Leave Moira alone for David's sake

Though since this is about Moira, does anyone know why she has that thing around her eye? Is it a tattoo? Is it a scouter?

Um itā€™s a little thing called fashion


I donā€™t know who this David is, but I agree with him.

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Really because I always thought it looked dumb to be honest.

Unless she is trying to be Domino.

Yes its him say hi from me when you see him

Pd: its David Bowie :stuck_out_tongue:


To quote a strange man:

ā€œYou want Moira this!?ā€

Who is David?

What does he have to do with Moira?

I feel you brother but sheā€™s gonna nerfed, unfortunately. The Brig nerf started a brand-new trend stating that supports shouldnā€™t be dealing a lot of damage.

Her damage orb or right click might get severely nerfed.

the lock on comes from the firing mode hitting people from an area three times further than their hitbox already sticks out of the model

Why are you even making such thread if she is perfectly balanced? It just encourage the ppl to be questioning her even more.

shes part of the spam though, and the spam is the problem

Im about to go full St.Patrickā€™s Day over someones head and hide him forever in my pot of gold!

Orā€¦ something like that. Cause she is fine!

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Moira is the sort of hero that could only exist in a game that wants to shy away from being a skillful, reliable FPS.

I think Moira appeals to a certain type of audience that you would never see in any other FPS for a very specific reason.

Ultimately, the skilled, longterm gamers want a good, solid FPS and if Blizzard canā€™t provide it (and lord knows Activision isnā€™t the one to do it), we move on to something fast paced, skill based and balanced as possible for as long as possible.

The skillful mass of players and the ā€œeSportsā€ ideology tend to go hand in hand, despite not even necessarily being aware of each other.

If I was a game dev Iā€™d go out of my way to appeal to those sorts of players over the weird ā€œeverything is toxic to meā€ mentality that seems to want to take exceptionalism and individual potential out of every possible activity until the world is one big gray mass of mediocrity (upon which their sad little ideological flag is the only thing ā€œaboveā€ anything else).

Definitely important to decide who youā€™re marketing your game to.

Good thing this isnā€™t a FPS Game, but a hero-based Shooter.
But if you donā€™t like it, there is Quake, Counterstrike or Battlefield for you. No stupid barriers, Healings or Ultimates

(EDIT after your EDIT) What came afterwards sounded a lot better, as you actually brought up arguments.
And i totally back up your claim.
Overwatch doesnā€™t know quite yet if it is a skill-based game, or a Rock-Paper-Scissor Game where certain heros cancel out others.
At the moment itā€™s kindaā€¦ both? To some degree, but not on a healthy Level


Quake is dead.
Counter-Strike was dead with the launch of 1.6 (arguably even 1.3).
Battlefield was never good to begin with.

Hate to say it but Soldier 76 and Widow are about the most fun Iā€™ve had in a game in a while, but then thereā€™s the rest of the gameā€¦

Hard to find something good and reliable that doesnā€™t succumb to present ideologies.

EDIT: And you can forget about the Tribes and Unreal Tournament franchisesā€¦

I would be pretty pissed if they messed her up. I love everything about her kit/character

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Roadhog and bastion hard counters Moira

Reaper is a counter to Moira. Moira mains know not to engage a reaper. Heā€™ll win nearly every time. He can burst her down quickly too and his wraith can evade her damage orb or he can chase her and have his weapon reload back on top of it to finish her. Then there are the reapers that will solo ult a Moira after baiting the Fade.

Healing orb wonā€™t save Moira from a reaper by the way. Heā€™ll still burst her down.

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Just out of curiosity, what games are casuals allowed to play then, if OW is not one of them? In every multiplayer game Iā€™ve played so far, thereā€™s always group of people who lift themselves above everyone else (or at least thatā€™s what it sounds), demanding the game to be made less enjoyable or impossible for casual players altogether.

If the game has had multiple difficulty levels, hardcore players demand rewards to be removed from the lower skill dungeons etc., because casuals shouldnā€™t have access to rewards. Hardcores are also often seen showing up in casual places, overperforming everyone else and whining at people for not having as good gear and skill as them, and how nobody should even do the casual place unless they overgear it.

If thereā€™s been only one difficulty level and the only way to practice was to jump right in, hardcores were telling casuals to leave and stop ruining their game. OW seems to be the same. This forum is one fine example, and also those silver, gold and platinum players on their mains in practice vs. AI or QP, calling people noobs, telling them to leave and generally being rude. :crazy_face:

So, what games are casuals allowed to play, if all characters, classes, games and game modes are reserved for hardcores?


Tanks I assume. She doesnā€™t do enough damage for tanks to even care.

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