Korean YouTube poll on open queue vs role queue

A resounding victory for open queue at least from this poll - which admittedly can be flawed.

Koreans are some of the smartest and the best players with a lot of competitive drive - a lot of them make it to overwatch league.

I wonder if Blizzard will take the smart route and realise that role queue is a failed project sustained on sunk cost fallacy grounds.

If the best players in the world don’t want it then that’s serious grounds for reconsideration.

I’d love to see more types of polling such as directly in the game or via battle.net.



They were previously polled about 6v6 and gave similar answers. I’m trying to find the link.



Reconsider what? it is already in OW2.

You will be able to play it, and that is a good thing.


Reconsider having it as the main mode.


I’ve said it before, only very specific players defend RQ. The majority preferred OQ hence the population numbers falling off a cliff in late 2019. Current OQ is not the same because the heroes are balanced around 2-2-2.

There aren’t many healbots and shieldbots in Korea who depend on being hard carried every match so of course they prefer OQ.



You have one country which prefers it, and in a move which shouldn’t surprise people, it is a country where they have very different attitudes towards it as a game.

You are not going to see it become the main mode unless the players here take up the same attitude.

Given the number of people who will just DPS regardless of what the team comp needs, there is a long long way to go.

Basically, if people treated it as a team sport in most of the world, you could go for it.

But they didn’t, and are even less likely to now.


It will change nothing. 5v5 is set in stone. This is only there if they should bring 6v6 and QPC to Arcade, which will happen. As main mode it would fail.

98% of the player base isn’t Korean. I’ve played with open queue, I’ve played with role queue. You severely overestimate the competency and selflessness of the western player base.

Role queue was a god send. Stop living in the past. You’ve already got your open queue mode. Move on.


God can we let this rest please? Role Queue was necessary. I’m so glad I don’t have to enter another comp match or even QP match with friends and have to see everyone instalock DPS.

Not to mention I really don’t want to run into GOATs in ranked in any way, shape, or form ever again.


I didn’t like role queue in ow1 but Open Queue is unplayable in ow2.
Tanks are just way too good for Open Queue to be enjoyable.


If open queue was so good it would have been already the preferred comp mode.

People only adore open queue until they end up in a match with 5 other dps.


Heroes are balanced around 1-2-2 and 2-2-2. It isn’t the same OQ it used to be.


If open q was so good we wouldn’t need 222 on the firs place.

The only reason open q has been left in the game is because it was slightly more popular in korea at the time. All other regions preferred 222 over open q.

It is safe to say that 222 has won the queue wars long time ago.


Personally I’d take back Ashe having 85 damage for ADS body shots and 170 damage for head shots, Hanzo with increased projectile velocity and Widow with a 9 second cooldown on grapple.

But only if we keep Role Queue :stuck_out_tongue:

Everybody else quit the game.


It is because it soaked DPS players and helped with the DPS queue time.

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because the game was bad not because of 222

Even more will be leaving after 5v5 becomes a thing

Well that too but seems like most dps rather wait in long queues than playing in a team full of dps.

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I’ll admit, I enjoyed OQ for the first hour. After that… I got more and more annoyed as people figured stuff out and now, I won’t be touching it for awhile. People already figured out what makes you helpless. That was quick.

It’s bad because of 2-2-2. It made the game meta/hitscan dominant and eliminated all the uniqueness it once had.


It is not something that is exclusive to 222

Well, OW2 removes even the last sign of uniqueness that this game had.