Just revert these changes :)



  • Projectile now pierces barriers.
  • Radius has been increased from 8 meters to 10 meters.



  • Can now be targeted by allies while in Cryo-Freeze.


Endothermic Blaster

  • Freeze (slow) duration increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.
  • Weapon alternate fire ammo cost reduced from 25 to 20.


Endothermic Blaster

  • Now pierces through enemies.


Endothermic Blaster

  • Removed all damage falloff from her secondary fire projectile.


Endothermic Blaster

  • Primary fire damage increased from 2.25 to 2.75 (45 to 55 damage per second).

Revert McCrees firerate update, revert lifesteal and teleport, revert genji shurikens (he doesn’t need it, forcing him into meta with buffs is just powercreep)

not all pick 3


Nah, we are definitely going over board if we are pretending 2 extra shots with Genji is power creep. I cannot believe that I, the number 1 Genji hater is saying this… But leave him alone.

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Reverting the changes Mei has had over the years would so undo the purpose of those changes which would greatly reduce the viablity. I think It is more important to find changes that slightly reduce her ability to consistantly freeze or trapping enemies that would not reduce her viablity but instead allow stronger counter play to come in from heroes that can escape from her.


i main genji, i dont want him to be powercrept, i know that shurikens are a minor change, but its still leaning in the wrong direction, hes only bad because everyone else is so strong

definitely not all but a lot of those seem fairly unnecessary in today’s OW

if mei is going to be absolutely dominant in a close range fight, why can she do 150 damage with no falloff? Why is she able to freeze 6 people at once, isnt that what her ult is for? Why is her ultimate able to cover an entire objective? Why is she able to slow down your character STARTING at 30% speed reduction

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Wait I thought you were a one trick Widow

I ask you the same thing… why are you letting Mei freeze your team as a whole? I get that on a 1v1 you might miss your shots but really… ALL of your team getting frozen probably happens once in a blue moon


Why would they nerf a hero that is only being played because of the meta and not because they’re strong at all? Because they’re naive? Not going to happen buds

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you can say the same thing about hanzo, who is the current witch hunt victim even though his one shot capability is no different than it was almost 4 years ago

The right click? Remember that is a very delayed shot and is typically not easy to hit long-range targets with.

While she can pierce through enemies with the left-click, the ability to freeze everyone at once is nearly impossible in a realistic team fight, One or two yes, but not all six at once.

Not truly entirely but it is intended to zone out enemies.

Because that is needed for her slow-traveling left-click spray to effectively land enough. This might be viable to nerf slightly like 20%, but I have seen a proposal from GreyFalcon that is much better.


I think he has been actioned by now, the last post is two hours ago but I will keep an eye on it.

No you can’t because Hanzo has always been meta ever since his Scatter Arrow was reworked as long as the meta hasn’t been GOATS or super sustain doublebarriers in which case the meta was Sym+DF for obvious reasons. His pick potential is valuable and he has sustained damage from all ranges towards barriers which makes him very valuable right now, but note that his average damage output is still below Sigma’s in high tier so Hanzo players’ aren’t actually hitting opponents from longer ranges. He’s being meta boosted too right now as the last patch was basically a buff to him overall vs. other DPS suffering in some way from it, but if they want to address the power creep that has happened in the game by taking back DPS from other DPS heroes (which they should) then I whole-heartedly expect them to nerf his Primary Fire windup time and take 5 damage off from his Storm Arrows

EDIT: Oh I forgot about post-Sigma release role lock meta which played Mei/Reaper/Orisa/Hog when he wasn’t played either. The reason for that was Pull+Hook being very strong with no Sigma in the picture and Orisa being good against him with a 900hp barrier

Did you actually call her “not strong” even though she can freeze all 6 members of the enemy team with her left-click? Something that her ultimate could do, but it’s now her primary fire?

Mei is busted. Not overtuned, not “good in this meta”. Straight up overpowered. She can do too much for how much skill she requires (cough holding M1 cough), she is the definition of “braindead CC machine”. At least heroes like OG Brig, Doomfist and Sombra had clear downsides like range, cooldown reliance or low damage. But not Mei. And I really hope that the next PTR patch nerfs her harder than Sym, Hog or Brig. With how she was designed, she just doesn’t deserve to be viable, cuz she makes an entire role quit the game.

When has Blizzard ever reverted changes? The rare moments where they have involved waiting for months or even a whole year until Blizzard realises their mistake.

Do you actually think that these mean anything? You can D.va bomb 6 players and kill them instantly SHE MUST BE OP RIGHT BECAUSE THAT’S BETTER THAN FREEZING, RIGHT? nope. You can make examples about unrealistic scenarios and exaggerate her kit all you want to make it look OP or bad, but statistically there’s absolutely nothing wrong about her and she hasn’t seen viable high tier play never except in two cases: Back in during the first esports scene tournaments when her ultimate charged oppressively fast and when role lock was firstly introduced because it was one of the only things that worked against Pull+Hook combo which the meta revolved around

So next time you spew toxic opinions about how some heroes shouldn’t be viable, keep them to yourself please if you have no intention of basing them on the hero’s actual performance

I enjoyed the early shadow orb pickups Reaper had, but blizzard had to remove fun.

I have no problem with Mei. She can be countered.

Hanzo on the other hand…

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hanzos counter is being better than the player, im making a compilation of me 1v1ing or even killing him in the middle of chaos on tracer, literally just be better than him, he isnt going to dink every single shot

I do not think a Mei is ever able to freeze the whole enemy team, sorry but that simply doesn’t work unless she’s playing against actual… bots but that’s impossible to pull off.