LC-208 fix was reverted

i like the most that no employee has responded to anyones thread questions here or anywhere else about 208 … :expressionless:

Fix your game blizzard


I have the same problem too with psp 4



I have the problem too on PS4. I tried to restart / reinstall the game, no changes.
If you have a solution, I take it :slight_smile:


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Its just unbelievable, how the game can be unplayable for consoles for almost 12 hours and not any update or news? Its just unacceptable


if there was any announcement for a downtime fix it would of happen by now, probably tomorrow will be a different picture but well have to wait and see.

No maintenance scheduled today? :pensive:

well looks like I can’t play today thanks blizzard!!!

Some of us had LC-208 on console for 3 days after launch until it was fixed, with barely any acknowledgement from them that they know about it at all.
Then they broke it again after 24 hours.


Broke it again, and no words received from them

Everyone use this link to submit a ticket the more people we get to do it the faster they will fix this god awful issue.

Unfortunately I don’t think it works that way.
Support tickets go to level 1 support centers who forward issues to the devs if they are unaware of them, but they are already VERY aware of this issue and working on it (as per last comms), we just have no update or ETA on a resolution, sadly.

i have the LC-208 error. it seems to only be linked to my account. when i log into my wifes system and use her account im fine but if i try mine it does not let me login and gives me the LC208 error

Going to be locking this topic as we have a primary thread in our #technical-support forum tracking this problem.