How to make people want to play tanks, give the role more carry potential rather than “dps have to carry” mentality. If all you want is for tanks to be meat shields, good luck finding a big enough player base that is happy to do that job.
It means very little but I’m totes sailing this salty sea with you m dude.
You are not alone and you are not wrong. I, have moved to dps wholesale. And rein is totally a reason why
I say we buff the rest of the tanks enough that Rein isn’t obligatory.
Especially the off tanks. They’re more fun to play and more fun to play against. They still serve the role of tank well, because they’re threatening and large and easy to hit, but they’re not like - lets crowd behind barriers and shoot hit scan bullets and pick people off.
than maybe you pick rein ? rein/orisa is currently one of the best if not the best tank combo in OW currently , if you picking a bad other tank cause you to loose you can only blmae yourself
The main problem with tanks is how they match up against each other in terms of how they can get their damage in.
Rein can get his damage in pretty easily through everything except zarya bubble.
If a tank cannot put pressure against the enemy tank, whoever it may be, they will inevitably have to give up space or they die.
Orisa would have to seriously be out of position to deal damage to rein, so it was basically solely up to hog to keep him in check.
Not to mention some tanks get completely screwed out of their defensive capabilities like defense matrix or gravitic harness vs. laser beams and melee attacks.
Please don’t nerf Rein. Buff the other main tanks instead. No one wants to choose from 3 trash hero’s.
So we are gonna pretend months to a year ago yall werent complaining Rein was a bad pick?
Most of the other tanks are only trash by comparison to Rein. If Rein isn’t in the game, they feel fine.
Probably the only tank which feels like trash in a Rein free environment is Orisa, and even she’s not that bad with no Rein around.
You do know that some people happen to enjoy playing tanks even if one of them becomes meta, right?
anyways stan Kaiser
also I dunno what universe you are living in but no one wants to play Orisa lmao
let the roadhogs and balls and sigmas and orisas have a turn for once
buddy they have had a turn for the past 6 months lmao stop being a victim andy
Funny, I won loads of games last night with Winny and Zarya, and Winny is one of the worst tanks at the minute.
Rein has a big, sturdy barrier that is easily deployed and easy to hide behind.
Rein also has an AOE stun as an ult, which is highly effective. The only effective counter is a big, sturdy barrier that is easily deployed and easy to hide behind.
The problem in a nutshell
I think that every tank needs to have their damage nerfed and their tankiness increased. The tank role feels like a joke, where you are basically a utility support with high health, not a tank. It’s the reason why so many people want to play tank and then quit seconds after, because it’s just not fun dying in 2 seconds as a tank on the regular.
Everyone is just fixated on this idea that you need an anchor tank standing in front of you with a big shield. Think about how many different variations of this concept you could have before it is all just the same.
They could easily make Hammond’s adaptive shield act as a barrier and actually protect himself from hack, anti-heal, hook, flashbang, etc.
Rein doesn’t need nerfs, other tanks need buffs.
Rein is not the problem. Sigma and Orisa were overnerfed. Buff back some of their damage potential, not their shields so we don’t have to play barrier wars every match.
Rein is only good because his shield is strong enough that he can walk up unmolested by other tanks.
The buffs for D.Va were minor and didn’t even help her. Before the booster buff, but after that got nerfed D.Va’s win rate and pick rate DROPPED by a LOT.
Forum rein is the best rein.
Meanwhile, I play on an account titled: flankhardt.
Guess what I do? Flank shatter, sky shatter, charge shatter you name it.
The funniest part: i play on solo queue and literally never get that much support when I play normal.
Winrate? 70+% i lose when I play normal.
It’s because rein is op obviously. Forum rein can stay alive into 6 team while he shatters in every 10s.
I got up to 4.3k on tanks but got too old to play games lol (plus works).
Winston is one of the most underrated tanks that can solo carry.
Damage in most people’s matches was never the problem. It’s because people can’t finish off targets (something winston good at). Not to mention he can jump isolated targets pretty easily.
Rein requires constant support from his teammates to be effective. But what do I know.
Any tank can be successful imo. Moreso at lower ranks