Just angry all the time

I am very much with you, not going to blame you with anything cuz what you say is right, not like others who makes it you problem and think it’s cool to tackle everything. game is clearly not favoring certain roles and impossible to have fun unless playing op heroes and losing 70 mates prior winning 1. Matchmaking is terrible but won’t be fixed forever, because devs made matchmaking from scratch block coding, dps will still be melting tank in single digit frames, will always be op, tanks will never be good and be nothing but punching bag that has beans instead of sand. Community arguing about pve and extra content instead of major fix a game needs that will overall improve game’s health and also player’s satisfaction, what’s good with getting new skins when you still get stomped with the new skin? I am on your side, everything wrong about this game is so major and just makes me mad as well.

Ha, I know that guy. They never see the irony. And I can’t explain it to them, because that’s more thinking than they’re used to.

They often take that long to type on PC, too. :laughing:

And so was Halo.

Look at Halo now. A ghost of its former self because online society has gotten worse.

I can’t…I made an oath to improve my tank game if players are going to be this difficult. Not just for me but fir my partner Ball and the longevity of the game.

But its getting really hard when teammates aren’t teammates and I am merely deer underneath a scope to my opponents.

And yes…FORCED INTO COMP because they want to force experimental -whoops I mean “Hacked” mode in QP again.

Thought it was a win win for me because I need better teammates and wamted some jade bling.

So tell me. How in the Fing world are comp players, who are trying to take the game seriously, are just as bad if not worse then QP players who are goofing around with the excuse of “It’s QP”.

I’ve said it time and time again and will say it once more. Take your bad habits out of the game and go practice and learn like a real human.

sadly toxicity spreads like wildfire you try to avoid it but get caught in its crossfire

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What are you talking about?
He’s not blaming OW for players acting like trash.
And he’s not blaming OW for how he, personally, is behaving.
He’s complaining that the community is acting like a bunch of losers - even when they win.

It’s just a general statement about toxicity relax

What are you talking about, ‘relax’??? Bro all I did was reply to you lol.
You shouldn’t say people are ‘playing victim’ when they get mad at toxicity. Bro they are the victim. Everyone else is being a douche.

Have you tried not caring? Like unless you play the game on some sort of pro scene what does it really matter?

Its like a pick up game of basketball or a tournament at your local Y. Sure you can try, but you don’t have to melt down.

Play what you want. I only swap when people who play any of my waifus asks me to and even then im resistant depending on the skin they use.

I can mute text chat and voice chat, play what i want while they spam voice lines and move on with my life.

The game won’t matter in a few minutes or even an hour.

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it is⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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Just turn comms off. You say you can’t, yes you can, I agree wholeheartedly with buddha.

You do not need chat of any kind in-game. The comm-wheel provides everything you could need. Enemy here, watching here, fall back, attacking here, ultimate ready, etc.

Even as tank players. I would argue especially as tank players. Filter out the noise, focus on your play only. Healers not healing you? Play a more mobile tank who doesn’t need help being saved. Dps not helpful? Hunt squishies yourself, getting the W doesnt always mean being the frontline. Theres a lot of nuance here obvi.

Again, in metal ranks or qp(duh) you do need chat of any kind. If the negatives out weigh the positives of having it on, turn it off. Missing a few “gg’s” seems fine in exchange for filtering out all the toxic idiots.

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Honestly, I just do my thing

Don’t care anymore about teammates

I just go in and out. Not gonna put up with any APM contest by devs or any stupidity from their matchmaking

Just setup your own objectives

I’ve already done all that. How do you think I survived this long and not get banned.

The coach in me is wanting to scream and lead a team like I did years back when I could actually shotcall and make magic happen.

Yet with the huge decrease in teamwork and basic skills, it is heartbreaking to see players running about and never getting that organic mentorship going to improve not only their gameplay, but their own experiences too.

And I CAN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. Because the stupid moderation system gets abused.

Pretty sure I got reported just now for agreeing with someone when our Genji was horribad. Like a frontline Genji who’s second pick was Soldier and almost threw the game because he wanted to go Tracer, which was his worse out of all the three.

It took over 10 minutes for him to get close to 4k damage.

That is sad when all the dps does is shoot at things. And no our team wasn’t bad he was handling himself poorly he was the only one behind. Everyone else, ahead on healing, elimns, the least amount of deaths except for one.

And the dude has the audacity to act like it wasn’t a close game and start harrassing the other team with some toxic statement of GG “dps diff”. As if he did anything good in that game?!

I’m at my wits end here.

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it has lmao, i remember being called any kind of racial slur, mysoginist insults and a lot more horrible things every single match in halo CE just for existing.
The same for quake 3 and CS.
today is not even 1/2 of those insults. BUT people gets more frustrated now because everyone wants to play as a pro player and so they complain a lot more than before.

Make a new account and play anything but your main characters

Stay off tryhard mode xD

Gonna miss passives for that. Queen+Armor makes her able to be used in many more comps. There’s little counterpicking with them.

For the second time

It wasn’t directed at him

It was a general statement about toxicity

Get a hold of yourself


hell yea, story of my OW life.

People toxic? I leave chat without a word.

No it hasn’t.

There was an understanding between pvp players.

Look how divided we are compared to the culture back then.

That is how much inconsideration is running amuck right now.

Like back then we can literally call someone out for being an A hole and it would be almpst fully unanimous. The onlt excuse is that dude was actually cracked at the game.

Here. On OW. Bro we can’t even decide on ships or genders.

Like that’s incredibly triggering for players too to be worried about a fictional stat rather then gameplay or gamrplay behavior.

That is absurdly different and in no way better.

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