I agreed with sombra getting nerfed (not that I’m an OWL player by any means) and sombra is in my top 5 dps played across all accounts. She’s an odd hero who is pretty awful on ladder and when playing in pugs but is pretty awesome/devastating when playing coordinately.
To both you and there other poster though I agree that I doubt the forums opinion was considered much for that decision, not that I know what the devs consider but the forums are filled with awful ideas and foaming at the mouth with biased opinions.
i mean you literally come in here saying yeeee, idk what they talking about and im a doomfist main and you’re bronze. Dude, what did you expect ? I wouldn’t have mentioned it in the first place when your comment wasn’t so absurdly wrong. Like … what can you do rofl. Your comparison is just bad
ahh whatever, this discussion is absolutely useless
I was in high gold before. Im just here for placements since the games price dropped. The matchmaking is god awful since then. But you dont care about how one played hundreds of hours with a character, know how it functions, the changes the character went through and played with diamonds before. You just care about the one shiny rank above my character portrait. You just can’t do that and i thought the forumers accepted this years ago. They saw pros having ridiculous statements, they saw >500 players having awesome suggestions and here we are now you not wanting to accept that the sky is blue and the grass is green because im below your rank.
Yes, considering you can’t make another shot until after that .5 seconds or longer. What do you think recovery was originally in fps games? The time it takes for your gun to recover from recoil. Not the time it takes for some broken hero to get away after he’s already killed somebody.
But i’m the clueless one.
He is anything but stunned, still fully capable of rotating his character model which has been proven to be useful tech already for during slam to manipulate his hitbox into hiding his crit box. If Doomfist is “stunned” now, he’s been stunned every single time he’s slammed since release. The fact is he turns himself into a projectile and follows a set trajectory, it only makes sense he finish that trajectory before being allowed to do rp away.
because your main is bad other heroes should be as well? that’s just a really bad way of thinking. I play sym far more than i do doom and i still don’t see how y’all think this way.
Well, we wouldn’t be having that problem of Doom being super good few years back if he wasn’t the only dps that could reliably counter Brig and team comps dictated by her.
As for Symmetra, she isn’t better by any means. She feels way more cheesy than Doom will ever be. I hate slowing down by anything.
Doom has lot more survivability than a lot of herors. You need to stay together to counter him since he’s good for 1v1. However, grouped up means a Doom will reach 400hp.
He tried to break it to you as clear as possible and you keep being ignorant talking about “alot of survivability” when he literally just told you that he’s stunned infront of your face.
Yes yes yes I know. You don’t like him. And if we don’t like it, it MUST be broken. We get it.
He’s been fairly balanced at multiple points in the past
I’d argue he’s pretty darn balanced right now.
Scaling win rate based on rank, sub 50 in the lowest tiers, right around 50 in the middle tiers, low to mid 50s in the absolutely highest tiers- but never has an inflated pick rate at any rank- even in GM- so he’s not dominating the meta.
I too like to list a hero entirely by their strengths and omit their weaknesses so I can make them sound more powerful than they really are.
I mean… That has nothing to do with the fact that he was responding to someone objectively wrong. He could have been more polite, but it has nothing to do with game design?
The slam does UP TO 125, it doesn’t always do it.
Uppercut does 75
The combo is, Slam, Fire (which is canceled, so it is instant), Uppercut, then shoot till they are dead, and RP out, or RP some unfortunate when you land.
A perfect engage will kill someone with the uppercut.
BUT, perfect engagements are VERY rare. So usually you take another shot.
Of course, the OTHER way to do it, is just to have Ashe / Widow shoot your unfortunate victim out of the sky after uppercut. You only need one shot, and they are on a know path.