally zero reason for me to feel compelled aside from them desperately trying to tell me I should feel emotions when they reunite. So even when we did get character interactions, itā€™s between characters we literally donā€™t understand. Even McCree himself is still a mystery, for the most part.


Theyā€™re probably saving Echoā€™s backstory for when sheā€™s added as a playable hero.

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Most likely, yep.

Kinda makes me wonder why even include her now. She wonā€™t be playable for at least 6 more months, maybe more. And while I like foreshadowing and hinting and all that jazz, OW lore is so far behind on any substantial events that we really didnā€™t need hints for stuff 6+ months in advance. Especially since weā€™re obviously required to feel for McCree finding Echo.

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Perhaps the reason Echo isnā€™t Hero 30 because Hero 30 might have ties to the Archives event. New Heroes are released in March, July, November. With March being a month before Archives.

It might be safe to say Echo doesnā€™t really have anything to do with the new event; besides a minor role.


Wasnā€™t there a big backlash when it took like 3 months for them to bring sombra to the PTR?

I got the game after she came out, but heard a lot of people talking about how annoying it was. (And how they were led to believe Ana would be Sombra)

One can hope. Imagine Antonio as a tank. xD

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Yeah, with Sombra, there was a whole long-term ARG event going on (augmented reality game). With hints about her hidden withing game files, background info on maps, in trailers, in website codesā€¦ It was fun for a while, but then extended for far too long and became obtrusive and nobody except ARG pros could even really participate.

This lasted for months before her final reveal during Blizzcon. After that I think they gave up on any similar idea. Which is kind of a shame, because nobody was really against the idea per se, we just thought it wasnā€™t well-executed. Getting hints and bits and pieces is kind cool as it keeps the fans engaged, but it has to be more accessible and not last too long or people will give up.


Judging from the skins that were revealed a few months ago. The new event might deal with:

Scion Hanzo
Talon Sombra/Doomfist/Widow/etc.
Equalizer Lucio (not too sure about this one)
Or the PvE actually has new skins for everyone in the PvE instead of partially.

But Iā€™m lowkey excited for more Hanzo lore. ;~; I hope it comes true.


They could change things up and do some kind of Lucio vs Symmetra vs AI enemies thing for Archives.

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Yet again, itā€™s the Archives of OVERWATCH, the faction. Itā€™s to bring light to Overwatch related cases from the past, literally, Overwatch archives. They might change the concept, but I think itā€™s not going to happen.


If itā€™s supposed to be Overwatch only, then why do non-Overwatch characters get cosmetics for that event?

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