Just a reminder to doomfist mains

I get the whole .5 seconds of delay feels bad but just remember, Symmetra has more than .5 seconds of delay on literally all of her abilities, including her ultimate

so I’m going to use the logic that some of you used when I ask for buffs… just adapt to the changes

Also about the whole self stun thing, doomfist still has his moment and can still use movement keys to direct himself around slightly similarly to how his punch is a “stun” where while he uses it he cannot input actions but still has some control over himself


As a DF main i don’t get where the “Now Uppercut is the only ability that self stuns” coming from. Like you said, there is Sym, Bastions transformations, Sigmas Accretion, etc.


As a bronze DF main* I fixed it for you bro


remember that there is always worse so you shouldnt care about your hero being dumpstered am i right?
symmetra tp deploy time exists so that they dont need to make the cripple effect of cc affect your tp abilities. otherwise tp would be a free escape car… oh wait 13 s cooldown :clown_face: (im starting to like the clown emoji)
anyway doomfist being nerfed has nothing to do to why symm has a delay, so dont compare em.


A self stun that kicks in specifically when you’re face-to-face with the enemy is a whole different bag of nuts.


You sir are a dirty boi D:


I repeat, unlike most other abilities, Uppercut does not have an updated animation for this, so it looks and feels clunky when the animation is complete yet you still can’t do anything.


And she’s traaaaash :musical_note:

Besides, she’s not a melee hero.

Good to see that you’re not spiteful at all…


As an unbiased I don’t play either sym or doom.
This is the wrong mentality, neither hero should be looked at like this.


are you dense?

many abilities have delays between start and them actually going off.

its the delay before you can do something else.

symmetra can still move and shoot after using tp or turrets

doomfist literally cant do anything for half a second after he uppercuts.

he is literally stunned.


Wait she isn’t :0 :open_mouth:

I gave up on my rank seasons ago. I only go to ranked for placements since playing in EU where no one communicates, you get both newbies and alts in one match, people paying to boost with aimbotting just made me don’t care. I havent threw my way down from high gold. You can see if you were to my profile that i was maining DF when i was there. But you really think that if someone is in bronze, then they cant have an opinion or share literal facts :smiley:

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These are delays, not self stuns.

Like he said.


Have you began using uppercut as a finishing move?

Mercy has been a clunky mess for ages and that never mattered, the double standard really shows.


Bruh :joy:

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What part of her kit is clunky apart from res?

Meanwhile the people doomfist attacked still lie there dead to his massive burst damage that wasn’t lowered, but oh no he no longer gets uppercut for 100% free and there’s 0.3 longer delay, he’s a throw char now because he can’t immediately punch away anymore and has to facetank a bit more damage with his shields. Whatever will doomfist do if he can no longer jump into 1vs6, delete someone and get away safely? I guess he only has to kill isolated targets or supports at the backline lol.

Symm still can’t even charge an orb in time from seeing a doomfist seismic slamming in her direction to dying in uppercut animation.


Umm same could be said about Widow and Hanzo except they can do it from any range by only using their primary fire. Bad argument.


Basically this. God forbid players may have to think more carefully about the potential risk of consequences for their free kills.