Sym should have even longer delays. In fact just delete the horrible hero
Doomfist as a whole was a mistake. Adding an arcade fighting styled hero (which is meant to be played in melee range) to this game with long range heroes was a genuinely bad idea. You don’t make that work unless it’s broken.
400 hours Doom Main here. Playing Moira in comp and being around 3100 SR on every role. Doomfist isnt that broken, else I would be gm easily.
Same argument as yours.
Given your playtime on dps, you’ve literally only done placements for damage, and then you play qp. Your overbuff confirms it since the last time you played comp was sunday, and then nothing but qp since.
edit: I’m willing to bet you’ve done this since role queue has become a thing. Since a lot of people have
Change is not a problem.
This nerf is actually a good idea to hit the combo but they could have just put the additional delay to his Primary Fire after the Upper Cut without the self stun feel.
The combo will still go from Slam - Shoot - UP - Shoot - Shoot to Shoot - Slam - Shoot - Shoot - UP. Making the combo more ground base and UP being the finisher instead of the Primary Fire.
Yea, its not like Doom has a entire kit of stuns and knockbacks. 0.5s of not playing the game doesn’t seem to bad tbh. i would rather be the doomfist than the poor Ana.
Yeah, that’s right. But does that change something? I dont know if I play more comp I would get a higher rank.
I guess we never find out. Because since 2,2,2 you take way longer to rank up (or down) as a dps. So mostly I do only placements. But never played comp much anyway.
you’re so clueless its funny, you really think that firerate is anyway comparable to the uppercut recovery time?
having doom get stunned for .5 second after his uppercut is like have genji get stunned for .5 second after his dash, or tracer after her blinks.
it breaks the hero
You has to have no brain to say that they arent doing the same. None of them can use other abilities, melee or shoot while its active.
“I can’t make a realistic argument so i throw a tantrum and accuse the other side with their argument being invalid because of his rank”
The Dooms were front and center at getting Sombra dumpstered.
The moment she could be viable, they will do so again in an instant.
I don’t think the nerf on doom is a good idea, but the Doom mains have done worse to other heroes, and recently.
There are measures to take to handle widow like positioning with site lines, shields, or pressuring her out. Hanzo kind of follows the same rules but didn’t really and everyone knew he’s a problem however with the latest change to him it may bring him back in line by making him be far less reliable at long range (he still may need more though).
Doom on the other hand is hyper mobile and has plenty of engagement options that all ignore shields so positioning is marginal at best so you either have to pray someone on your team consistently bails you out every time he engages which is often or play hero’s that counter him or also have mobility to avoid him otherwise your free food and have no counter play. I’m not saying the latest nerfs are the right idea or where things should be going for doom, but doom does need adjusting for how unhealthy his interactions are.
pretty sure that the majority of OWL players were behind Sombra getting nerfed, not Doom mains
On the forums it was all doom mains all the time lining up to get a boot in.
I don’t think that Dooms nerfs are fair, but, I also think the Dooms are pretty rich thinking they deserve the forums support on this.
yeah, but blizzard probably didn’t care.
be realistic.
Oh yeah, I think in the forum ecosystem itself, having the dooms all upset because of the changes, when they tried to have inflicted MUCH worse on other heroes is pretty telling.
I don’t agree with the changes to Doom, but I also have a hard time taking the Doom mains seriously.
Yes it sucks, but the MOMENT that Sombra even looks like she will be viable, I am without a doubt they will be there to put the boot in.
So only GMs can talk about a hero’s balance? You know rank has nothing to do with how much a person understands about a hero right? People bringing up other’s elo just don’t seem to have an actual point to make.
Can you all stop generalising?
LMAO okay
Fck im almost crying
You missed the point.
He tells others their hero is broken while he plays a broken hero himself but is still bad at it. I dount this guy even understands how the game works tbh.
I want to thank you something.
I understand now why people use private profiles. Because no-brainers think that rank equals the strength of an argument.