Leave Moira alone for David's sake

Moira is the queen of Sass. If anything were to happen to her, I’d click uninstall.


Reaper Counters moira strong,

She literally cant kill Roadhog, he gets his self heal faster than she can get her damage orb to deal real damage.

And he has 600hp while she only deals 50 with her primary, so thats 12 seconds to kill him without the orb.

Moira doenst stand a chance against Hog, the only thing she can do is run away.

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reeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeeeee something about soft-lock reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Counters to Moira:

  • Reaper
  • Mei
  • Sombra
  • A well positioned McCree
  • Roadhog
  • A good Reinhard
  • Doomfist
  • Maybe a good Torb(?)

The reality is all good games are vidyā games.

Things that take a level of awareness, presence and skillful application to do well will always have larger skillgaps than those which don’t.

Anything else is just a participation trophy.

if anything she needs a buff. Having no utility will leave her as the worst support until she gets reworked. People only really use her as a crutch, for you and your teammates.

I would disagree. I think she’s way too good at dps. You can pick her and 1v1 almost anyone and she’s in almost no danger ever.

I have always seen her as op for when she was added. I pick her just to be a dps than my team.

Do we really need a hard counter for every character in the game? If she does not have one, yet she does not hard counter anyone, guess what? She’s balanced!

It’s so annoying how the community really think every character should have a hard counter and be a hard counter to something. Yes, you have to switch sometimes, but do you really have to switch every single moment??? I have never seen anyone switching characters because of enemy Moira, neither switching off Moira because of another character (unless Ana is hitting anti-nades every 12 seconds, so Moira has no value :stuck_out_tongue: )

Plus, the higher the rank, the less “DPS Moira” is an issue, since she has the lowest DPS ingame and a lot of character can headshot her or just 2 shot + quick melee (in case of projectile heroes).

Believe me, Moira is actually the most balanced support.


As a support main, mostly Moira, she’s a great hero to play, play with and play against.
DPS heroes can rely on her for steady, mass healing as she’s usually in the midst of the battle and can heal multiple targets at once, and the enemy will find that both she and her teammates will be tough to take down with the heals and Moira’s Fade (a great escape maneuver, which gets better the more you know how to exploit it’s movement).
She shines when playing alongside tanks (why else would she be the go-to main healer for GOATS), though she cannot reliably attack a tank on her own with her low DPS potential (seriously, her attacks have some of the lowest raw DPS stats ingame).
Finally, she’s arguably the best healer in the game, and she does an excellent job of peeling/protecting her fellow healers if they get into trouble. Against another support, she’s got about a 50/50 chance of beating nearly any of them, as they either have the abilities/skill to retaliate or escape.
Finally, all this DPS Moira talk is laughable. Her attacks have some of the lowest raw damage in-game, with most Moira elims happening because 1. Her self-healing can keep her alive while she whittles down the enemy, and/or 2. The enemy cannot/do not escape, allowing her to secure the kill. She has incredible survivability and her Fade (when not on cooldown) is an amazing disengage tool. Her Ult is more valuable as a tool for healing than it is damage (though using it for both is best), and the so-called “lock-on” for her RMB isn’t true at all. Old Sym’s LMB was a lock-on, Mercy’s beams are lock-on, but Moira’s beam only curves slightly side to side from the crosshairs, which becomes less effective at longer range.
TL:DR Moira is a great character with several great abilities, but as a individual she’s limited by her low DPS effectiveness. As a support the goal isn’t to hard counter/be hard countered, rather to work well in a team. She’s very well balanced, and yeah, should be left alone :slight_smile:

Tbh I don’t like Moira as a Genji player I’ll admit but she def doesn’t need a nerf LOL

Her counters are d.va , roadhog ,winston (he can block her primary source of heal and chase her down ),ana (she can stop her job) and soldier

If you ask me, she is Genji’s hardest counter, at the very least. However, I was not advocating for her to have a hard counter so much as I wa’s genuinely asking. And boi did I get a lot of responses. Lul.

Honestly, Moira being perceived as weak really helps me as my duo mains Moira and helps the team in ways that other supports cannot possibly achieve in plat. So… I am all good. I do believe people underrate her quite a bit, though.

Oh they will, it is a cycle on here…we are already back to Tracer.






but in all seriousness moira is fine, shes so low on utility, id almost be okay with upping her damage.


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For David, leave her alone.


I am not a genji player but it peeves me when the one or two times I try to play him and I reflect back a moira orb, it seems to only last like 2 seconds afterwards when normally that moira orb would be around for like 10 more seconds lol. U know hoping for a sweet reflected orb but it turns to garbage for some reason immediately after being reflected.

I see, people say she’s the weakest support because she does not have utility like all the other supports. She only have burst healing and damage. Ana have sleep and nade AND nano. Mercy have res. Zenyatta discord. Lucio Speed, I also consider the boop utility. Brig stun. But that’s exactly why Moira is easier to be balanced, the devs don’t have to decrease any aspect of her healing or damage in order of not tuning down other abilities, like what happened to Mercy, she got 13 nerfs, because ress is such a strong ability, when they couldn’t nerf ress any longer, they went for her healing output which made her really weak in my opinion.