Just get rid of 2-2-2 already

Huh? 222 could still go, they literally implied that 321 might work better for Overwatch 2. I would not get so comfy, they changed it once, they could change it again. Money talks louder than a generally positive reception on the forums. Rofl.


They literally made an official public announcement that 3/2/1 received mostly negative feedback and that it was overall a failed experiment.

What are you even taking about??

It was an experiment. Nothing more, nothing less.

  1. the mostly positive feedback doesn’t just come from the Forums, not even close actually, as this place especially has historically been pretty aggressive against 2/2/2 role - lock for some weird reason…

  2. There is absolutely no evidence out there that proves that Overwatch is losing popularity, revenue, etc. due to 2/2/2 role - lock…


Whatever you say, I am just giving you the heads up that nothing is confirmed. You can believe what you want, but it is all subject to change.

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Do you mean the change so Tank players and Support players didn’t had to play with 5 instalock DPS in their team? Very poor decision I see…

With 2-2-2 the game has a base to balance and the matches have more quality since you get two of each role.

If you miss mixed compositions then go to QPC and you even get a new competitive mode that can award you with the same stuff as the original comp!

I understand DPS has a huuuuuge problem with 2-2-2 since the queue times are insane, but there’s nothing they can do to change that without changing again the way that the game is right now.


Haha, 2-2-2 go fair game

These threads are getting tedious beyond belief.

Had a lil scan and Tldr should be

“Get rid of role que cus i dislike it and prefer random games but dont actually care that the majority prefer more structured, balanced and competitive games.”

No thnx


The only thing that 2-2-2 fixes for me is no more godcomp…godcomp made me quit this game…i hated watching it in OWL… The most boring gameplay ever…I hated watching pro players quit the OWL because of godcomp.

So as much as i hate 10-20 min queue’s as a DPS main…im happy for 2-2-2 because there is no more godcomp


Blizzard has wanted us to play 2-2-2 since launch, if the old “Tips” UI element was any indication. After all, it would always tell people when there weren’t enough tanks or enough supports, the moment there was less than two of them.

Unfortunately, us players have either been too dense, too spiteful, or too good at figuring out potentially broken team combos, to be trusted with freewheeling character selection.

Combine that with how much effort Blizzard puts into trying to dictate the metagame, and the reasons for role-lock become obvious.


Role cue is kinda bad due to the lack of Tanks and Supports heroes

But ultimately is better for the game:

It makes balance a lot easier since you no longer have to worry about crazy comps like Goats, theres always 2 tanks, 2 dps and 2 supports

People arent forced into a role they dont like or dont know how to play (which was extremely common in Open cue)

Less toxicity, for the reason above, before you would constantly get teams where nobody wanted to be the healer, and it was just a lost match from the very beginning

Once they add more Supports and Tanks, the DPS cue will become better


Not to mention according to the last case of official numbers for RQ popularity- mode popularity from Jeff when Open Queue Comp went live- outside of Korea the top two most played modes, which generally makes up more than 1/2 of the hour count, are Ranked RQ and QP RQ.

the Asian regions are also the clear outliers, with a much more even distribution in which modes are played, whereas the Western regions (EU and NA) and consoles much more heavily prefer RQ.

Papa Jeff’s OG post: Blizzard please keep classic comp - #52 by JeffreyKaplan


I disagree entirely. 222 is the best thing to happen to overwatch. Without it I’d be playing other games instead.


Dude… You can’t be serious. Role que was THE BEST change for me and a lot of other people. You can’t just be like: “YeAh LeT’s FaCe It GuY’s RoLe QuE sUcKs” without addressing some of the good parts.

  1. Let’s you confirm a role before playing: Plenty of players play just one role or just two role’s. They don’t have to worry about filling a role they suck at or that they don’t like. It also helps them improve at one role faster then hafting to keep switching all the time.

  2. Less variety: Some people don’t like having fewer options but its good in some ways too. Triple supports are MEGA cancer and i don’t miss it at all.

  3. Shorter wait times for tanks and supports: Wait times for tanks and supports are shorter then the open que wait times.

  4. Got rid of goats: OWL was finally watchable again

Now lets get into some of the problems with your arguments.

  1. “They implemented 2-2-2 so it would make the game easier to balance.”
    How is that a problem? Balancing takes top priority when managing a huge game like this.
  2. “I’m not saying that the tank and healer characters don’t have different play-styles, but they all serve the same purpose,”
    FLAT WHAT. Tanks and supports have just as much variety as dps. for tanks you have Brawl’y hero’s like Rein and Zarya, You have Dive hero’s that jump in like Winston and Wrecking Ball, You have Orisa and Sigma as bunker tanks, And Dva and Hog are great at protecting squishes from enemys. as for supports, Lucio and Brig are Aggressive supports that push up with the team, Ana Zen and Baptiste help dish out utility and damage to their team, and mercy helps her dps kill people.
  3. “you literally only have yourself to blame when your team-mates all go damage class and you’re dreading having to heal them or put a shield in front of them,”
    I don’t understand your point at all here. Are you saying you shouldn’t pick tank and support? That you should just go dps with them and lose the game?
  4. “there’s still no excuse for placing your own grievances over the rest of the community.”
    You have to be joking right? This ENTIRE post is you whining about role que and “placing your own grievances over the rest of the community” These ENTIRE FORUMS are people complaining about things they don’t like.
  5. “which are really only of minor convenience to the majority of the community, somehow outweigh the immense harm the 2-2-2 lock has done,”
    THIS IS YOUR OPINION. Those “minor conveniences” SAVED THE GAME for me and a lot of other people too. You have NO perspective when it comes to thinking of other peoples problems. Role que had its problems, but it did more good then harm. And you have open que now so WHY ARE YOU STILL COMPLAINING.

Nah, RoleQ was the best structural change to come to this game (emphasis on structural, because I don’t think it can be compared with clearly pinnacle non-structural additions such as the training bots waving at you).


But you have to remember there’s more to the role than just healing and protecting. I can also say dps is only damage but like you can bring more utiltiy and damage with dps each role can change more than just playstyle Although even with the playstyle, could have been nice getting kiters and flankers on the tank and support role and not only stationary,brawl and dive…
all roles can also bring utlity and it’s important to remember, besides even if you look only the main goal how many different protections we have?
We have bubble,shields,interruption,resistance,extra hp & time based shield.
Not only the protection ways arent balanced (bubble protection 1-2 players for limited hp and time while shield protect all for much longer is really not balanced…)
but we also don’t really get new ones for the new tanks…
Sigma was basiclly a combination of 4 ways that already existed, Hammond can be counted as a diver hog in terms of use and even Orisa didnt really bring anything new.
dont get me wrong that characters are good. but if you look at the dps there aqre different way of doing the damage and there are most more groups of damage…
In the support class the class is fairly balanced to be honest… just not enough heroes. Most support heroes bring a different utlity and different healing way so the class just need more heroes to be good…

To be honest to me it sounds like a fairly terrible idea maninig one or 2 characters.
sure in the tank category or support category it might be more balanced becuase of lack of heroes and bronken class so moira and Rein might be enough most of the times.
but in the dps class- if you pick to main reaper for example and the enemies run hog-zarya-torb-symm-ana-brig (Ofcourse an unrealistic example but i wanted to make sure i deliver the point) you become useless. instead of contributing to the team you become an ult battery.
even if you main couple of heroes. sometimes in order to win a match you have to pick the right hero for the mission.
Just for example in blizzard world p1 I’ve found it much more difficult to capture the point without lucio.
if the enemies run a good pirate ship and you’re not gonna dive them it’s near impossible to win the composition…
Sure you can main couple of characters but a player who don’t know how to use every hero decently at leat will never reach high levels, at least in a balanced game…

I also find it pretty silly that even with the problems that were accure they picked the worse soiution or at least one of them.
I will agree and say that playing comp w/ 5 dps and 1 support or tank is really not fun or stratigic.
but 2-2-2 is just not enough creativity…

1 other solution for the situation could have been 0-1-2-3.
0 dps, 1 tank and 2 support is a must pick and 3 other flex. that way you keep the creativity of coumpositions like 3-1-2 or 0-3-3 and even 2-2-2 but not forcing 1 specific role. not to mantion in this system players can flex and pick a role deppending on the map and not for example join a map where you’re best as a support but stuck as a tank…

2nd possible solution is democracy.
before match players choose how much of every role if there’s a tie one composition is chosen randomly from the 2 options.

3rd option is team leader. every team will have a team member that will lead and choose how much of every role and switch mid match.
players can democraticly switch him for another leader if they don’t want him

4th change is adding an optional role queue, where the match is 2-2-2 but players from each role can also choose heroes from other roles.
one of each role can switch to a different role in the middle of the fight.
Might be risky for trollers but we already got trollers in the game anyway…

and last option is guilds.
lfg is not really realistic and not everyone got friends. with guilds deppends on how the feature would work you can do so much things…

Just couple of ideas I had to fix the problem.

Not trying to be rude here, but if QPC and Open Queue Comp. exist. If you don’t wanna deal with locked 2-2-2 then play those

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Ha it’s ok for people to not like 2-2-2 and voice their concerns they shouldn’t be told to get use to it and stay quiet.

Some people don’t like restrictive play. For example, I think all 2-2-2 did was make it were if one portion of your team is underperforming you are ultimately screwed. There’s no switching to pick up the slack you can only try to adjust your character choices within a limited scope to try and make up for it.

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You have classic quick play and competitive , i don’t see the problem here.


No thanks open queue was pure radioactive trash for anyone playing tank/support.


… You cannot honestly tell me that HotS wasn’t dead on arrival. From the moment it was teased, it was already going against an extremely well established LoL and DOTA2 and fired with criticism of, “Sure, if you’re too stupid to learn how to play LoL/DOTA2.”

Let’s face it. And I mean that seriously. Let’s, once and for all, face the truth here.

Some people prefer the stability 2-2-2 offers in terms of responsibility roles
Some people prefer the creativity open ques offers in terms of composition and overcoming other comps.

Both modes have metas
Both modes have people who will throw
Both modes have people who will play off games
Both modes have people playing DPS/tank/heals who don’t normally play those brackets

Open que allows more instability and relies completely on players picking appropriately and not out of desire

2-2-2 confines meta a little bit more but metas are metas and will exist anywhere.

This bothers the heck out of me.

Why would you go on to promote all the things DPS can do and then say “but healers and tanks are limited” and then expect healers and tanks to want to take care of 4 - 5 DPS?

I’ll note you said this was personal, but this has very little to actually do with open que and 2-2-2. Hell, 2-2-2 promotes learning other characters in the bracket you choose; it doesn’t effect 1 tricking any more or less than open que does if not allow people the opportunity to swiftly swap to their 1 trick because it turns out they aren’t forced to learn anything else because of the availability of their 1 trick being accessible because of no que restrictions.

How is this not applicable to you? I get what you’re saying but this post is already a WoT, let’s trim the fat and put the emotional vitriol aside…

Your entire argument seems to revolve around DPS stacking and the opinion that DPS offer more in terms of skill development, applicability and “expanding your horizons”… This is obviously a personal preference and I don’t think it should be applied to this argument. This is pretty bias, especially considering one of the major metas in open que was goats…?

I despise the amount of hyperbole this community uses; 2-2-2 was not an “immense” harm; it brought some structure, balance, form to an otherwise chaotic environment; I understand that chaotic environment under the right circumstances had applicability to what you’re trying to say here… but bottom line is unless you were in a very high rank your odds of actually being able to competantly utilize that freedom were very low; the nature of not only this community but of mankind of one of self-orientation; IE: I will pick what I want even if it isn’t applicable. At least with 2-2-2- you predominantly circumvent this and you are harming the game if you decide to go support which you play at silver/gold level when you normally play DPS at plat/diamond level but no one else will get on a healer… At least with 2-2-2 you’re playing in your appropriate skill range for that character class.

This sounds like you prefer to have tanks/support deleted from the game, let’s be honest with yourself here… I get you’re trying to drive home a message and open que sure had it’s benefits but ultimately they did not apply adequately to the predominance of the community, which is WHY it was changed.

Now, I personally could do either or, I don’t really care, I like them both, but let’s not try to pretend one is more of the devil than the other when the actual problem is the OW community itself.