200hp with charge up 12m primary and sniper-like charg up orbs that are so slow that aim starts to not matter as much as luck at around 15m + no mobility to get there outside of a tp that’s guaranteed to make sym have >=12s downtime on her ability to get in and/or out of effective range all the while having a 2s deployment time delay and not to mention not having any in combat sustain for that? she honestly might as well be tbqh in a cast were the only heroes that don’t outrange her are like rein, brig, and reaper off the top of my head.
revenge is best served frozen cold with extra salt alongside scalding tea
In the context of Doom dealing damage, OP is obviously not referring to TP: they’re referring to her damage dealing abilities being wind-up. Orbs need to charge, beam needs to charge, turrets need time to travel and deploy.
I mean, you could… except tekken wasn’t meant to be played in an fps. Nor is it ok for a single hero to be able to carry solo in a team based fps where being a single person down means that 5 other players are getting rolled.
It does, but only until he’s actually at the peak of his uppercut now, rather than being able to shoot mid rise.
Which is just dumb, IMO. That’d be like putting a self-stun on Hog’s Hook or McCree’s FB. Imagine having to wait .5 secs to melee after hook or fan the hammer after flash bang
sym doesn’t sit around waiting for turrets to do all the work for her and neither is spamming orbs from afar going to achieve much value. if she is going go grab value, i.e. actually “do anything” she needs a tp cast to open up her way in and out of fights to be able to do things in her effective range. did I also mention that this all-in-one ability that directly links with sym’s uptime is also on a guaranteed 12s down time and can reach higher if she’s forced to leave tp up yet also need to play away from it
It’s statements like this that show how ignorant people are and no matter what happens, they’ll always have some sort of illogical hatred towards anything. Keep being the place you are, forums, it’s why none of the other OW communities takes you seriously.
Interesting… I swear it was 75
I stand corrected then
Still, combo of slam, 2 shots, and uppercut kills enough of the roster to be useful. Assuming a 100% hit of the shots, the combo of 2 shots and uppercut deals 182 damage. (66+66+50)
Slam does a minimum of 49 damage. So 231 damage for that combo. You can even miss 5 pellets to get to 201 damage (miss 5 out of 22, so a 78% hitrate needed to kill). You can miss more pellets if you aim for the head.
I’d say it’s fair.
I just played a couple matches on ptr where I tried to do uppercut as the last ability in a combo, and it works fine against most heroes.
As a Junkrat One trick on my main
I always laugh when I hear people complaining about other heros burst that can’t be healed through.
I’m just… I can do the same yet I don’t see this people complaining about Junk.
Yet I bet the moment he becomes meta again(Lol, like that’ll happen) this will be one of the first things they complain about… something he’s always been able to do yet was never a problem.
Kind of like how people started complaining about his riptire(After it’s nerf) after they had nothing else left they could realistically whine about.