Just angry all the time

I literally just mute chat and voice so there is zero toxicity.

oh it has

that’s cause if you didn’t agree with anyone you coouldn’t play, if you said something different than every player you were attacked by a lot of toxicity and even you were intentionally targeted in game so you couldn’t play until you leave the game/match. :melting_face:

that isn’t true, if you said that someone is toxic you were attacked for being a baby, you had to endure the toxicity

you’re comparing different things, should i remember you that in the past people even got into physical fights when they had a difference on a lan party for example?
should i remember you the doxxing, hacking and infection on dedicated servers?
should i remember you how you couldn’t even play the game if you were a girl interested in games? at least now girls can play even with bullying but less than before

throw your pink glasses because i don’t want to be ultra harrassed into oblivion for weeks because i won a match of dota allstars

I never played Quake, but I did play a lot of BF2142 from 2006 to about 2008/9. I never saw any toxicity in that game at all.

I did get accused of hacking once or twice. But zero toxicity.

No it hasn’t.

Were you even born back then?!

I think the issue isn’t that the game is not for them, but that the nature in which a lot of players approach it kind of just runs all enthusiasm into the ground.

I don’t think I’ve had more frustration, disappointment, and exhaustion with this game than the last 3-4 seasons, and it has a lot to do with the basal quality of the matches and the faculty of players in non-Competitive formats.

I don’t want to play Comp every time I boot the game up, sometimes I wanna play with my friends or just solo, but I often find people who excuse poor play, lack of any effort to change their playstyle in a match, or really paying attention to anything not directly in front of them with “It’s just QP” - like, I know it’s QP, but no other team-based game I’ve played has this absurd mentality.

I’ve poured hundreds of hours into LoL, and over 2K into DOTA2, and I’ve NEVER, EVER seen this kind of behavior in unraked play. Are these shooters? No, you’d be surprised how similar OW2 plays to MOBAs with the reliance on tracking CDs and jockeying space.

The game is fun, but the people that play it often eclipses that.

yep, i was born back then
how old are you?

throw those pink glasses already

That’s a cop out excuse.

If I want to play OW.

I should be able to play OW.

I shouldn’t be forced out because someone online said “Not for you!”

Read the quoted text carefully, and then read it again even more carefully, friend. You’ll find we are literally agreeing and you’re lashing out because you didn’t see the apostrophe.

Hlrrible analpgy since pink tinted glasses were fashionable back then.

Do I tell you to toss away the studder shades then?

You remember nothing about our childhood. The halo, COD, and early Battlefield days.

i was 15 years old on those times, i was there on the golden days of halo CE for pc
i was there on the days of half life multiplayer, playing quake 3, ganking on dota, scared on zombies counter strike, and praying to not be pked by brazilians on tibia

i’ve been a pc gamer since i have memory, i’ve been on a lot of communities since then, i know what i’m talking about when i say that back then people were worse

You say that but in truth blizzard doesn’t want you to make friends why do you think they removed the little social features they did have and haven’t added any new social features…

Take general lobby chat for example… Even if 80% of people trolled or messed around 5%-20% Asked if people wanted to do stuff… Another problem you cant whisper people not in your friend list which is fine if you had another area to hang out and make friends and do stuff but you don’t…

Team based game with no Social features…

Wow so you should know better?

Back when gaming was a rare cultural thing and every gamer was a brother or sister?

But SUUUURE gaming’s better today, right?

The old saying of “Fun for all, amd all for fun” doesn’t ring a bell to you does it?

The years whenever a gaming company did a scummy thing that they got nuked properly by journalist, players, and fans alike? When gaming devel9pment didn’t require a cheesy gaming degree just experience with those designing systems and an honorable mindset that games are for everyone?

What is it today? Top dollar demands maoe the choices? Fun for self, but not for you? Political messages? “Be better?” Messages from endless devs? Then journalists lying and practicing the taboo of displaying their biases in an entertainment drought where even the Triple A titles suck?

Gaming has not gotten any betterover the decades. That is obvious in the current trends compared to the past.

You can say rose tinted glasses all you want but one thing is for sure. Gamers are just more angry then ever with less choices then ever before. Disappointment after disappoint across all genres but the top dollar always has the last laugh, word, and hooray before even their customer base.

That is not gaming improved.

Toxicity steadily goes up every season it feels like. People just make alts for free when they get banned for being toxic, so nobody is afraid of saying the nastiest things to each other because there are literally no consequences.
At this point I think the majority of the playerbase is toxic people and their alts.

It’s turned me into a bit of a toxic person myself. I’ve snapped at enemies and teammates a few times.
As OP’s title says, I am also just angry all the time when I play now.

I wrote a decent reply in another thread germane to this discussion.

Though, the joker that thinks “woke” culture and SJW’s made things better is a _______ joke.


We grew up in harsh conditions but modern gaming is just flat out abusive these days.

what did they do to the game?, sold out for the ‘‘live service’’ model what else. match quality/matchmaking tanked for the queue times, worse player pool going free to play. plus on top of it all they still have no clue what they are doing with this game, from the format changes, to the hero designs and abilities, the reworks(orisa works but still seems oppressive), all the passive additions, the tank buffs, and probably the most important thing they have zero clue how to balance the game. and it all just compounds season after season. 1 tank does not work in this game. that. is. a. fact.

I think this statement is tainted with “eye of the beholder” vibes. Let me explain;

I will start with 2 examples:

  1. I am playing Helldivers 2 and decide to host a game. In game, after a few objectives, a person decides to go all slurs and degrading of people on the team. I don’t report them, I don’t lash out. I just open the menu and send that guy/girl back to their ship. In another few minutes we get a replacement.

  2. I join a game, and after a bit 2 players begin to rant against each other. They proceed to team kill each other over and over. I open my menu and leave the game, without any penalty, just a bit of wasted time.

It is true, these scenarios are from a game that isn’t PVP. But it goes to show you, I can be the arbiter of my own experience. I don’t have to rely on “daddy” Arrowhead Studio to tailor make an environment where my soft exterior and interior are catered to, forcefully censoring others based on what my own perceived tolerance level is.

The worst part of this, Blizzard has the some of the same options, but players are not willing to use them. In turn, we now have a system in place that is used to punish players based on the same level of toddler behavior the other games, Helldivers 2 being my example, have chosen to avoid implementing.

In my original reply I state that it isn’t a video game problem, it’s a social problem that spills over into video games, and other mediums. Blizzard is ill equipped to solve the issue. They are ill equipped because they are the same people who have grown up in an environment where the game supposed to cater to their low threshold of social interaction being abrasive in the slightest. It’s a loop that only gets worse when your target audience is the same level of marshmallow. The people who say the bad things are rewarded with instant feedback, whether it be a reaction or penalty.

I recently joined back up with my crew in Warframe to catch up. Been playing for years, so it only took a few days. That’s another game which doesn’t have the chat issues either. Again, not a PVP game, but the same standard applies. You can tailor make your experience based on the tools provided.

I would say the problem with Overwatch is, Blizzard tries too hard to appease the wrong people. In doing so, they crafted a system that doesn’t work like they want it to, thinking that just leaving the punishment to the players is the answer. The answer is to give more players more options to tailor their experience, then ENFORCING they use the systems you provide to do so, and not complain about it until your lips are blue until “daddy” Blizzard makes it all better.

we weren’t talking about gaming industry, we were talking about toxicity and harassment on gaming community
i don’t know about you, but i find it better that today i can use my voice in online games and only be harassed 4 or 5 of 10 matches and knowing that someone in the lobby will support me, and that i can report that toxic person. While in the past i couldn’t use my mic because they will hear a woman talking with mexican accent and the entire lobby will go nuts harassing me until i leave the lobby or until they kicked me.

the mayor difference is that today people is more competitive on online games, that’s why we see a lot of people getting mad because they’re losing, even tho the players are angrier because of that they don’t even reach the same level of harassment and toxicity like in the past.
i still remember how the dota community made me change my account multiple times because i was harassed just for dominating another player :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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This. If you want a closer example to how communities used to be, Rust and Rainbow 6 are pretty close, and cs is probably the next closest. They’re full of the worst of every sort of toxicity.

However, there was a period between probably like 2017-2018 where games were less toxic than they are now. Something changed that is making the gaming community start trending backwards again. It’s still a lot better than it used to be, but it’s not getting less toxic anymore, it’s very slowly getting worse.

Are you being inflammatory on purpose?