Korean YouTube poll on open queue vs role queue

Well also as far as I remember.

Korea had the both the largest excess amount of DPS players to Tank/Support ratio.

But at the same time, had more GOATs fans.

To be fair, as far as I remember, the there was a higher DPS to Tank/Support ratio in Korea.

Which would make sense if they had substantially worse queue times than everybody else, that they’d want a way out.


I liked being able to switch to Zarya if I cant do anything on 76.

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222 is indeed a failure, as evidenced by the multiple attempts to replace it and ultimately it being cast aside with the advent of OW2


Removal of multiple same heroes choice, removal of change hero during matches, role queue, 2-2-2 and now 1-2-2.

All this changes was necessary because the original gameplay of Ow1 and open queue was a fail, because Ow1 gameplay can’t keep players on game.

This is the real problem.

The initial idea of a team based free for all casul moba hero shotter with a competitive gamemode, was a fail.

Blizzard needed to restrict Overwatch original gameplay always more in the years to make it barely work.

To the point they need to relaunch the game with a “sequel” and a new big gameplay rework.

The Asian mind set compared to the American is night and day. They have a serious mind set and don’t have the my fun is more important then the team .
I could see why people would want open que in the Asian side.

But here is mandatory to babysit and keep people in check.

Too many I like to play for fun types in competitive.

The difference in RQ and OQ is in RQ when the opposing team is better at 222 than you it’s usually a steamroll and there’s nothing your team can do about it. In OQ you could come up with all sorts of different comps to win.

222 is rarely competitive. You can tell how 9 out of 10 matches will play out within the first 2 minutes. Just because someone is locked into a role doesn’t mean they know how to play the role well.

Say your team is getting wrecked by a Pharah and you have 2 DPS who only play Junk and Reap. But you have a great hitscan player who is stuck on Ana. In OQ they could have swapped to DPS and killed her. Instead they take the L because they are locked on support. Or you get stuck with 2 off tanks who have no synergy. Or 2 off healers who think Zen/Lucio is enough heals. You would be better off with 2 extra DPS doing damage than a Zen playing respawn simulator while a Lucio sits on speed boost with 500 healing for the match.

RQ is garbage and killed OW. Anyone who says otherwise is in denial.


These are also just random schmucks on YouTube, and it’s a well known fact that YouTube commenters are some of the dumbest creatures on the planet, giving a sponges a run for their money.

If the best players in the world don’t want it then that’s serious grounds for reconsideration.

enormous, Olympian long jump reach to go from “randoms on YouTube who may or may not be Korean” to “THE BEST PLAYERS IN THE WORLD”


I feel that 1-2-2 makes open queue even more possible than 2-2-2. Because we have one less tank, which means less chance of you losing the game because only one player in your team decided to go tank against enemies with two tanks.

But there’s still the risk of everybody wanting to go DPS though. So all they need to do is add soft locks in open queue. If one player picks tank, the tank role gets greyed out and nobody else can pick a tank (until the said person gets off the tank role). Same goes with the DPS role, if two player picks DPS, the DPS role gets greyed out. This will make the game more dynamic in competitive mode I think since you can collaborate with your teammates to decide who picks which role and switch in-between rounds.

This method probably isn’t going to work in quickplay because everyone is just trying to practice their heroes. So if they can’t pick the role that they want to play, they’ll just leave the game. We can’t penalized the players for leaving quickplay either because it would be unfair to them. But in competitive, it’s possible to implement penalties if a selfish player leaves all because they couldn’t pick DPS. So open queue with soft locks should work decently well in competitive mode. Maybe they could call this mode “hard core competitive mode” or something.

No simple the idea of ow1 a team based, free choice, casual moba hero shotter with a competitive mode is a fail.

The idea itself behind the gameplay of ow1 killed overwatch.

All the various changes in years only tried to keep it alive a bit more.

But simple exausted the novelty effect, overwatch simple not haved a gameplay adapt to fps market and wasn’t enough good to create a stable new fps market.

Overwatch 2 try finally to direct it to a different, already existing fps market, a team oriented skill based game.

With an adapt balance is their only and last chance to make Overwatch name survive.

You see the problem with this is:
Nerfing tanks ruins the games at lower levels where they’d often have only 1 tank, potentially 2.

Another issue with open queue is match quality, a plat dps might be forced to flex to their silver support. which can throw off match balance entirely.

On that note being forced to flex SUCKS. If I queue into a game I want to know I am going to get to play what I wanted to play. Not having to swap to ensure my team doesn’t instalose because the other dps dont mind throwing unless someone swaps.

On top of that it made the game easier to balance since you eliminate some of the random variables going into a match. You know there is 2-2-2 so you can balance around that.

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The problem is no one cares what the Korean gamers say in a poll…

Not as long as the pros, mainly Korean say otherwise they won’t. They are to date roundly supportive of RQ and in fact led the charge on it.


Interesting poll with surprising results. But ultimately OQ main mode would undeniably lead to a triple tank, double support meta. And a triple tank, double support meta means Overwatch is dead within a year. The property and e-sport can’t survive another GOATS.

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I don’t understand how that makes it more or less competitive just because they throw more random compositions at the enemy team. It doesn’t seem to hold any integrity for a competitive game. Like, losing at the very end so everyone picks 4 or 5 tanks to stall it out as much as possible until they get their ultimates? It just seems lame.

I enjoyed OQ for quickplay but back then in competitive it always used to be people crying to other team mates, forcing them to play a 222 structure. I always thought that was part of the reason why they went with RQ, it was something the community wanted.

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that’s matchmaking for you, even in role queue games are complete steamrolls 8/10 times, just because 2/2/2 is enforced doesn’t mean the quality of games got better or more competitive, it just exacerbates the issue that not being able to switch to a hero that the situation warrants feels bad to play.

hilarious that you propose this when they haven’t updated this game in years because they figured out that it’s impossible to balance forced 2/2/2 with this roster and worked on OW2 instead.

besides it is still Blizzard, the company that are notorious for being unable to balance their games, OW2 will similarly be busted and rife with frustrating metas and overtuned characters.


Hit the nail on the head.

They want low queue times because it’s costing them precious time and money.

Which a lot of people are greatful for.

I’d rather have both team teams playing the same rule set (222 or 122 in Overwatch 2’s case) in a competitive environment. So it comes down to counter picks, playing around counters and working as a team to win.

In a casual environment Idc, I’d go into no limits if I truly want the random bs of 6 Torbs on 2cp, multi tanks or triple PharaMercy etc. There’s the reason people yearned for one hero per team, just from a fun and balancing perspective. Because overtime disorganized chaos began to out way the fun people were having.

Separate SR is great too because it can show the player what areas they excel in and what needs working on.


Obviously your opinion is valid because you insulted people and only the best discussions start with insults. :wink:


For real.

I love no limits not for comp tho.

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Oh yeah, it’s fine in small bursts. But no limits competitive was total trash.

Makes me feel less bad about suggesting Competitive Mystery Heroes. At least that mode would be hysterical in looking at top 500.


Koreans also think that boosting accounts is not that big a deal.
And there’s also the rampant cheating that a lot of them do.


How on earth did you get to this leap of logic from those results?