Leave Moira alone for David's sake

David Bowie,of course.


I should have known. Hahaha!

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Nah, there’s no counter to her damage orb. It goes through shields and everything!


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Long range makes it easier to kill her because she has a hard range limit. Burst damage counters her even more, blasting through both her team healing and her lifesteal. And finally, barriers, especially in forced brawls, counter her healing pretty well, forcing her to rely only on her orb.

Ohh noo you are getting the damage orb nerfed for sure.

But she’s also not really a counter to anyone either. She’s great for flanking and killing Mercy, but she can angel leap to safety. She can kind of handle Ana, but she can handle her too. The only character she can reliably take out, I’d say is Genji. But he can still deflect her damage orb or run before death. So she doesn’t counter anyone really.

Only thing I’d want done for her is a little damage and healing buff to her ult, even a zen orb can heal you through it and a Tracer can still die from DVA bullets while standing in it.

People hated symmetra autolock weapon, it was reworked. People hated hanzo scatter arrow as lucky blind shots…he was reworked. None of them, symmetra or hanzo were in a good spot or were meta or overturned.

Now there is Moira…with a random orb and autolock that can together mix all good and fun feelings that brought to us the old symmetra and Hanzo scatter arrow…
So Im not saying she needs a nerf, or that she is not balanced… Im just saying…this happened before…

P.S : Roadhog hook was nerfed cause nobody wanted a perceived one shot kill ability…few months after…Doomfist was released.
So do not worry even if Moira is nerfed to the ground, Blizzard will release another character that resumes what people can find annoying…even if is balanced or underpowered.

When she first came out DPS Moira was viable because of the damage orb and they nerfed it. Then came the “bug fix” of keeping her from healing through shields. So she got her nerfs


Maybe because they were bad. Maybe what players thought had nothing to do with it.

Oh my god, is this actually a thing? What the hell did Moira do?


For the million millionth time. It. Is. Not. An. Autolock.

It’s just a graphical appearance of a marginally wider beam than Zarya, that she needs to regenerate healing. The actual DPS is really low.

Stop whining about FFA DM balance. Moira is only good at low levels as a healer.

You got your skill based healer in Ana who absolutely dominates high ranks.

Basically Seagull started a campaign against all the new heroes not called Ana.

That is literally it.

Maybe you are right, anyway let me point one thing out. Again is my opinion and…again Im not saying Moira needs nerfs or that she is unbalanced.

Ow in high ranks is a totally different game from what it is in a casual or low rank environment. In high ranks people want to show their skills to be eligible, and also they want to take merit for their gameplay. Also they have a muscular memory and mechanical skill I do not even pretend to come close to. Those people were able to shoot a symmetra jumping two times in the head and develop a damage reliable and deadly.

In low ranks or casual gameplay there was not such aim, and so symmetra could come with her gun full charged and destroy an entire team without been contested. And so in low ranks we have such Moira as flanker doing the same. With random orbs. even if her dps is low.

Some people will say to this that Im saying “git gud” to those…I will say a lot of people do not feel engaged or moved to do so, do not have time or they do not feel like the reward is worth the time or effort.

Is Moira unbalanced?..nope.
Needs a nerf? nope.
Can feel oppresive in low ranks? sure. And orbs can feel unfair when they finish you coming from nowhere? sure it does. It is something that calls for a balance change?..nope…makes the game better the amount of random sources of damage and such skills…thats for you to decide. FPS players will mock at it, some people will say this game has a turn to a more MOBA characters now that is hitting the game. Others think that aim base players are been too cocky and do not let any character that do not need aim live in peace.

Thats for you to decide.

Figures. This is what the problem is with this community. One streamer says something, and mind you it’s someone who couldn’t handle the OWL anymore, then suddenly people see that as a reason to bring out their torches and pitchforks. It’d be funny if wasn’t so sad.

Apparently nerf witch hunt on all the support heroes and nerf them until they are useless and unviable is the new trend now :cry:

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The only problem I have with Moira is how little effort it takes to reach her maximum damage potential. The only nerfs she needs, if any, are a shorter range on her M2 and something to tone down random kills on low health enemies from damage orbs. She’s not overpowered though, so if it were to happen, a minor compensation buff would be appropriate.

Yeah Moira is awesome, leave her alone

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There are some people who think she needs buffs, if you think that Moira is underpowered you just be pretty high

Just to add my voice to this: by the same token, lets not go asking for buffs either as it’s very easy to make her OP.

Moira is what Mercy was supposed to be in theory: very much an entry level hero who’s lack of versatility hurts her at higher ranks but is otherwise well balanced. Her high healing is balanced by its resource demands and her easy to apply damage is balanced by being the weakest in the game. Her ultimate is also very well designed as it can swing a fight but can’t completely dominate it. She has high eliminations and a high E:D Ratio but some of the lowest solo kills, damage and final blows in the game. Unlike Mercy she also helps you learn more of the core skills of OW too: for example my tracking has got a lot better from playing Moira (since it’s not actually an auto lock) and reflects in my Mei and Zarya gameplay.

I wouldn’t totally object to them giving her M2 a tweak though to be something similar to Symms primary: shorter range but ramping up the damage and lifesteal the longer you stay on target. Or perhaps upping the cooldown on her orbs but letting it reset if she scores a final blow. But I don’t believe this is essential, just tweaks to widen the gaps between good and great players and increase her competitiveness with Mercy and Ana at the top of the totem pole if it’s felt she needs to go that way.

lol oh Blizzard have got her in their sights. A support doing damage! thats insane! Give it time we will have supports that can’t do damage, can’t defend themselves, and most importantly can’t heal. But still have the genji and tracer on the other side of the map abuse you for not saving them when they went in 1 v 6.

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