Let Symmetra Headshot

Sym was never in the meta to begin with so u have no proofs.

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I can judge your skills by your statements. Photon barrier was the only high skill ability of 2.0’s toolkit and it’s a real shame it was removed. You clearly never made a pharah kill herself mid ult. Not sure you’re even aware you could do that actually.

Don’t blame me for your shortcomings. No offense, but being critical of yourself is the only way you can grow as a player but these forums like to put blame on anything but themselves which is very problematic

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That was also a problem cause barrier was strong against ultimates but in a regular combat it was a mess. U could block mccrees flash but he could still kill you cause barrier will just fly away.

Don’t need proof when I am graced with above average intelligence.

Take a look at bastions toolkit. Now imagine his strengths outweighing his weaknesses to such a degree that he is a must pick. Obviously broken.

Repeat for sym, same result. Some heroes are simply not meant to be meta. Accept that fact.

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When Mercy was about to get reworked i heard many people saying that she is gonna become f tier. Yeah.

Idk what to say…
Photon barrier is bad because you could block his stun but he can still kill you?
What more do you want? Full immunity?

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It was moving too fast… thats my point. Why do u need 1000 hp on a barrier if its gonna explode on a wall in a 2 seconds?

After syms rework the forums were up in arms because she was supposedly F-tier

with little to no buffs she is featured, as Quisp already said, in pro play

really F-tier lol

For how long she was played? 2 minutes?

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Mei, does headshot, her right click, while it doesn’t do a lot of damage per game is no joke to get in the face.

Then the ability needs tuning and is inherently still a good ability

and regardless of your opinion of whether it moved too fast or not, good players were able to get value out of it
your struggle with getting value out of it indicates that its a player problem

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More like a minute and a half and the guy playing her didnt have a clue what he was doing.

BUT dude her old E barrier was the bomb if she had gained the ability to stop its flight she woulda sky rocketed in use.


That was my whole point… it needs tuning or a better version of it.

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you just ignored the latter part

if you want to know if an ability needs tuning, look at the top players: can they get value out of it?
in this case, yes. good players could.

no need to buff an ability because low rated players struggle getting value out of it.

edit: anyway I gotta go study but it was fun, lets continue this another time! hope you’ll be able to improve in the meantime, the game is much more fun when you can keep improving!

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Pro players can utilize everything so lets leave the game balance as it and let it be goats for the last of eternity.


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Look at how u still are passive aggressive.
U really shouldnt play the victim, it doesnt suit you. You dont do it well.

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it was genuine advice but I guess you can take literally anything as offensive

kinda ironic coming from you, but I hardly feel victimized. besides above average intelligence I was also graced with thick skin, the opinions of random people on the internet dont phaze me one bit lol

anyway, cya soon!

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Dont get yourself banned over them, its not worth it.


Let junkrat head shot by this logic

go for it would reward good aim.

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