Just noticed how well balanced new heroes are

Hammond? After his recent Shield Buff, he’s pretty solid.

Ashe? Besides some worries at the beginning she turned out just fine.

Baptiste? Seems mostly fine, heck they even buffed him :smiley:

None of them are really bad or broken, so good job Blizz :smiley:


was it red before you wiped?

Hanzo? Cancerous af

Yeah, it makes sense



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You’re implying heroes prior to them aren’t. :sweat: :sweat_smile:

Ashe is really underpowered. If you can aim, you should pick Widow because it make no sense picking Ashe, while Widow has much more damage output and can oneshot in head.

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cough Brig cough


Agreed, but Ashe could use some love especially after her recent bug fix (nerf). But I think it shows (hopefully) that they’ve gotten better with balancing characters.

I’d rather an underpowered niche character vs. an overpowered meta character.

They said that it’s bug and they will return ult charge while Bob is active, am I mistaken?

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I haven’t seen any statement? :open_mouth:

Please tell me it’s true.

Ana, Sombra, Doom and Brig have certainly been a little controversial heros in terms of balance.

I would say that hero’s that were added just because they are fun to play and progess law are definitely better than ones who were put it to try and change the game.

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Yeah expect in reality Ashe is one of the worst heroes in the game and Baptiste has cancerous abilities (AoE healings, AoE invulnerability on a cooldown…) and is pointless outside of the most cancerous comp in the game.

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That sound more like a personal opinion than a fact…

You forgot a beautiful little lady called Brigitte.

and before that
Brigitte: pretty much destroyed the game
Moira: bad for the game
Doomfist: bad for the game
Orisa: bad/useless for the game
Sombra: bad for the game


Moira and Orisa were mostly okay, I agree with the rest :smiley:

Moira hasn’t done anything in Overwatch other than skill check garbage flanker players, bad Ana is bad.


That nerf should’ve been made a long time ago

Wait, they buffed her? Last I checked no ultimate has ever had the ability to charge while being used…