Let's Make Bastion a Bruiser Tank!

I don’t see why he couldn’t be reworked into a tank. Would be interesting and probably better than keeping him as a DPS where he’s extremely difficult to balance due to his gameplay and gigantic hitbox. Can’t be any worse to balance as a tank really.

I do like the idea in a sense as its a way to redistribute the economy of support, dps, and tanks in the game a bit more quickly than trying to introduce new heroes. Plus, the hybrid heroes have almost always been the least played roles such as torbjorn, mei, reaper, bastion, sombra, symmetra, etc.

It just sucks to see any work on a hero.

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Sombra should go back to getting ult charge from hacked health packs. Hacking something that is hack overrides it. Hacking an ally cleanses them of negative status effects (hack, antinade, CC effects like Shatter, etc). Boom, Support Sombra! Not amazing healing, but great potential as a Dive support that doubles up on the play healthpacks strat.

yea its called a rework. kind of like how sym changed abilities and ults.
this is what the topic is. bastion as a hero is flawed. and has to be kept in the lower tier of power. plus u cant make him a tank, it wont work and goes against his kit.

Hog is a tank through zoning power alone… but okay.

but hog is up front. a tank shouldnt be in the back in sentry mode is what i’m saying. his kit isn’t good for a tank. so just tweaking numbers won’t change him into a tank. plus at least i tried to fix his sentry to make it better and less cancer.

Then use Tank Mode for when you’re close up to people. :stuck_out_tongue: