“Chill bro, it’s just comp”

That’s easy:

  • Go Free to Play and hard on the predatory microtransactions

  • Drive away smart, (often non-toxic) team players who have a wealth of knowledge by changing the format to something worse and more deathmatchy (so long as it benefits DPS)

  • Loosen the matchmaking after you destroy the tank role just so people will still get games (and make sure all those DPS players can buy shiny new things in the shop)

  • Reward solo play over team play and give every single new hero a mobility ability so they outpace the old ones

  • Add unlikable new modes like Flashpoint and Push

  • Be explicitly vague about how serious you want players taking any mode at any given time

  • Be equally vague when you action and suspend players with a horrid new automated system that changed overnight, and be sure not to communicate anything about how it works, what can get you actioned, or why (ensure literally anything and nothing can both get you actioned). Fire most of your customer support team and make sure the remaining ones are as unhelpful as possible.

All you will have left are sunk cost people, masochists, psycho/sociopaths, and new players who don’t find your microtransactions egregious because they don’t know any better. The ‘chill it’s just comp’ people will only get worse from here on out until major changes are made.

And not for nothing, but last night was the worst OW session I’ve had in a while.