Just a reminder to doomfist mains

I’d feel sympathy for Doomfist players but at the same time they always seem to have some sort of superiority complex which makes things difficult.


Newsflash… Those heroes are broken too…

To be fair here, that goes for literally 2/3 of the OW community.


Meanwhile Mercy is just in the corner crying for about 3 seconds a pop.


gentle reminder that people who post this “wow so bad wow how will doomfist ever recover” sarcasm likely have either (a) little to no time on the hero or (b) have not even logged into PTR and tried it themselves.

also, why are there so many symmetra players who feel the need to s**t on other heroes while making their case that symmetra is a poor thing that needs to be buffed? it’s possible to advocate for your hero without trying to pull others down, yknow.


We all know that Sym and Doom are practically the same character

Doomfist mains always adapt to the changes. That’s the thing. They are up there with the mercy/sym/dva players, and they have to relearn doom every single patch.


i could go on and talk about how it’s ludicrous to compare recovery time between a melee range hero and a mid-range teleporter maker, but i don’t play symmetra that much so i won’t comment further on her balance.

see how easy that is?


No, you truly don’t understand. This is what other hero’s have always dealt with. Your broken hero having these limitations just put on them now is a sign that hero has been broken.


Maybe they should just bugfix doom, that would dumpster him

I swear some people just blur their vision so much they can’t tell a difference between an Apple and an Orange. Then get mad when neither of them are a Lemon.

Gotta remember though that Doom’s kit needs to be fluid to work properly. Symmetra and Doomfist have completely different playstyles. I hate Doomfist and even I think this change is dumb. Literally just nerf the right click and stop punchbot being the dominant playstyle.

One- I dislike the recent nerfs for Symmetra. I was openly against them.

I feel blizzard dropped the ball big time on sym and all her reworks and probably needs to approach her again

To be specific I want changed that make Symmetra stronger overall.


Symmetra does not literally stun herself after using her abilities.

After the animation for uppercut is complete- Doomfist literally can’t even move.

We’re not talking about just a pacify recovery.

It’s a full self stun on the magnitude of being hit by brigittes shield bash.

We will

We always have.

Doomfist outside of bug fixes has by and large primarily received nerfs.

His only lasting “buffs” at this point are a redistribution to the shotgun pellet count/damage to make it more consistent, and a CD reduction on slam / uppercut of 1 second.

Rocket punch has been nerfed multiple times.

Uppercut CC was nerfed.

Slam CC was nerfed.

Targeted slams damage was nerfed.

Meteor strike was nerfed.

The best defense was reverted.

We’ve always adapted. Well do it this time. And then players will whine again.

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Most the ‘Doomfist mains’ complaining are just ex-Genji mains who went to whatever was the new FOTM.

I’ve played Doomfist when he was in a much, much worse state.

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Should say the “I suffer so you suffer” mentality is incredibly petty


I mean it’s really no surprise. The hero is fundamentally broken. He’s doomed (pun totally intended) to either be OP or useless by design. That’s just what happens when you give a hero mobility, survivability, displacements, speed and damage. At some point something on this hero has to give, and no matter what it is, he’ll always feel bad after.


bro youre legit comparing the uppercut stun to bastion transformation or sym
Guess what happens when you swap to sentry form within the enemy team/backline.


this is the most bronze thing ive read today

Like … do you have to be a Doomfist main to realise that being stunned within the enemy team is widely different than any other hero who’s “cc’d” while being on range ?

I don’t get it, are these ppl who use that as an argument trolling or legit trying to make a point ?

you bash people for playing “broken heros” while you’re stuck in Gold as Orisa

jesus christ, the irony hits really really hard right there.


i dont think saying one hero is bad makes it ok for another hero to be bad is right either

no hero deserves to be symmetra level trash, even doomfist, and it’s just being petty to say otherwise imo

Lmao, i did placements and that’s it, get out of here with that stuck in gold nonsense. “A support main sucks at tank” lol k, what point did you attempt to prove here? Ad homs clearly make you more correct in what ever your argument was.

And speaking of broken hero’s, lets take a quick look at your overbuff shall we, since you want to get personal and all.


How is somebody in the bottom 20% playing Moira in quickplay? And how does a Doomfist one trick get to 3900, while being that bad at moira? Oh right, cause you got good with a broken hero that could solo games in a team based fps. You literally carried yourself using that broken hero.

edit: at least i hope that’s what you did, the alternative is bannable i’m pretty sure.

god, you’re such a clown …

i don’t even play quickplay, the last one i did was probably 1 or 2 years ago :man_facepalming:

Point still stands, gold orisa player. Don’t call other heros broken, period.

What point? lmao. You have yet to make one. Your point so far has been personal attacks with absolutely no substance. It doesn’t take a chef to know when food tastes bad. But it is clear to see when somebody is biased, having one tricked a broken hero to 3900, not wanting that hero to be balanced.

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