Just disable Role Queue for the last month of Overwatch 1

It’d be funny, plus maybe GOATS would replace Double Shield or something.

Plus it’d show just how wrong all of the people who claimed Role Queue was a mistake were.

And remove hero limits too. 6-Winston > literally no decent game balance for 3 damn years.


Why? Open queue is already a thing.


Show who? Most players who hate RQ are long gone. That’s why OW’s current player base is so small.

And GOATs was more fun than double shield. At least Dva and Zarya require doing something besides hiding behind shields for 10 minutes.

Double shields is for players with absolutely no skill who are scared of confrontation.


RQ was not the issue mainly, it was GOATS and Brig in that period.

When RQ was first launched, it was bugged. There was no queue IIRC oddly, you just dropped into a team forming, and got to select from what was there available. This meant near instant queue times, and it also meant sometimes, people stayed in roles that weren’t their first inclination but liked the map, or the other character selections already done. I think this is how RQ should work personally. Sadly, they “fixed it” about a day later but it was an odd case of a bug pointing to a much better way to have players queue.

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Nah, we should remove open queue instead.


well given i havent seen GOATS in over 2 years of OQ…im not so sure you would see much of it…


The solution to end GOATS was to get rid of Brig. RQ was the last straw for many players. I’ve never seen such a mass exodus of players from a game like there was when RQ was added.


Nah we should remove all gamemodes expect 6v6 Mystery Heroes.


Yeah, it most certainly doesn’t have to do with Blizzard abandoning the game for 3 years :roll_eyes:

Also why would you leave just because others get the mode they want?
Open Q ist still a playable mode for those who prefer it.


Oh yes, and also Ball was a flat-out mistake in design. Too much CC, too independent from the team. People forget how many signed off saying he was the last straw, I remember those days on the forums well…

Too bad they couldn’t abandon it right after they released it. Instead they added a bunch of anti-fun heroes (Brig, Bap, Sig, Ball) and then put a bullet in its head with RQ for good measure.

Did you forget that they actually took OQ completely out of the game at first? Then when they brought it back they treated it like the red headed stepchild and balanced the game around RQ because it’s what the OWL plays. And OWL viewership was also much higher when they played OQ btw.

OW has a niche community now. Just because you can find a game doesn’t mean that 90% of the original playerbase ain’t long gone lol. Every other notable competitive game out there is eating OW alive and have been for years now.

If you think that why are you hear? FWIW I see many open profile accounts dating back to 2016/2017… lot of old players still here mate.

But yeah we are down to about 10% of the top point, it’s why the game had to change.

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Then when OW2 fails and trims that number down to 5% maybe they will finally revert the game back to what it was from 2016-18.

I really do not get why you are SO pessimistic about OW2… its proven to be better overall.

I mean even suggesting rolling back to 2016 is an absurdity. By most accounts OW2 is closer to launch OW2 than OW1 currently is…

No, they didn’t.
Open Q Quick Play has always been available.
Yet according to official Blizzard numbers it was basically dead compared to Role Q after just one year.

It took them over a year to even make the most obvious balance changes for Role Q (like D.Va buffs after trashing her).

Role Q and Open Q balance have both been terrible for ages.

People cared more about the game when it still got new content?
Who would have expected that? :woman_shrugging:


I mean make Open Queue the only thing.

This would allow people to actually play something other than Double Shield.

Sure, people will still play Clash of Clans and max out their damn walls, but then they might just get jumped by a 6-stack of Winston.

It’d be funni.

People cared more about the game when it was actually unique and allowed you to run any comp you wanted and swap roles when needed.

Keep living in denial though. It’s hilarious to see RQ apologists defend it until the bitter end :joy: :rofl:

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That would happen only in high rank.
Even during goat prime times i still saw more dive than goats in plat.

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Well, 5 insta-locking DPS was definitely a problem in a team-based game.

Maybe if Blizzard just ADDED GUILDS there would be ways to find like-minded people to team-up with.

Open Queue could remain, but people would have the choice to swap in and out of roles, since they would (potentially) be in an organised team that can account for those kinds of changes and play-making.

Woah! Variety? That’s a whole…twice as much as Overwatch 1 has right now.

It’s almost as if Double Shield is the damn problem and Role Queue vastly limits the number of viable comps that are playable, with Double Shield being at the top.

I mean if this is a plea or justification for going back to OQ, it won’t work. Too many issues arise from it.

I mean if anyone is in denial its yourself here. All you have is queue times to harp on frankly.

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