Let's Make Bastion a Bruiser Tank!

If only they could use the experimental card for this :thinking:

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Wut. >:( He is Thicc and adorable! How dare you D’:

I’m all for converting bastion to a tank, but I don’t think ANYONE would like it if he was just another dps tank.

A bruiser tank with a minigun turret? How about making Doom a little beefier and change his shields so they have an overload and when they take X amount of damage, there’s a small AoE explosion. There’s your bruiser tank.

Hm? I don’t understand. What do you want Bastion to be if he has a gatling gun as a configuration?

I’m all for bastion keeping his gatling as a spacemaker! But I believe he should at least have some sort of tank ability, even if it is small or insignificant one.

Currently, roadhog is the only tank I’d argue is basically 100% dps, and people HATE him for it. He’s basically a throw pick on tank not because hes bad, but because in his role he offers nothing.

Therefore, I feel like bastion should have some sort of tank ability. I mean hey, he lives with torb now right? Maybe they could give Bastion torbs armor distribution ability. At least give him something

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What do you think of this for a Tank rework concept?

Well that’s more of a dps rework, but having that shield would add that little tank think he needs

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i suggested something like this a long time ago. but bastion mains said i was stupid.
but if i turn him to a tank, sentry mode would work like hanzo storm arrow (time based) but u can move so kinda like dva when she shoots. that takes out the bastion cancer. makes him more mobile and lets him be more of a tank(frontline more) then just standing in the back in sentry mode.

It’s simply true that strategy wise, such restrictions on Sentry Mode would end in the Bastion’s death no matter what if it was time based, or on a cooldown, or what have you.

Great idea but the developements are not fixing and reworking more basics things… they will do that?..

You can be both… :stuck_out_tongue:

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well yea, thats why i said u can move while in it. so basically like storm arrow. more power for that time frame. there prob gonna have to change the animation cuz him turning into a turret will look stupid with him being able to move. so just think his main gun just upgrades into like a big chain gun. (soldier --> orisa gun wise) it would take his “E” spot
and his shift would be like a little side dash. kind of like a slower tracer blink.
im basically turning this guy into a mech gundam type thing lol

Firstly, i think i lost braincells reading that.

Secondly, no.
That’s not Bastion, that’s a new hero.

And i most definitely don’t want it.

Was there a point to your message, or are you just wasting your time and mine to treat me like sh*t?

Well if you read your own thread, you would know that i wasn’t responding to you.

I mean yea, i have various reasons to dislike the suggestions in the OP, as a BAstion main, but i haven’t gotten around to addressing it yet.

It doesn’t show me that you were replying to anyone except for the original post…

Weird, i definitely clicked the little “Reply” icon before typing it.
Well it was the post above it.

Blame the forums, not me bud.

If i edit the post it shows that it was a reply to the guy above. So idk

No. :slight_smile:

I dislike the idea of reworking Sombra into a support.

She doesn’t need to be able to hack allies; she shouldn’t be able to damage boost anyone or decrease their cooldowns. She is a utility-based DPS, regardless of being able to hack health packs.

If they implemented those changes, I would probably quit Sombra for good or quit Overwatch, because I feel like this would make her far less fun to play than she is now.