Violet on The Brig Nerfs

"I thought I’d also say this about the Brigitte nerfs -

It’s actually nothing don’t be so worried. Just an across the board QoL fixing the massive sustain throughout the game.

Overwatch seems to be balancing competitively, so start sharpening your own mechanics frens!"

And for anyone who thinks Brig is currently bad or underpowered or useless on live…she has an almost 7% pickrate and 60% winrate in GM. 60%. That’s INSANELY high considering she also has a super high pickrate. She’s super good, and she’s BEEN good for the last several months.

Violet’s been vouching for her strength since the miniature rework hit with 2-2-2 to make her a better 2-2-2 healer, but player perception was that she was “useless” and so no one picked her and if you did you got flamed by your teammate. People are only just starting to realize how strong she actually is the past few months.

(For anyone who doesn’t know who Violet is, they are a support main who has one tricked Brig to the top 1-5 spots on the NA leaderboard the past few seasons, and probably the best Brig in the game who knows a heck of a lot more about her than any rando on the forums.)

Meanwhile Mercy, Bap, and Zen are all sitting at 1% pickrate or lower with a 50% or lower winrate…and Brig will still be better than these heroes after this minor armor pack nerf.

Seriously, stop attacking Blizzard or acting like they don’t know what they are doing. They are peeling back general sustain and power creep to get the game back to the more fast paced competitive state it was for the first year of the game.

This is an excellent post explaining it:


I agree. I thought she was dead at first, then I realized 5 less HPS and 25 less armor in the enemy barely makes a difference.

I forgot she was even nerfed when I played her on PTR.

Then I just realized this is just part of their plan to bring down power creep.


I just hope they don’t nerf her too much after this

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I agree with Violet on that.
Repair pack nerf isn’t something to worry about at all.
It needed a nerf for a) the whole global heal nerf that’s been going around for the sake of balance. b) armor hps from 3 to 5 made it felt a bit powerful in most cases. Such as fighting a Doom who has armor, Tracer with armor, any tank with armor. It gets to the point of annoying fast since it enables a player with armor to just dive head first into brawl battles. Finally, c) Brigitte has 3 repair packs to easily give towards any teammate in her range. You can just apply all 3 on your mobile team and go brawl comp crazy on enemy. All while following up with inspire or other heal sources.

tl:dr. repair pack nerf okay. due to armor change.


I don’t disagree with Violet, but I don’t like this:

She doesn’t. No matter if you look at this month, this week, etc. she is at a ~56% winrate. I don’t like looking at statistics alone because Reinhardt has a very similar winrate, but he has a 13.57% pickrate this week.

If we’re going off statistics, then he needs to be hard nerfed. Which wouldn’t make sense.

I’d rather just leave the statistics out of it. Other heroes are far more offensive in that regard. With Brigitte, it’s more about what happens in-game that stats don’t necessarily capture.


I wasn’t using statistics as a way to say she needs nerfs, but rather to disprove the notion that she’s “useless” or “unviable” where her stats clearly show otherwise. Like with Rein, it’d be like if people were claiming Rein was unviable or bad.

A support with a 7% pickrate and “56%” winrate is not useless.


It ain’t nothing to fear really. It was also expected to see some changes like this happen to repair pack after seeing the armor change. Now that devs are focused on balancing the game, we might see more changes like this soon.


Now that they glanced at sym and brig, I hope they try to do something about my baby bastion boi ;-;

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That’s fair. Sorry for the misinterpretation.

People keep pushing that she’s busted with those statistics, so I interpreted it that way. I appreciate you clarifying that you meant that she’s not cruddy.

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Now all that’s left is Ana really. They’ll probably nerf the anti-heal or something.

They might.
Who knows if Bastion is next on this streak of balance changes for various heroes.

I don’t think they will go for ana. Sustain in this game is crazy only characters like Hanzo or widow can kill people reliably nowadays.

I’ve been saying this forever. Brig isn’t BAD, she just needs coordination and good gamesense: kinda like a tank! Obviously she can’t play exactly like a tank, which is why she’s a hybrid hero. But she can put out a lot of healing if she’s swinging, and if you get rally fast enough, it can easily tilt a fight in your advantage.


You have to take this with a grain of salt for several reasons though. A few top of mind would be that Overwatch is her livelihood as a streamer so it’s risky to publicly go against them, and that GM games are a bit of a different world than most of us play in.


Huh? Highly popular streamers complain about OW and balance all the time. That’s how people like xQc and Samito gained their populairty. Samito literally complains about balance every day directly to the Devs on twitter and they often listen, in fact the Devs have said that pro players are 1/3 of the balance triangle they listen to when making changes. Streamers like Blinky who work under Blizzard and with OWL even give their raw and honest criticism all the time as well, and Blizz is writing his paycheck! Violet isn’t censoring her true opinion at all.

You’re right. They’re harder. If Brig can be played successfully against top500 DPS on the enemy team, she should have no problem surviving against gold and silver DPS who lack the aim and game sense to punish her. Also, meta doesn’t really apply to lower ranks, so these nerfs will hardly affect her down there. It’s just like how the Mercy HPS nerf last year made Mercy trash tier in GM but she’s still one of the most picked and best healers in lower ranks. Easy heroes always have high value in lower ranks.

These people don’t even main OW anymore – they have their own fan base whatever they stream – they aren’t worried about OW or Blizzard’s favor. Not the same at all.

Except that’s not how Brig’s kit is designed at all. She relies on coordination and positioning of the entire team more than any other healer.

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This is just in:

High-ranked player isn’t worried about nerfs to hero they’re extremely good with, even though that hero is already terrible in most ranks. More to follow.


Huh? Don’t the forums always claim high rank players/pros are biased because they want their hero to be strong? Now it’s the opposite? Alrighty…

And what evidence backs this up? Or is this just your subjective opinion?

Also, this just in: Blizzard is balancing around the top now, thank god :pray: Almost like competitive games should be balanced around the top where people actually play the game correctly, not lower ranks where people lack the mechanics, game sense, and coordination to correctly play over half the roster.


She still needs a buff


It’s a crap source, but the best we have since private profiles – you look at sites like overbuff and Brig is the bottom most picked support across all tiers.

Yes, she has a surprisingly high win rate – but heroes like Torb also pull that off because they are either mained by highly skilled players or only picked in ideal situations. Not that they are generally good.

Now, you take a bottom pick rate support that a lot of people don’t want you to pick and put some HUGE nerfs on them you can understand how they are only going to be in a worse state.

A T500 GM player who is known for playing her might not care, but for the overall health of the hero I can’t see how it’s good for overall good game balance at all.