Just a reminder to doomfist mains

God forbid characters are different, doomfist can still hit through shields while widow and hanzo cannot. But nobody said hanzo and widow were balanced either.

But also, doomfist can jump behind corners, walls and cover mean less to doomfist than someone like hanzo and widow.

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I never said I dislike Widow and Hanzo and I love that characters are different, so why are you complaining about a character that is different AKA Doomfist?

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I could, and honestly have, written paragraphs on Valk alone.

Damage boost changes didn’t help back in the Bap patch.

The game more or less forcing her into the off healer slot…


Doomfist exists in his current form and you ask WHY would I complain about doomfist. :joy:

What is there to not complain about him? His combos are honestly just stupid, they deal far too much damage to even heal through so it’s a death sentence if any random squishie gets caught in it and his ohko punch doesn’t make him anymore endearing.

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What part of those changes made her clunky? What parts of her kit make her clunky to play?

I mean sure, he has oneshot capabillities, has a lot of health/shields, has lots of CC and great mobility. But the nerf he got will not change any of this. He will still oneshot people, become a tank with 350 hp and do lots of CC. People will still find him oppressive to play against. The only thing the nerf will do is affect higher ranks were players have good reaction times, while staying just as good in every other rank.

And what other burst damage hero can you heal through? I’ve personally never seen people healing through Hanzo, Widow, McCree, Junkrat, Reaper etc.

I’m a support player, I don’t even play Doomfist, but I love the hero and I don’t find him either unfun or overpowered to play against.


I introduce you to mercy rez, one of if not the longest lasting self cc. I mean there’s no logic behind saying this is the only self cc ability. But I question how needed this nerf was because I feel like doom hasn’t even been on anyone’s minds lately more than he has been since release

Well I told ya I could write paragraphs on this topic, so it’s on you for asking :sweat_smile:. Tl;dr at the bottom though.

I’ve talked about the deficiencies of Valkyrie in this topic. In hindsight I find it incomplete, but the gist of it remains true. I did expand on the subject in this post, in which I also talk about Res and its problems.

About the damage boost: It solidified Mercy’s spot as secondary healer even further, for it makes reacting to boost someone pretty much impossible, you have to boost preemptively, you cannot adjust on the fly, thus a hard pocket is required. Juggling playstyle grew increasingly clunkier and clunkier and is pretty much worthless now.

Healing overall also grew more consistent, even the supposedly inconsistent healers really aren’t anymore. Ana got more ammo, auto heals on ult, Brig has 3 packs instead of 1, Moira has more juice regen and longer duration of the HP/s effect, Lucio’s aura is larger, so Mercy’s consistency lessened in value over the past two year or so.

Add that to role lock, which pretty much deleted an entire niche of comps that supposedly fit Mercy (but even then was played with Ana), and you have a main healer target juggler, turned secondary healer second banana to Pharah, because the first playstyle was pretty beaten into a pulp and no longer fits the game.

The main healer juggler playstyle has been made so clunky and so much worse by all of this, combined with the design problems of Res and Valk, it’s pretty much gone from the game. And it shows, apart from quad DPS memeing comps, Mercy hasn’t been played without a main healer in the pro scene ever since patch 1.27.

tl;dr: Valk covers for far too much skill, clashes with Mercy’s kit. Damage boost change made juggling playstyle significantly clunkier. Changes in healing overall made consistency less valuable.


I made a list of a good amount of .5 second recovery’s other hero’s have to face throughout their kits the other day. I feel like it belongs here.


just a reminder that just because other heroes got dumpstered by ‘balance’ changes doesn’t mean that you should let the rest of the roster get dumpster

how spiteful are you

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Literally comparing apples and oranges.


Hey that’s mine :clown_face:
But we can share BUT MWINE

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Pls read your post again, you can’t compare these things with Df…

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And almost every single one of them feels like total a$$. I wish they’d find a different way to balance these things.

Except you literally can, every single one of those things takes .5 seconds or more where a hero can’t do anything else until the animation is complete. Almost every other hero has things like this in their kit.


Ok you really don’t understand then, or you’re trolling…


No, i understand full well. You don’t seem to understand, these are things other hero’s have always played with.

and before you even go into the “at least you can move” argument. Doomfist is anything but stunned. He can rotate his character model and hide his crit box which has been proven useful tech in his slam forever. Boom, another way to increase his skill cap. On top of that. we’re talking .5 seconds here. The average blink of an eye is .1 seconds, but can take up to .4 seconds. That’s how fast we’re talking about here. Every other hero isn’t flying across the map in that amount of time.

Yeah you don’t understand… :confused:


You can’t really compare that. Sym is a very non mobile stationary’ish hero. Sym is good at holding points and brawl with her laser/s. Doomfist relies on his mobility and fast skills to do anything.

If you want a more fair comparison, here we go:
Teleport now has 0.3second delay on when people can use it, aka 1 guy at a time with 0.3second delay.

Suddenly sym ruined.

Meanwhile hanzo can reach extremely hard positions to get and literally oneshots DPS and support from across the map, also deleting most shields almost instantly.