He’s already big and menacing enough to be classified as a Hog or Zarya variant, so I’m going to rework his stats to fit him into that role with the intention of fixing his unstable and inconsistent position in the meta. Please keep in mind that these change ideas come from hundreds of hours of experience with understanding how the hero works fundamentally.
200 HP/200 armor.
Ironclad: now applies to Bastion in all forms as long as he has armor available.
Recon Mode: reduce from 35 to 25 shots per clip, reduce from 20 to 10 damage per bullet.
Repair Mode: resource capacity increased from 300 to 400, Healing speed increased from 75 to 100.
Sentry Mode: damage per bullet reduced from 15 to 7, with original spread and headshot damage.
Tank Mode: Set to E. Damage per shot reduced to 120, duration reduced to 6 seconds, and gains immunity to crowd control effects.
New Ultimate: Mortar Barrage: transform into a stationary cannon that launches a large volley arcing bombs that detonate on impact.
I’ve been seeing a lot of players do this. I’d love to see some of the not-so-great dps repurposed as other roles.
I have a great design for Doom as brawler tank like Rein, an earth-shaking villain that does a great job of demanding attention like he was meant to do as our main villain. It went largely ignored on the forums. 
Yeah I’ve seen some DF tank ideas before. And Mei too.
Personally I’d like to see Sombra in the support category. She’s really only used for her supportive capabilities anyway and I can hardly ever play her due to the inflated dps queue times.
Maybe Sombra could be reworked as a side-healer of some sort? One that can hack allies to deal more damage and have faster cooldowns? These heroes have such a large range of abilities that many of them could potentially be reworked to other roles in some mild way at the very least.
YES!!! I’ve always had the increased cooldown reduction idea. Currently there is no support that can do that. I think it’s be pretty neat.
Well the biggest concern is how you could turn Sombra into a side-healer? Maybe spawn hacked health kits wherever she needs to?
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I think there are a lot of characters who could use reworks (Sombra,Mei, Sym) the problem is, as we’ve seen with Mercy that if you change the identity of the character too much it causes problems with people who play the character.
I could see Mei as a tank and Sym as a support and Bastion as a tank but do the people who currently play those characters want that? As messed up as it is I think it’s better for some characters to remain “trash” than to do reworks that make them hated even more by the people who play them.
Well in all honesty, Mei is already played kinda like a tank. If you increased her hp and wall hp, maybe decrease wall cooldown and decrease icicle damage, she’d be a fine tank.
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You’re implying that Bastion could be even worse off than he already is.
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I don’t think it’s about being worse(as in balance). Case in point I think Valkyrie is better than mass res and I think Symettra 3.0 took her from being so much of a throw pick that her players would get reported and banned for doing so to an alright character.
If you ask their players how they feel though it’s a different story. So even if the character becomes more viable its an overall worse outcome if the people who play the character hate the rework and the changes you’ve proposed are a pretty big rework.
Is there anyone left playing Bastion to be upset about the changes to begin with…?
Lmao, I might not think so but I’m sure those few diehard Bastion players(just like Torb and Sym players) are going to pop up talking about we ruined the character.
Like I said before I agree with you that changes could be made because I think the characters are garbage. I just think the playerbase would still be split into the camps of “player mains unhappy with the rework” and “players who still are never going to play Bastion/Torb/Sym no matter what”.
What Bastion mains? I was a Bastion main for 300 hours before role queue, and now there’s no way I can start throwing as him now that everyone is expected to do their part in QP now.
You mean all 5 of us
. The idea of a Sombra support seems interesting though. I get all nostalgic about her days of gaining charge from healthpacks with super trash damage.
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I’d love to see an ability where she throws out a Beacon that spawns health kits for allies frequently as long as they’re unbroken!
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I was thinking it would be cool if she had a heal siphon ability, where hacked targets would have 40% of their healing redirected to a teammate of sombras choice.
That might be too complicated for fast-paced team fights. What if her hack cut enemy heals received by half instead of disabling cooldowns and passives?
Would it be that complicated to have to tag a teammate as well as hacking an opponent?
Reducing enemy healing could be cool, I just wonder if it would be worth taking a support slot if the only benefit to your teams healing is from recharging health packs.
If she’s just a side healer, then she can have other utilities as well. Maybe her EMP can work like a giant bio-nade, amplifying ally healing while cutting enemy heals in half?
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