Junkrat needs to be nerfed

Urgh, this no game sense low gold player logic again lol “avoid the nades, don’t go near him.” Love how that’s every Junk mains answer yet it’s not a viable one at all. Pls refer to the rest of my comments in the post as to why this logic is just straight up terrible.

Also, no, a character having ONE counter does not mean they’re balanced, not when they counter more things than they’re countered by.

Dude, if Junkrat is OP, the pro’s would use him 100%. Like how they used Mercy.
Stop thinking you know better because you lack the skill to take on Junkrat.

Haha the pro’s are the top 1% of players, everyone else that plays this game isn’t a pro, a hero doesn’t have to be meta in the pro scene to be OP, Junkrat dominates every skill tier up until about mid Diamond. For how low skill cap he is people getting a massive amount of value out of him which shouldn’t be the case.

Also, I do know better than you, I’m ranked almost 1000SR higher than you meaning I have better understanding of the game, how it works, how counters work and how to mechanically operate the heroes. I understand that the more effort you have to put into a hero both mechanically and gamesense wise the more you should be rewarded for it, the fact is with Junkrat, you don’t have to do either of those things to get massive value out of him. Maybe you should stop thinking you know better because your silly little main hero is in the firing line. xo

Junkrat dissappears from the top ten from Platinum and up. This is directly from Big Daddy Jeff.

If they do that then you realize it’s easier to follow up on the initial mine…

If you are going short range on junk and you’re not using reflect, you’re playing genji wrong. Also, the Junkrat’s that build damage “instantly” are the one’s taking the highground, (as intended), and using the mines to move from perch to perch, (also as intended.) If you flank a junkrat, and stay away from the mayhem ability, you’re fine.

It certainly struck me as strange when they took the burstiest hero’s burtsiest and most reliable ability in the game, and effectively doubled it.

If any developer ought to know how unfun that kind of insane burst is, I would think it’d be Blizzard.

Before they added the second charge to the mine, I was expecting a cooldown reduction, so it was still metered out. But rapid-fire mines? Really?

He destroys any squishies that get close to him, sure, and that makes him really strong in lower ranks. At the same time, his left-click gets dodged all day if they’re farther than 10 feet out, so he’s really weak in the upper tiers. Isn’t that kinda the opposite of Blizzard’s overall design goals?

IMO, the buff should have been an increase to his left-click projectile speed.

people who say “junk is balanced” idk … maybe they have severe autism


First off i have hit diamond with other heros and secondly of course Junk is the only hero I’m in diamond with bevause that’s the only hero i enjoy playing.
And unlike most people I hit MidMasters with Junkrat BEFORE he got buffed so your argument of me being able to stay in diamond because I play Junkrat is null

Nobody wants to listen to you if you’re just going to spam “LOOLOL” instead of an argument.


ok well this was nearly 2 weeks ago and ive typed the reasons junkrat isnt balanced MANY times as have several others. Also since you took the time to insult my post why dont you come up with some reasons you think junkrat IS balanced. Since youve played this game so much im sure your opinions wont look too silly.

Here you go though just for you terranguard.

Junkrat does TOO much damage for how easy he is to play. Its nowhere near in line with other characters.

The things mccree, widow, 76 and other higher skill characters have to do (aim) to get the numbers junkrats pull is ridiculous. He has EXTREMELY low risk for his gameplay because he doesnt even have to aim and can 2 shot most of the lineup without even being in line of sight and be exposed to enemy fire to get kills like the rest of the higher skill characters.

In addition to zone denial he was made to be a shield shredder and tank breaker however, why kill tanks and risky targets that might not fully die when you can just spam over the shield to the backline and randomly get some picks from players who were IN THE CORRECT POSITION.

The entire junkrat buff is nothing but power creep in this game. He needed a buff so badly he was literally considered a troll pick with no mobility. What we have right now is sooo far from balanced that no one should EVER try to say anything like “this is what balance looks like”. Its absurd. Its not fun. Its FAR from balanced. Its skill less nonsense.

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BTW that was simply a statement, people probably won’t listen if you post “LOOLOL”. I wasn’t insulting it, that was just an observation. I know if I did it people wouldn’t listen.

I think Junkrat is balanced because if he’s spamming a choke, you can pretty easily dodge them. Count out his shots until you know he’s reloading then step through the choke. If he’s not spamming a choke, he’s probably very close. D.va just destroys him. He can’t hit her and he can’t use mines to escape if her DM is up so you’ve kind of just cut all of his options. Phara’s a pretty good counter too because he can’t hit her very well (don’t hover predictably or he will hit you with grenades)

TL:DR he has his counters and some are especially potent (D.va) and if he’s spamming count his shots and move while he’s reloading/dive through with a D.va/avoid the choke.

He relies on people moving into spammed areas, take that away and he’s lost part of his kit.

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Im a widow main. I easily kill junkrats in my games. Telling me ways to play around junkrat or how to counter junkrat isnt what i asked nor is it the point anyone should try to make when defending the ridiculous damage output of junkrats.

Defend how his kit is BALANCED when compared to other characters. This is the point.

The things other characters have to do to get the kill/damage numbers of junkrat. What does mccree have to do to get 200+ damage? What does 76 have to do to get 200+ damage? What does widowmaker have to do to get 200+ damage? …now What does junkrat have to do? Its absurd.

Id love it if i could have instant damage and only have to hit within a couple yards of anything to kill it. No headshot, no couple second charge up to full damage, not even really having to aim. That wouldnt be op at all right?

You asked why he’s not OP, I gave you ways to counter him. If you stood directly in front of a bastion and shot at him as a Reaper, you’d die. Wanna know why? It’s because you weren’t flanking, or waiting for him to reload, or literally doing anything or playing any hero to counter him.

counters can equal balance when it comes to a hero. If you don’t try to counter Bastion, you’re the reaper just walking at Bastion. If you try, You’re flanking and getting so close he can’t track properly.

You yourself said you counter him just fine, why do you think he’s OP if you kill him so easily?

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Ive literally given you multiple examples of why junkrat is not balanced and is op. You have given me 0 examples of why he is balanced and a few ways to counter junkrat. counters DO NOT equal balance.

Lets give mccree the ability to 2 shot most of the characters in the game with no aim required not even body shot required just within a few yards of the target 2 shot anything under 250 health. Thats not op because he can still be countered. right? While we are at it lets give mccree double ult frequency and make his ult activate instantly. no build up. just instant action full damage. Thats not op either right ? because mccree would still have counters.

This is essentially what is going on with junkrat. He has been buffed to a degree so op that other characters cant measure up EVENLY with his skill less spam.

Ok, every time you fight Bastion pick Winston and walk directly at him. Oops, you weren’t countering him. You’re dead.

Counters help with balance.

Junkrat’s grenades are not hitscan and cannot go anywhere near as far as McCree’s shots. People really need to stop making comparisons like that. They don’t even make sense.

He was given, 1 mine and a tire buff. Why are you complaining about his primary fire if his buff didn’t even effect his primary fire?

at this point I don’t think even you know what exactly you’re blaming him for. You blame his buff on his primary fire but it haven’t been touched. The only thing that comes close to it which happened awhile ago was being immune to self damage but it didn’t break him when it happened.


You literally give examples why hes op. giving him an extra mine with the capability of instant explosion without reducing the damage of the mines together as well as making him immune to his own bombs when ADDED to his primary fire makes him do too much damage to heroes. with no risk and very little skill needed.

His damage output is WAY too high to all heroes with no risk to himself.

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At this point you’re claiming every single aspect of his kit is OP. I can’t say anything unless it’s a nerf suggestion because you’ll say it’s OP. I pointed out many, many ways of fighting him but you keep acting as if you’re the Reaper walking in a straight line at a Bastion. He has counters, use them.

No other close range hero has to deal with self damage and he was very underpowered when he could hurt himself so they fixed it. They gave him another mine for more mobility or for more CC/Genji killing. His ult was trash so they made it not trash.

None of this is overpowered. You’re the one coming here proposing changes you have to provide proof that they are actually OP instead of just claiming “too much damage!” or “no skill/risk!” You need to give proof on those. How much damage is too much damage? Bastion does 525 and yet it’s not “too much”. Sym just has to hold LMB and she still hits her target no matter what for the same damage. Junkrat’s grenades are projectiles and are not a beam so they can be eaten by DM. By your very definition Sym should be more of a no skill monster than he is and yet you’re blaming him more than her. She can even do damage with her turrets without doing anything, what’s more “no skill” than that?


JUNKRAT OP. O ffs man I’m a gold genji main and even if I get paired with a person with a higher skill rating it is impossible to think junkrat is OP. Ok he destroyes some heroes but genji? Come on

Oh, the neverlasting crusade of rekt dive heroes which are joined by all kind of people who are desided that fighting rat in close quarters are good idea. I bet after Mei buff they will complain that chineese satan freeze is uncounterable, opressive and Mei doesnt deserve to be good because she doesnt need to aim, completely ignoring her laughable range and absence of mobility.

As for rat, he is op only in low ranks as you expect from low skilfloor hero. People down there dont know how to deal with him, same as winston, same as moira. Rats ult charge, while on Tracers levels of spam, seem to be op only because people feed it to him by walking straight into nade spam.

Rat might need harsher AoE damage dropoff on his ult, but there far more heroes who deserve far more severe nerfs before rat.

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