Keep Zarya on 2 universal charges

But they share the same cooldown, THATS the thing… (Well projected is even longer)
If it was 2 projected barrier charges then duh, but this shares the same cooldown, and since projected barrier has a cooldown increase it entirely depends if it will affect her or not.

Personally, yes I think it would be a buff, and if needed they could give her a grav nerf (and of course, projected barrier shouldn’t extend in front of reins barrier). But it’s not as OP as you think, IMO.

You keep saying that and I keep replying the same

It wasn’t overpowered because of the environment it showed up in, plain and simple.

Then let’s try it on a real experimental

  • Zarya now shares personal and projected barrier cooldowns
  • Projected barrier no longer extends in front of reins barrier
  • Grav radius reduced to 5 or 4m.

How about that?

Nope, don’t like it. It’s not a change the character needs, nor one the game would benefit from.

Why not? Devs want Tanks to be more desirable to Damage players.

And to make it so that NotBarrier-OffTank is indispensable.

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Your balancing philosophy is bad, that’s why not

Explain, all you’ve done this whole time is:

  • nope this is factual, how I think is correct and everyone else is dumb af… :roll_eyes:

My balancing philosophy is 1. Do what it takes to fix queue times 2. Consider other things after that 3. Deliberately ignore people who insist 2-2-2 needs to be balanced like Open Queue.

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The change being a major buff is a fact, doesn’t matter what anyone’s opinion on it is. The only downside is a two second longer cooldown on one bubble, while the upsides are numerous and exceptionally impactful.

I’m not calling anyone here dumb, I’m saying y’all gotta look at the facts!

Major is incorrect IMO. Yeah I think it’s a buff, but that’s BOTH our opinions.

You seem to misunderstand what “fact” means…

Facts are, Tanks aren’t desirable enough right now.

So merely balancing the status quo isn’t enough.

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And destroying balance so that the least popular role destroys the most popular role is not gonna fix queue times. If anything, it’s going to drive away more players because what they like to play will be bad, while what they don’t like to play will be good.

If you can’t see how that’s a bad thing, then you ain’t looking hard enough. A balance must be struck, you can’t just throw everything out of the window like that.

What do you think falcon is suggesting?
They aren’t suggesting giving tanks all 1000dps. I mean, last I checked they said they wanted only to buff sigma/orisa barriers and give tanks a regen.

Probably should be more changes IF they want more tank players.

Sounds to me like it would get more Tank players, and sadly a few less DPS.

Which both of those would fix queue times

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Lose a few, eh? Just when queue times are at an all time high, let’s just hit the bulk of our remaining players with severe negative impacts to their preferred playstyle.

That ought to encourage them to stick around, just like the tank players.

You’re making the assumption that there are more DPS players who care about “Objective Capture Influence” than those that care about queue times, and matchmaker quality.

However if they really cared, they’d already be playing Tank.

I thought they were only suggesting tank buffs? Not dps nerfs…

You don’t have to nerf something to make it bad

The short of it, you’re assuming maintaining the status quo of bad queue times, bad matchmaker, and bad tank usage variety won’t lose any players.

Which is a dangerous and irresponsible assumption.

In your mind you’re comparing losing zero players, versus losing a few players.

Which is wrong.

You should be comparing losing a lot of players versus losing a few players.

As a Zarya player, no she doesn’t need a buff and especially not this one. It will only increase the hate of playing against her since she can give 2 bubbles to a flanker which is basically hell to play against.