Junkrat nerfed - the buffs arent enough and ignore his main issue

  1. Revert Size-Nerf
  2. Increase ult-charge by 100%
  3. Give Riptire 100 bonus HP
  4. Change mine to 120dmg when it is stuck on something and 80dmg while its flying/not stuck to something
  5. Profit

You have to be a Blizz-Dev to not be able to see that WHAT Junkrat needed to make him balanced and turn his ultimate into a real ultimate. I would rather wait double as long as i have now to use Riptire and get some profit of it then using it every 45seconds and getting nothing of it since its literally a miracle if you get more than 1 kill. Even when i play Junkrat i instakill 80% of enemy rat tiresā€¦ its a joke.

yea guys, since JR disappeared 2 new hereos are hitscan/ranged ā€¦ increasing JR dmg slightly will not improve his situation, because even on plat elo people will remove him the moment he peeks out of corner - he is in disadvantage because of range he operates inā€¦ how is junkrat supposed to compete with any hitscan that can aim?
he has one or maybe two chances to hit and hes dead

they could add a little HP or armour, like 50 would be good

RIP RIPtire :smiley:
no, but honestly rip tire loading speed decreased by 10% is not terrible, actually if blizz would decide to leave 20pts buff for JR i would support even 20% nerf on tire loading speed

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Then stop being bad. Sorry, someone had to tell you.


This reminds me, unless I forgot to save, I have a clip where I jumped over a Junkrat Junkrat primary projectile just by listening for it(Was facing away from the enemy rat.

Thatā€™s how small Junkrats primary is, you can JUMP over it as Junkrat


They had to nerf it to the point of making his bombs super buggy and inconsistent?
And you did need skill in higher ranks, because spamming only works against noobs like gold players.

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Blizzard disagreed, so reduced the size. GG

Hey, ummā€¦ I donā€™t know if Alexis! will see my post, but I thought about something and wanted others opinion on that. Weā€™ve been talking about different projectile size for when the grenade is launched, and after it hits a wall

What if Junkratā€™s grenade couldnā€™t explode on impact after it hits any surface, but would explode after a defined period of time, starting when first hitting a surface ?

It would remove the gimmick of Junkrat spamming in a choke and randomly killing everyone, and it would greatly reduce his area denial ability.
BUT, I donā€™t think area denial is a good focus to have to design a character. That didnā€™t turned out well for Torbjorn, that wasnā€™t very good for Symmetra. Tuning down a part that is situational and not interesting or rewarding could allow us to buff more relevant parts of Junkrat.
His projectile size, maybe his projectile speed, more consistent Concussion mines, this kind of stuff

Let me know what you think about it, because I might not see some issues that could be caused by this kind of changes

Live: 1569 Damage (To build Ult)
PTR: 1726 Damage

I feel like every time Sym / Junkrat get changed, people who main them just kinda sit around like


I might be understanding this completely wrong but if there wasnā€™t any direct impact explosions and your new focus for junkrat is not denying area then what will he do? Will his grenades start bouncing off enemies/shields/constructions? Junkrat would need HUGE compensatory buffs if I understand this right. Area denial does and can work in overwatch, people just tend to walk into that area and then complain they got destroyed.

Edit for extra thoughts - Does this mean that melee, mine and ult are the only way a junkrat can take out sym turrets and baptiste invincibility field?

Heā€¦ couldnt get direct hits on Anyone if they didnt explode on impact with peopleā€¦ They already have a timer for when they dont hit someoneā€¦

No, I meant AFTER it bounces off a wall, it canā€™t explode on impact with a hero anymore. I may have worded that badly

No thatā€™s not what I meant either, it still explodes on impact IF it hasnā€™t bounced off a wall or the ground before

I think I just answered this, but Junkratā€™s grenades would work exactly the same way unless they hits a wall or the ground

Actually the explosion timing is directly linked to the grenadeā€™s velocity, I believe. Itā€™s not a timer

Donā€™t even wish for that, Blizzard doesnā€™t do middle ground. Mercy players have been asking for 55 hp/s for almost a year now.

I think we probably need to ask for consistent mines.

If what Geoff said is true, then 140 is off the table. And increasing projectile hitbox has people losing their minds.

Letā€™s just aim for consistent mines, 120 in 1m/80 in 2m/ 60 in 3m. Maybe have it do less, if needed but just make it more consistent.

Increase the ult charge needed to maybe 20%, but we need a swift and unified buff that all Junkrat can agree on right now. Which is the consistent mines.


Oh right I understand what you mean now, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d like that, it would be pretty harsh to see a fired shot just fall short of the target, bounce off the floor next to them and bounce off the enemy. I donā€™t know how youā€™d rework that into a hero that wouldnā€™t be a grounded version of pharah. Iā€™d assume youā€™d have to change projectile speed quite a bit

I think this situation is really REALLY rare anyway. I wouldnā€™t know for sure tho

I think having a real timer could help be more consistent with splash damage, but it wouldnā€™t become easy or reliable all of a sudden anyway, so yeah I donā€™t know

What was it you said about mercy? Ah yes,

Junkrat is very viable, the amplification matrix is a huge buff to Junkrat. There enjoy

The stats says otherwise.

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In my games he always gets gold damage and elims, there are top 500 gm Junkrat one tricks that climb. Tire is a very powerful and impactful ultimate, he has great mobility. Like Iā€™m just using the same logic you all use whenever I bring up my qualms with my hero. Sorry not sorry. I think baptise is a huge buff to Junkrat

The amp matrix is a huge buff to -anyone- on the other side of it. So , you have to estimate, do you use 1 character for that 1 time Amp goes up, or do you use dps characters or others who have more versatile uses at higher tiers because of kit imbalance?

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