Make mercy worse or harder to play… she have also 100% pickrate on all ranks.
The slow game balance…
Make mercy worse or harder to play… she have also 100% pickrate on all ranks.
The slow game balance…
I don’t like Mercy very much either and especially now she’s very powerful undeservingly.
But the claim you are making has no evidence and you provide no explanation as to why she needs a nerf, you just say she’s OP.
She is so easy to counter just no one plays winston, and no one can aim with widowmaker.
She also does not have 100 percent pick rate lol
What game are you playing?
you should play mercy and take note of how you die, then you can take that information and use to defeat mercy easier
when I played mercy I noticed the enemy winston was on my butt all the time and I was dying to widomaker and McCree all the time.
And yes I still did well as Mercy
You can also use High noon to counter mercies ult as well quite easily
Sorry i trust more on the statistics.
The sounds of being steadily zapped to death by Winston no matter how many people I fly to haunt my dreams.
Have you heard of dive comp that was meta for the past 3ish seasons? She was OP there too even though Winston was played super often.
Statistically reinhardt has a higher pick rate than her, that doesn’t mean reinhardt is OP
in fact most people say Orisa is overall better
going by statistics is a horrible basis to consider when something needs balancing
Yes and mercy following a dive comp is at even greater risk of dying, if no one focuses her than she’s not going to die.
She only has 200 hp, a solid McCree could take her out easily
Statistically nothing says she’s OP though xD
The diference is that reinhart dont had high pickrate on all metas.
Stop using pickrates as a reason.
Tell why she is op.
Lol she doesn’t have an 100 percent pick rate across all ranks. Dang we should nerf Rein than because he also has a high pick rate as well.
overbuff com/heroes
True, but if we are arguing that maybe we should nerf Zen because he’s so high picked as well
Maybe it’s time to nerf Zarya because of her pick rate
I can’t aim
that’s literally the reason
also when she ults, “i can’t counter ult”
I’ll give ya a little scenario on why no one plays Winston and that’s coming from a Winston main.
-Winston goes in for her holding onto his jump-
-mercy presses shift-
-Winston jumps after her-
-brig heals the mercy shield bashes the Winston and gets melted-
“I’m angry cuz Mercy has a high pickrate. Therefore nerf her. Make her worse. Even though pickrate alone doesn’t dictate how powerful a hero is and she doesn’t actually have a 100% pickrate, because I say it needs to be nerfed, you guys should listen to me. Juzzcuzz…”
Fun fact for you:
Yup, I am all for a winston buff, but he still does well against her in my opinion as long as she has no support.
Well the more you climb almost always she’ll have a zen orb on her and she’ll be healing the zen, basically pocketing each other… I can understand the lack of team work in lower SR but eh basically winston is trash except if he has a Dva with him then maybe just maybe dive can work a little bit in this current boring of a meta.