Just noticed how well balanced new heroes are

Many ults can. Hanzo, torb, hammond. The dmg from bob doesnt give her charge, the dmg she does while bob is out does. Well currently it doesnt, but once fixed it will again.

Those are only a little similar. Once put on the ground, they can’t move and can only hit people in them. Bob has auto aim with a very solid amount of dps and can be moved by boops.
An ult that is identical is Torb’s OLD ult but he didn’t charge ult while it was up last I checked.

So what if they are not the exact same? All are placed and have a duration. Sure other ppl can cc and boop bop, but once he is thrown in a line, hits something, he just has a duration. Just like torb and hammond’s ult do. Bob is a pretty bad ult anyways. Often can just los, ana is played lots, sleep is more than half his duration, plenty of time to LOS from that, or put a shield down etc. Either way, its currently bugged and she is supposed to be getting charge.

BOB can contest. I think it to be an unnecessary “fix”. In my view point, she is broken. Not OP, but broken.

I still think Ashe gets outperformed by the other Hitscans and Snipers. But she’s very versatile. A small buff to her Falloff Range would be nice.

Welp its a bug and they said they are gonna fix it. So w.e, you think she is broken, I think this bug which is a huge nerf isnt needed and happy she will be returned to normal. Ashe isnt doing particularly well anyways. Not picked too much, a below average win rate, and bunker meta is awful for her as she does bad dmg to shields.

Bunker is awful for everyone except those involved. She doesn’t get picked because she is new, as with all newer heroes because people already have their mains before that, and her win-rate is about 50% which is pretty decent.

Well let’s have a look at some of the others…oh yes Brig. She was SUPER balanced, Doomfist was perfectly balanced at launch, Ana also didn’t break the game at all /s

OP has a point, new heroes tend to break the game while these new ones are being dropped in pretty good places (a few minor adjustments could be argued for, but so could most heroes).

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I made a mistake, was for some reason looking at console stats. I was wondering why they were lower than I remembered Either way, a decent hero who did not require a nerf. And should only be getting worse the more bunker is played due her lack of shield break compared to other heroes.

Also I dont htink being some what new matters, her pick rate has only been slightly going down over the past few months. If anything I think new heroes are picked more, then fall off unless they are very strong.

Ana was actually bad when she came out. And not played much at all. Then she got buffed and people learned her power.


recluse next?

did she do any good for the game? no she’s just an annoying hero to play with and against. especially dps moiras
and I never said anything about ana

i think they did a good job to be honest especially after that buff with the movement and shield generation of hammond he is perfect

inbound New sniper

Launch brig was the most broken any hero has ever been in this game, or is very close to original Valk Mercy.

Doomfist has cycled back and forth from worst hero in the game to completely broken because his feast-or-famine design is unbalanceable

Sombra’s kit and playstyle is an affront to man, sensibility and God

And Orisa’s main issue is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. At least she has never been obnoxiously broken (except until now possibly), which is more than can be said for the other 3.

Out of every pre-Hamster post launch hero only Ana and Moira actually made the game better.

You can’t tell me how to live my life.


We just gonna forget the fact that Ana was the main cause of triple tank though?

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Junkrat is garbage tier now and not balanced.

People holler for a tank that can replace/semi replace rein for years, I think orisa is a fine addition, albeit boring.

  • i agree with brig at relase but i think she’s fine now. (could even use a little buff or something to not make her pointless when you are not running a melee heavy comp).

  • I have no problems with doom. to get kills he needs to put himself into risky situations.

  • I like playing as sombra or playing against her. she is annoying, yes. but she cant do much on her own.

how is orisa broken right now? Have i missed something?