Leave Moira alone for David's sake

Dont you dare complain about the Irish goddess, she is perfectly balanced and everything about her is balanced: pickrate, winrate, weaknesses, niche, counters, ult, everything.

Leave her out of this dumb nerf witch hunt.


Ahem please refer here for a detailed explanation on why something needs to be done.



For the love of god, I thought we got over Moira being able to actually not die instantly to Genji a year ago when she launched. Let’s not bring this stuff again.


Aside from being very easy to play, she is far from broken.


People going after Moira instead of Ana. How I was mistaken of. Also, I forgot Moira even was an character.

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Leave her alone ?
NEVAH, i will hug and protecc her for all that good times we had together :3


I am not asking for a nerf; however, what are her counters again? I can only think of D.Va to eat the orbs and, well, I guess tanks because she just tickles them. Again, not saying she is powerful, but honestly, I do not believe she has many “counters.”

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D.Va, Ana, Pharah, and Reaper

Nah man, they got Brig, so why stop there? Moiras got good healing, good damage potential, a “lock-on” infinite ammo beam, and and escape, thats just OPPRESSIVE on a support.


Frankly Brig needed the nerf. Maybe it was too harsh and will bite us in the rear with maybe another dive meta, but she needed some kind of heavy toning down.


Who’s David?
Is it my brother David?


You mind explaining Reaper? I get the other two.

To be more serious, Brigs pick rate and win rate are going to plummet, with that will come the rise of Tracer and Genji again, if not full dive meta, with them on the rise again the pick rates for Ana and Zen are going to fall too and Mercy and Moira esspecially will rise to take their places because they can escape them.

Be prepared to see a lot of hate thrown at Moira again soon.


We got some useful buffs for Roadhog and Orisa, (plus Brigitte won’t be useless by any stretch of imagination) the anti-dive squad is much better equipped and powerful for the second round. Dive won’t be near completely dominant as it was before.


Reaper can burst down enemies faster than moira can lifesteal or heal. He can also wraith out of her damage orbs and his ultimate will kill her if fade is on cooldown.


D.va is her best counter right now. Like you said, she can eat orbs and also her armor reduces Moira’s damage to next to nothing. So in the end, there is pretty much nothing Moira can do against D.va.
Widow is good counter also. There is pretty much nothing Moira can do against headshot. Especially during the ultimate. That will also add Hanzo and Ashe to counter list.
Ana is also soft countering her. The granade will keep Moira from healing, and it will also heal all the damage the damage orb can do, if soaked by few Ana’s teammates. Moira is also rather easy to sleep during her ultimate. :thinking:


I used to complain about her damage range but i don’t really have that much of an issue with it anymore. Plus if my team has no healer she is my go to healer because I like to dps also. At least there is still a latch damage character that can deal with Genji since Sym no longer latches.


I don’t even care if someone thinks she needs a nerf, I’d just like to see one of those posts that actually knows how the hero they’re proposing a nerf for works. Just as a fun change of pace


If anything, she’s a bit underpowered too. If they let her heal through barriers, then she’d be balanced.


as a support main for ever…

I have some bad news.

Most people dont like supports…

firts it was mercy.
then brig.
i assume either moira or lucio will be next.
then zen
then ana.

then we will get the next support hero and they buff all of them and we start all over again.