Let Symmetra Headshot

I mean photon barrier was a lackluster ability. Sure it was nice to block some High noons, diva bombs, or earthshatters. But the rest potential of photon barrier was quite low.

correct, people came here show their solutions and lost their mind when not see the other side team, balance the game is what you tell.

headshot? ok, but what is the probability to appear another problem

resume: players, do not show a new “solution” creating a new problem, that’s it.

Eh, no. It doesn’t actually fix her problem. They need to make it so her damage scales in smaller increments per tick of damage she deals rather than having her beam on a target for 2 and 4 seconds. Her turrets need a buff, they get destroyed so easily without doing anything (maybe if allies where alerted to their position, when they’re dealing damage, and when they’re destroyed at least then it could be useful for alerting flanking). Her teleporter is so lack luster especially when you compare it to what they removed (rather have the flying shield). She has to be really close range to be effective at damaging but doesn’t even have the health for it.

You have to deal twice the work to be half as good as other DPS heroes.


Just because you lack the ability to use it to its potential doesn’t mean it’s a lackluster ability, it simply means that you are a lackluster player.

But I’m glad you’re finally admitting that you don’t care about game balance, it was always obvious but it’s good to finally have that out of the way. Sym as meta would be terrible for the game, period. You wanting her to be meta so you can ride on a free CR trip is rather selfish.

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One, thats your opinion. Two, no need to be rude.

You’re doing the same thing by saying Symm shouldn’t recieve buffs because you don’t want her to be meta.

Personally I believe op’s suggestion wouldnt be healthy for the game, but Symm needs buffs to either her survivability, or her teleporter. Her teleporter deploys too slow and needs bug fixes.


To the two obvious Sym haters, its okay, we love you and understand you have issues with Sym. It’s okay. Why?

Because Blizzard likes her, and she’s even used (nominally so far) in OWL. She’s in the game every day, doin’ fine, and not goin’ anywhere.

Time to stop walking blindly into turret nests and “git gud brah” :laughing:


Sure she doesn’t have headshots but she also doesn’t have spread like every other tracking hero in the game or the (what I believe) is the biggest projectile in the game

LOL… yeah, no that is not going to happen…


Which is my point? She’s fine?
I never even asked for nerfs lol. Just saying she doesn’t need buffs. I hardly struggle playing against her, probably because the average sym main is not even at half my skill level. Don’t hate me for being good at the game and having a clear vision…

As for my ‘hate’, I think 2.0 was a poorly designed hero and the players who cling to this version of her do this because they couldn’t reach the skill floor of literally any other hero if their life depended on it. I don’t think game design should cater to this lowest of low category, it creates bland and depthless games. Pretty simple concept.

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Gotta love this compensation buff mindset.

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Reread my post and meditate upon it. I never said someone like yourself had to like it… but it’s a fact of life, best get used to it… and “git gud brah” :blush:


Soldier also has a heavy spread. He will not hit all of those shots. It also requires pinpoint hitscan accuracy, a beam has a larger hitbox.

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He does not have heavy spread. Sombra has heavy spread.

He can also attack from greater range making it easier to track the target as apposed to up close with them jumping all over the place.


The spread is heavy at a range in regards to headshots. Just because someone else’s spread is worse doesn’t make his any better. Hitting consistent critical shots with pinpoint hitscan bullets with a large spread is not easy. Or reliable. Or even plausible. It’s why McCree is often more picked, Soldier is very bad at range due to spread and falloff. Tracking with Symmetra at “close” range (I use quotes because you can get quite a bit of distance in) with a beam that has a more forgiving hitbox really isn’t that difficult. Not in my opinion, anyways. She doesn’t need critical damage. Her damage isn’t even her issue.

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One, thats not just an opinion. Two, that’s a fact.

I won’t be able to convince you, but let’s take an example:
The bastion meta was probably the worst meta this game has ever seen. Goats might be stale, I’m sure there are people who hate dive for whatever reason, but no meta ever produced something as dumb as an unkillable bastion sitting behind a rein or orissa shield (or both lol) annihilating anything in sight
Sym is in a similar position where her toolkit lends itself easily to gimmicky metas. Same for mei (my main).
So I don’t want either to become meta because it would hurt the game.

But hey, apparently thats not a concern for some forum syms. shrug

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I dont walk into turret nests though so not sure what I’m supposed to git gud at? I have no struggles with sym although I think she’s perfectly fine?

Seems odd that the person asking for buffs is the one telling someone who isnt struggling at all to git gud so right back at you?

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Its okay, we still love you. And if you truly want Sym to be “better” then bully for you!

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but I don’t?

is this your way of trying to troll me? you really gotta do better tbh

love you too btw

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Dont even dare assuming that. You dont know me and i dont know you and i never judged your skills.
Unlike you i am not passive aggressive. I am aggressive. Cause u clearly dont understand whats happening. Niche heroes need to go away they need to receive huge updates. I dont wanna enjoy the stale meta. When goats will die what are we gonna play? Dive for 5 more seasons? No ma’am.
As for the barrier. Do u really think that the barrier which u cannot control and that moves really fast is a good ability? Really? U couldnt even match with D.va or Zarya in terms of blocked dmg and that crap had 1000 hp but u couldnt utilize it.

Oh please. None of that is fact. Thats your personal hatred of Symm getting in your way of wanting her to be viable.

Her survivability is her problem.

Most Symm want teleporter to deploy faster and to fix the bugs where it implodes on herself, or 50 additional shields. Of course you’re always going to get extreme suggestions from people, but that doesn’t mean everyone is like that.

Your main has been givin considerable buffs to her kit in the past months so.