So this is just a quick pitch of a topic that is going to start out as a rhetorical rant but (hopefully) invites earnest conversation – my latest dilemma is that if the purpose of the Endorsement ranking is to help incentivize players vis-a-vis placing players with similarly ranked individuals (my understanding is that it is a community-given MMR), then why do I consistently get placed with ranks 1 and 2 when I’ve maintained a rank 4? (always gunning for that 5, baby)
I have nothing against ranks (Stylosa says…) but, more often than not, the corollary has proven reliable in that some of these individuals completely disregard comp, insta-lock Widow when there are already three or FOUR other DPS, refuse to find the objective, and (worst of all) rage quits. It’s just not… fun.
I try to stay positive and I like countering and flexing between tank and support anyways, but a 5-DPS comp can only brute force so much. Thoughts? Does anyone else run across this issue?
You have to be very careful when changing a matchmaker’s algorithm. Adding something that filters by endorsement levels would have serious consequences for queue times and quality of games.
It’s not that I don’t agree with you, but just wait to see with what they do with role queue first.
It’s actually funny you bring this up… i’ve noticed in comp this season when i’m ona team with majority rank 2 or lower, the match is horrible, with 3-4 dps instalock. On the other hand, when i’m in a game with level 3+ people, it’s the complete opposite. You have people trying their best, and even if the games a loss, you feel like it was a decent game.
Unfortunately, the matchmaker really doesn’t take endorsement levels into consideration. Seeing as they seem to correlate, they really should. If this was dota, you would see level 1-2 endorsements in low priority and never get matched with them, making most of your games much more enjoyable, assuming you were +3 or better.
Just sayin, it would give people more incentive to work together to get those endorsement votes, so they can be paired with better team mates in future games.
Endorsements actually do something? I thought it was another version of the MVP screen…
Also, you are assuming there are more rank 4 players than 1 and 2 players. If players want to find high ranks, the community need to literally give endorsements away. MANY games, I forget to endorse, or I don’t care to. The pool for 1-2 is MUCH larger than 4+.
Remember: Queue times and population dictate who you are paired with. Yes, I know your rank matters, but does it…?
The endorsement system was supposed to act as a filter for LFG. Since LFG wasn’t as popular as expected (for many reason), they are kinda overlooked now. The matchmaking system don’t check for endorsement levels to match people, just at the (internal, invisible) MMR.
Unfortunately there is a bug that fools a lot of people want to reach level 5 endorsements. If you are level 4 of endorsement and leave games often on the screen of victory / defeat or play of the match, the system will apply a punishment of endorsements to you because we do not know if a bug or delay in the server. The system will only consider full match from the players’ 4-card screen
I had level four for a good week or two with steady endorsements before going a few games with no endorsements and losing it.
It’s just not even worth worrying about unless you’re a support main and get a ton of obligatory endorsements regardless of performance. Throw in a feminine online ID for potential bonus points. Even then, it’s ridiculous and unfair.
It’s funny how especially in QP some ppl treat the appearance of an E5 like some mythical creature.
Especially when the secret to getting E5 is literally being a figuratively angel and help the team no matter how bad they are.
… A lot harder than it sounds in QP, actually! I often want to throw things at the screen and go on a screaming tantrum every other match - I don’t wear my mic in QP just to prevent me from doing so.
Had to keep telling myself “It’s QP, they can do anything short of sabotage or abuse…”
Yeah endorsements don’t have this kind of an effect. You being endorsement lvl 5 doesn’t effect the MMR and therefore the matchmaking in any way. The only effect it has is that you can enter any LFG with endorsement level requirements. The rest is just brag rights and a few lootboxes. That’s why players care more about your Shotcaller/Sportsmanship ratio than the level itself
I’m always endorsement level 1/2 due to leaving backfills and games where players clearly don’t care to play properly since I prefer maximizing proper gameplay that I enjoy the most. A lot of the players do this which is why GM QP games are filled with varying endorsement levels between 1-4 randomly
My endorsement level always drops to three when I 6 stack (which is my fav way to play), but after a few games solo will jump back up to four. I play with friends to often to get endorsement level 5 as you can’t endorse friends and if you are 6 stacking you will likely get put against only one or two other 6 stacks that is playing in your MMR so even if they do endorse your team can only do it for two games.
Endorsement doesn’t mean anything. If you want to farm endorsement just only play tank and healer and you will earn them every match and become lvl 5 in no time.
My experience is that when I play casual game modes like qp I get endorsed for absolutely no reason, but I constantly lose my level 4 endorsement in comp.