Let me explain what is going on with Brig nerfs, and the game

So Brig got nerfed on PTR. At first I was confused, but now I’m realizing what Blizzard is actually doing. So never mind this post. In the long run, they aren’t killing her, they are reworking their game.

For those of you who are puzzled by all these substantial nerfs prevelant in the last few weeks, let me explain. Power creep has overtaken this game to a ridiculous point, and I think Blizzard is finally starting to realize it and as such, they are in a way restoring their game to a much lower power level.

Yes, nerfs are gonna hurt but they are necessary at this point. The problem is heroes like Soldier, Genji, and Tracer all balanced but they are just useless compared to all the loads of buffs we have gotten. The problem is if they straight buffed Soldier/Genji they would risk being OP. And I think nerfing Brig was to try and bring back Soldier, Genji, and other sustained DPS. I think it was also to compensate for nerfing Widow, because then burst damage would be less reliable.

I think they’re gonna start nerfing a few heroes a week for now, particular targeting the meta. I’m glad to see this happen and I know as upsetting as it may seem, it is necessary. It may seem like they are going crazy with nerfs, but trust me they know what they are doing. They are trying to save their game.

TL;DR: Brig players, these nerfs suck and I know. I used to be a Junk player who endured every nerf. But it’s not as bad as they seem once you test it on PTR. And I think they’re trying to globally nerf DPS and supports to restore the general power level in the game to what it was around launch. Just be glad she didn’t get full gutted.


Low skill supports deserve the guillotine in terms of reward, mercy is not dead, she is viable, mercy mains love to play the victim complex, baptiste was busted, and brig is not broken but she is skill less…I mean any one can play her she is like mei in terms of skill floor


or a compensation to have similar self healing that Lucio has. Lucio heals ~70% what he heals to others, Brig’s is ~50%.

Brig isn’t low skill; she hard feeds when she’s out of position.


I mean the goal is to nerf her so why would they compensate her. If they compensated her they would only have to strengthen the nerf as the goal is to make her weaker.

The first change is interesting in that it removes at lot of the prehealing. The second change probably just moves her more in line with every other supports healing.

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Many heroes have been given compensation buffs. If the goal was to nerf those heroes… You know where this is going.

in the GOOD news, sym got a buff :slight_smile:


any character hard feeds when out of position, also, brig takes no aim and her heals have an aim helper pls follow with proof on how she takes skill


Well I didn’t see that coming.


The goal of balancing is to apparently nerf heroes which are unfun to play against, or at least it more often appears this way if those heroes are support or tank. I’m not saying that I agree with this type of balancing philosophy though. It sadly also doesn’t appear to matter if the nerfs make the hero a bit boring or frustrating to play as, or even if the hero is no longer in a balanced state.


Most times a nerf is just a nerf and meant to be a nerf. A power shift is something different than a nerf. The shield nerfs for example were meant to be a power shift and not a nerf to characters overall. This is clearly meant to be a nerf.



This is real?




DPS throwing a hissy fit because she might get some use in the emerging meta. Of course she immediately gets nerfed. Just as expected.


Maybe old Brig, current Brig gets deleted pretty fast if you make a mistake.


They probably wanted to definitely make sure she wasn’t played in the OWL. To be fair that wouldn’t have looked good.

Well that’s a mistake right there :sweat_smile:
Brig ain’t even popular


Same with all characters if they are out of position now answer the question, how is she not low skill


inb4 nerf is not enough, she’s still meta.

they would really need to remove the fact or diminish repair packs so hard to make them not good that they become unusable.

but brig still has the compounding effect that they can’t remove.

This nerf make no sense. Did anyone actually complain about her…?


and here i was, enjoying brig, saying to myself I am dying bc I was out of position, or my teammate died bc I didnt throw armor at them fast enough, learning her better… only for it be harder to run her even with a main healer soon :c