Leeked patch notes, sauce included

so instead kiriko becomes one as she now has a completly useless ability
like what is the suzu supposed to do now?
less than 1 sec invulnerable?
taht one would require WAY too much timing

I make an amazing pasta sauce, due to having lived in Italy for a number of years.

Most fake patch notes I ever seen. You can literally see the bias as well. I mean the devs are terrible, but not these bad also they would not kill these many heroes in the same patch.

Only changes making any sense are the tanks ones but than you look at hog and they address nothing really. Hook range is still to long and healing CD is cool and all, but only effects is capability to be a tank, when clearly, as with every tank is the fact he is a better dps than dps due to same dps but much more tankines than dps. Even the devs should know this by now…

Widow to 225? Yea someone plays 250 hp heroes. Hanzo dragon to 200? Why not just allow dmg boost to work with it again…

Sombra, oh lol… yea you are hacked for 1 more second, but (cba with the math now) that is a lot of dps loss with 3 sec less duration. Slightly better supp killer, maybe.


literally the source of this thread: “just trust me bro”


Ok, I’m done for now, stop throwing things at me!

If this is real there is literally no reason the roadhog changes should have taken a month.

So they make a bad ultimate worse even though her ult isn’t the problem…
It’s the increased range they gave her which was totally unnecesary.

This will get reverted immediately no-one likes the ability lockout.

Excuse a what now

Thats them just killing characters by removing what makes them unique…
(Same with the sojourn nerfs, they could have made it no longer head shot)

I’ll still never understand why they can’t just release patch notes early themselves. Why do we only get to see day-of?

Untrue, I like it.

Suzu will be dumpstered if this is true lmao like removing the immo and reducing the CD would have been alot better

Who is Widow? A new hero?

It’s going to be confusing having Widow and Widowmaker in the same game

Wait what? Is that real or this entire post is just bait? So first we get an actual fun and unique ability for support and then it gets gutted like that? What’s even the point of that ability now? You turned it into a worse immortality field?

It’s very clearly fake, lol. These are wild changes blizzard would never implement.

It’s bait.

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Relax, it’s a troll post.

Imagine if Orisa just didn’t fortify when she used Terra Surge. She would just get punched, hooked, charged, speared, rock’d, slept, booped, or just killed.

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I do not know if this is real but…

A good nerf until rework drops.


Does this mean that she can be CC’d out of terra surge?


WOW! No longes one-shots 250 HP characters. I was expecting a buff to her non scoped rifle, but they decreased damage and rate of fire, and buffed spread and fall off? Weird. I do not like playing against Widow, but this sounds like too much.

This is not enough… This just makes her worse to play against :frowning:

This is why I doubt these patch notes are real. This is just ultimate on an ability, but worse. As if Mercy had a weaker Valkyrie instead of rez. So lazy!

No way… But now Zen cannot out heal Grav-Dragon, right?

No more discord or hack cleanse, but again to 1 second… and she is not invulnerable after teleporting. Is this the right way?

Are you guys really that naive?

hogs dmg doesnt need a nerf

the hook length and his sustain do

I mean - from 20 to 18 meters is not a real change in his range. It’s just 2 steps less.

He can still one shot you making an additional
2 steps.

Now if they nerfed his range to something like 12 meters (the same range of Symmetra’s beam, for example), we could consider it.

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2 meters when playing can be alot
this dumb hook goes across whole control points and then some

im just as frustrated as his one shots as all of yall tho, atleast it can be reduced to it needing to be 2 shotted. but in the end its his hook and sustain that is more of an issue