Because OQ is filled with people screwing around and DPS-only players who never wanted to fill for the good of the team. Almost guaranteed at higher ranks it would go back to some variation of triple tank and triple support. It pre-dated Sigma and I think Bap (the timing on that one is close). Those two heroes certainly wouldn’t make the comps any weaker.
Yup those are the only people there….only dps……5 or 6 of them even I bet….
It is almost like that is representative of the population of this game. I played Open Queue (well placed for it) for a single season and the games were exactly how I remember them being which is exactly how you described them.
People who think they need a 222 comp to win a match are literally the issue with this game.
Everyone remembers those toxic crybaby support mains that before a match even started would say “if I don’t get a 2nd healer I’m throwing”. Then they turn off their mics and go Widow or Mei.
I know you’re joking, but I would actually love it if No Limits returned to the main mode. Ofc it’d be better if more players liked that style of gameplay. I wouldn’t want anyone to quit over it.
Open queue and role queue co-exist. Quit complaining and go to open queue.
I’ve logged all my games for like 15 straight seasons of it on here….and pretty much none of them have been how you seem to remember
But Im sure many dps-only players remember it that way though….cause that’s what happens when you’re part of the problem
Why do you hate open queue so much? lol THIS IS BEYOND LAZY what is this post is it trolling???
No one thought you needed 222 to comp. The meta was literally 3 supports and 3 tanks for like a year.
Personally I am more of a Tank player (mostly Zarya when I can but I do others quite well).
Thousands of games in the old way and they were a mess. 80% of the time the doors opened and the game was already over because one side had a real and the other side had 3 DPS or one time 4 Supports and a Sym because they put 5 Support mains on the same team and none of them played anything else. For those 20% of the games that actually got to be OW though they were still drastically inferior to RQ because it turns out that people are better at certain roles than others so the games was still a mess.
My experience with OQ was EXACTLY the same as it was in the early seasons of OW. The only difference I am not using nostalgia to romanticize the few great games and repress all the others (because that is what nostalgia does).
is it nostalgia when you actually record it not happening though?
i remember the game before RQ…i remember all the complaints…i remember the hyperbole regarding how the game was played that even jeff himself pointed out didnt happen…
but im not talking about the game before RQ here…talking about OQ since it was added back to the game…there is no nostalgia…its my actual exerience over the course of the past 2 years…
and i have zero reason to believe it wont be the case yet again when i do placements next week
that 33 ended up being the meta doesnt mean people didnt think the game should be played 222…hell most viewed 33 as OP and a reason why something had to be done…
pretty much since the get go TONS people have been of the mindset that the game should be 222…constantly requested in the several year lead up RQ (since before GOATS)
No, wouldn’t be able to play the game for a month if they did that.
My experience with RQ is that it’s the same as OQ but with the illusion of a balanced comp. 222 has hundreds of terrible comps available, not to mention the priorityb-pass DPS tanks and support we (still) have to deal with. RQ games are still a coin toss, with the winner largely determined at hero select.
These days players will troll for any perceived disadvantage; in every game mode. Stacks vs. solo, too many low levels, not enough low levels, poor hero pick, mic vs. no mic, too many high ranks, not enough high ranks, public profiles, Roadhog in DM, and on and on.
Reducing the list of things to flame has only made the remaining imbalances that much harder to overcome, imo.
I know of no actual data to support this claim
nor does there appear to be any reason not to believe that 222 is exactly the same in these respects