Korean YouTube poll on open queue vs role queue


Lets not bring in the dishonorable cheating of the system to the ‘best’ players in the world.

HULK is not the smart one, Bruce Banner is. To an extent

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The funny thing is though, if you DO put the team first, you rank up. And eventually, you get to a rank where everyone puts the team first (because you couldn’t get there without doing that), and OQ is just fine.

It’s kind of ironic, because everyone on the forums who says “OQ sucks 6 DPS every game,” are the same people that make OQ suck.

Absolutely. So many people seem to argue “RQ saved the game.” It’s like
what are you talking about? lol. Everyone left because of it. And now, the few people that still play, are sitting in 10 minute queues.

I barely play this game anymore, but when I do, I only play OQ. And it’s unfortunate they stopped balancing for OQ, because it’s become a bit arcadish, in the sense that some compositions/characters are just too powerful.


The funnier thing is that this isn’t true. I reached somewhere around 3900SR prior to role queue and games were still full of players who didn’t care about working together

You’ve got it backwards
what makes OQ suck is the people who pick 3rd, 4th & 5th DPS heroes in open queue

As a flex player it got very annoying being forced to solo heal/tank on a regular basis because the majority of the team wanted to play DPS


I guess you and I had different experiences then.

Very, I was ecstatic when role queue was announced & have barely touched Open Queue since.


Even now, while the mode is on death’s door, I get nothing but 222 in diamond. Luckily, as I am sure higher ranks are abusing 3-3.

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You consider higher rank = important.

I personally don’t, I think they just obsessed regular people.

Tho i do consider polls as strong indicators, i remember Jeff giving us stats on match type a long time ago and Korea was much the same as this, with the rest of the world the opposite, so i am not shocked with these results.

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Well, Korean server is pretty toxic, their GM+ matches might be fun, but the most other ranks lobbies are not that great and filled with toxicity and gameplay sabotage. I find most other servers like U.S, SEA, OCE are more enjoyable.

There’s already QP classic and competitive open queue.

If it became popular enough, it probably would be made the main mode.

But when players have a choice and most pick the mode with role queues, that says way more than a poll ever could.


Wow if that’s true then maybe they’ll get a whole different game
 and different balancing etc. Honestly really envious of them.

In the West we just hear “Just go play OQ” but these people don’t realise that since 2-2-2 came OQ is no longer the same as it was before.

They displayed data on this in the past and Korea was the only one who played it more than every other area of the world.

Everywhere else about 3 percent or less played it.

Yeah, the OUTSPOKEN group has lied ONCE again (as usual) About how ROLE Q was the savior to this game

:clap: :smirk:

No, it has not saved the game. In most external forums Role Q was pretty apparent that it should have been an AFTER-THOUGHT Mode for this game. and not the game’s core.

After I went from Playing a few months of Role JAIL back to Quickplay Classic in Arcade. I would say the lesser of toxicity exists in open Q. Since the only people to blame, are themselves for not swapping to the role nobody wanted to FILL. And if a Comp or Meta exists. A person has to use their brain to overcome the enemy.


This thread is so dumb lmao. Most of you guys should have just said “I will say literally anything to back this random YouTube poll because my stance is finally being represented.”


Regardless if it’s open queue or role queue players are going to be selfish, lol. Forcing a comp doesn’t change that fact.

If you think it’s somehow less tilting to lose a game where you have an Ana / Lucio / Baptiste playing DPS instead of healing, or a Hog that refuses to swap when they’re being countered
vs. the ability for you, as a player, to swap into something that compliments your team where it is lacking - I don’t know what to tell you.

Role queue is hot garbage.


Koreans play much less selfishly as a whole, so unless we want to adopt a system that will fail everywhere else, we shouldn’t model it after what Koreans want, or even what works best for the way they play. In Korea, if Doom is killing your healers and the current DPS aren’t protecting them, you’re much more likely to see people trade roles mid-game to do what’s best to win. In the NA servers, as soon as the cards are down, you get 4-6 DPS.

Pytheon isn’t wrong.
When I climbed so close to Grandmaster before Role Queue, I hit this wall of constantly getting 1 person that were threatening the team to throw the match or they would outright leave the match, after the timer for the match to automatically close, to end.
That way, the team is forced to play 5v6 or just lose, due to another player deciding to leave after the timer, too.

This would happen every few matches in that rank, that I realized that climbing the ranks was a waste of time because other players purposely made it, so my time was wasted.

At that point, I stopped caring to win in Competitive mode & just play the mode to have fun, as if it was Quick Play.

I personally enjoy the competitive nature of Competitive Mode over Quick Play, but after Role Queue artificially increased queue times, even higher than the queue times for Quick Play, I just stopped playing the game as frequently as I once did.

Stop telling the truth about player skill. It has to be the OP hero’s, the thousands of smurfs or blizzards mmr/sr rigging that’s Been holding us all back, not our actually skill level

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We’ve always known Korea is the one region that prefers open queue. In 2020 Blizzard even went so far as to publicly post playtime in OW and role queue/quick play gets significantly more playtime than open queue/quickplay classic.

Infographic on different Overwatch mode playtimes, 2020

The same is true with polling, role queue always prevails as the more preferred game mode in every region except Korea.


Like I keep saying, people know and like to play optimal strats, they just hate being forced into them (especially if it comes with a long queue). The only reason I’ve been playing role queue over QPC is because playing tanks gives me a free box and 25 currency every match with almost no queue.

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They already put both queues next to each other, i’m unsure how you make it more main?

Also, how would you address the issues with OQ such as:

  • players feeling forced to switch to roles they dont know how to play at high ranks
  • some comps become very solid “must picks” at high ranks
  • “losing in spawn” team comps