Why nerf one of the most balanced heroes in the game?

I recently made a post about how Brig is one of the most balanced heroes in the game and she shouldn’t be touched, now her healing got nerfed. Great! The overheal nerf is fine but I really hope the heal nerf doesn’t go through, I already have people dying before/while getting healed by my armor packs. Why are balanced characters getting nerfed with no compensations? Right now, a meta support is decided by who receives the least nerfs, which is a little unhealthy for the state of the game.


They are reducing the overall effectiveness of the tank and healer classes.

Uncertain what the end game is here, but that’s the clear nerf bat swing the last few ptr’s

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While armour pack was arguably the strongest part of her kit, even I don’t understand this one.

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I’m not sure but I think every healer is definitely going to receive a healing nerf besides Mercy and Zen, i’m guessing their tactic is “if everyone’s nerfed, then there aren’t any overpowered or underpowered heroes” which is so bad for the state of the game.

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Nerfs are okay as long as its global. And the past 2 months of changes have showed that. Tanks and healers are naturally strong roles by virtue of the games design. We need nerfs it just the community’s job to help guide the devs into which ones.


It’s for OWL

They want fast paced, DPS focused games

They don’t want teams having downtime, or having big plays be able to be undone by tank/ support play

Why do you think they gutted Baptiste to make him the worst hero in the game at the moment?

Ana landing a Sleep Dart is more flashy and “skillful” than tossing an Immortality Field to negate a play

Zen/ Lucio popping off is way more interesting than watching Brig tossing repair packs at her teammates

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Seriously, I’m so anxious that if an inspire nerf comes next patch, Brig is done for.

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its your fault tho… because you made that post, i tried to counter it in the reply but it was too late

Mercy already had her healing reduced to 50 hp/s from 60, it was just several iterations ago.

Not sure what, if any, plan there is for zen, lucio, or ana

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My fault? For making a post asking Brig not to be meta? Funny…

then, why sym and brig is here! just delete them all!

Yeah, I know but I’m saying in the future, all main/flex healers will have healing around 50-65, just a guess.

im not trying to be funny, post like that get devs attention, and they nerf it, my reply was literally second, because i knew what it will bring, but whatever, its too late now

It’s clearly not thought out well though.

Orisa/ Baptiste were average picks for 95% of the playerbase, and were nerfed so hard, the two of them are now the worst heroes in their roles

The few DPS nerfs are NO-WHERE near as punishing as what has been happening to the supports/ DPS roles.

Hanzo/ Doomfist are still top tier picks from Diamond upwards

Orisa/ Baptiste? The WORST heroes in those ranks. Even Bastion is doing better than them.


Sym is still garbage, and the buff on the PTR does literally nothing?

And Brig is actually a higher skill tier support now after the soft rework she got?

Why do you think she’s still the least used support in the game outside of Masters

It is in no way my fault they decided to nerf her haha, I saw posts complaining about Brig being OP and made that to counter them and let them know that she is only in a decent spot because other supports are getting nerfed. No idea why you’re putting the blame on me for a decision the dev team made.

Playerbase: “Powercreep bad. Stop buffing, start nerfing!!”

Also Playerbase: “Stop nerfing my heroes :sob:

Seems like bit of an exaggeration. Even if that was true the buffs they would need are minor. Maybe a revert to fortify and increase duration to lamp by 2 secs. Things like that, the disparity isn’t as bad as people make it to be.

and you were wrong

brig legit got 3 heals than she needs to wait a big time, and they get nerfed? what

the armor is what ever, but there’s no need to touch her heals